Given that the logarithm of the base nine of eighteen is equal to the power b of a.18 is equal to five, and the logarithm of the base 45 of 36 is obtained

Given that the logarithm of the base nine of eighteen is equal to the power b of a.18 is equal to five, and the logarithm of the base 45 of 36 is obtained

The Formula of Changing the Base with Logarithm
Convert 18^b=5 to: b=log18(5), then log36(45)=log18(45)/log18(36)
=[ Log18(5)+log18(9)]/[ log18(18)+log18(2)]=(a+b)/[1+log18(18)-log18(9)]

Given the equation for x: there are two solutions to the x-th power of the logarithm of x with a as the base, and the value range of a is obtained Given the equation on x: there are two solutions to the xth power of the logarithm of x with a as the base, and the value range of a is obtained

Y=a^x y=loga X
A is greater than 1 but less than one-eth power of e