How to calculate the vector |a+b|

How to calculate the vector |a+b|


How does vector a.b. calculate


How to calculate the projection of vector a on vector b


How to calculate the module of vector a + vector b?


What is the vector product ~ In vector What is the vector product ~ In the vector

The product of vectors A and B is a vector C, i.e. A×B=C.
The magnitude of vector C is C=ABsinθ, where is the angle between two vectors A and B.
The direction of vector C is perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B vectors, and the direction is determined by the right-hand rule, i.e., the direction indicated by the extension of the thumb when turning through an angle less than 180 degrees.
Definition of quantity product:
Given two non-zero vectors a and b, whose angle is θ, then
|A||b|cosθ is called the number product (or dot product) of vectors a and b, and is denoted as a·b

What is the difference between vector product and quantity product? But one thing I know. The vector product is the sine of the two vector modules multiplied by the angle between the two vectors, The product of quantities is the cosine of the two vector modules multiplied by the angle between the two vectors What else is there?

Vector product has direction and size
Qty Product Only Size No Direction

Vector product has direction and size
The product of quantity has no direction but size