If vector a =(2 times root number 3,2), vector b =(2,2 times root number 3), then the angle between vector a and vector b is equal to?

If vector a =(2 times root number 3,2), vector b =(2,2 times root number 3), then the angle between vector a and vector b is equal to?

Angle between a and vector b
= Arccos (ab/|a||b |)
= Arccos [(4√3+4√3)/(4*4)]
= Arccos (√3/2)
= π/6

What is the direction of the vector (0,0)? Is it a zero vector? What is the direction of vector (0,0)? Is it a zero vector?

The direction is arbitrary and is a zero vector.

Does the zero vector have a direction If the module of vector a is equal to the module of vector b, is it true that vector a and vector b are opposite or the same in the direction of equal length? Is there a direction for the zero vector If the module of vector a is equal to the module of vector b, is it true that vector a and vector b are opposite or the same in the direction of equal length?

A vector whose mod is equal to zero is called a zero vector, denoted by 0. Note that the direction of the zero vector is arbitrary. However, we stipulate that the direction of the zero vector is parallel to and perpendicular to any vector.
Wrong, the vector has the size, has the direction, the module is equal only indicates the size is equal, the direction is unequal, the vector direction is 360°, arbitrary, so wrong

A vector whose mod is equal to zero is called a zero vector, denoted by 0. Note that the direction of the zero vector is arbitrary. However, we stipulate that the direction of the zero vector is parallel to and perpendicular to any vector.
Wrong, the vector has the size, but also has the direction, the module is equal only shows the size is equal, the direction is not equal, the vector direction is 360°, arbitrary, so wrong

A vector whose mod is equal to zero is called a zero vector, denoted by 0. Note that the direction of the zero vector is arbitrary. However, we stipulate that the direction of the zero vector is parallel to and perpendicular to any vector.
Wrong, the vector has the size, has the direction, the module is equal only shows the size is equal, the direction is unequal, the vector direction is 360°, arbitrary, so wrong

Is the product of vectors equal to the cos value of the included angle Why? Urgent!

In analytic geometry, there is no "product of two vectors ", only the inner product (also called point product) and outer product (cross product) of two vectors. In middle school, only the inner product is studied. Vector a ● Vector b =│ a b│ cos < ab angle.
According to the definition of inner product above, the square of inner product of two vectors is not equal to the inner product of square of two vectors.
It is also known that the cosine value of vector angle can be expressed by the inner product of two vectors and their modulus, and the sine value of vector angle can be obtained by the relation between sine and cosine.

Given two points A (2,3) B (-4,5), then the unit vector collinear with AB vector is Given two points A (2,3) B (-4,5), the unit vector collinear with AB vector is


(Vector) AB=a+2b BC=-5a+6b CD=7a-2b. Detailed explanation (Vector) AB=a+2b BC=-5a+6b CD=7a-2b. Ask for detailed explanation

The answer is that ABD must be collinear because BD=BC+CD=2a+4b=2(a+2b)=2AB.