Given the triangle ABC, if vector AB * vector AC = vector AB * vector CB =1, what is the modulus of vector AB? Given the triangle ABC, if the vector AB*vector AC=vector AB*vector CB=1, what is the modulus of the vector AB?

Given the triangle ABC, if vector AB * vector AC = vector AB * vector CB =1, what is the modulus of vector AB? Given the triangle ABC, if the vector AB*vector AC=vector AB*vector CB=1, what is the modulus of the vector AB?

Vector AB * Vector AC = Vector AB * Vector CB =1 Vector AB * Vector AC =- Vector AB * Vector BC Vector AB ×(Vector AC + Vector BC)=0(Vector AC + Vector CB)(Vector AC - Vector CB)=0AC ^2= CB ^2AC = CBa = b Vector AB * Vector AC =1c * b * cosA =1 cosA =(b + c ^2-a ^2)/(2bc) and a = b to get AB...

Vector AB multiply vector AC = Vector AB multiply vector CB =2, edge AB equals? Vector AB multiplication vector AC = Vector AB multiply vector CB =2, edge AB equals?

Vector AB multiply vector AC = Vector AB multiply vector CB =2, edge AB equals?
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Known vector AB=(2,4), AC=(1,3), then vector Coordinate of BC is ___.

BC =


Therefore, the answer is:(-1,-1).

Vector AB - Vector BC = Vector AC wrong, what should be correct

The answer can't be said. There's no formula for the two subtractions

The answer can not indicate that there is no formula for the two subtractions

Is the zero vector perpendicular to any vector? Please state the basis

Yes, the zero vector direction is uncertain and can be considered perpendicular to any vector

Two vectors, parallel and perpendicular to each other?

A, b are two vectors
A =(a1, a2) b =(b1, b2)
A//b: a1/b1= a2/b2 or a1b1= a2b2 or a=λb,λ is a constant
A vertical b: a1b1+a2b2=0