Why was the current scalar? What else was the vector parallelogram rule? She was extremely grateful. Why is current scalar? What else is the vector parallelogram rule? Thank you so much..

Why was the current scalar? What else was the vector parallelogram rule? She was extremely grateful. Why is current scalar? What else is the vector parallelogram rule? Thank you so much..

You can understand the current as a substance, because the current is a stream of electrons that carry energy (the electron is a substance, and the energy is also a substance), and the substance itself is only the size of the mass, there is no so-called direction, and the force is an energy transfer mode, all the energy transfer mode, there is a vector, that is, there is size and direction, such as force. You want to move a substance to another place, then there are two necessary conditions,1, this substance to move there is the energy (size)(energy is only the size of the scale without direction, Because energy is also a kind of substance).2. Where exactly does it need to be moved (direction)? Then the displacement of matter can be achieved only by a force of magnitude and direction. For example, heat transfer is actually an intermolecular displacement from a microscopic point of view, which is also achieved by an intermolecular "force ".
The parallelogram rule of vector is actually very simple. For example, if you want to push a box to the southwest by a distance of √2m (root 2m), then you have three ways to do it.1. Push to the south by a distance of 1m, and then push to the west by a distance of 1m;2. Push to the west by a distance of 1m and then push to the south by a distance of 1m;3. Push to the southeast by a distance of 2m. This process can visually express the vector mode of force. The action result of one force can be obtained by adding two other forces. You can use strokes to easily understand.

Is power P scalar or vector? Why is there no direction? Isn't P=F/TF a vector? Is the dot product of two vectors scalar? Why?

It can not be judged that P is also a vector because F is a vector.
If P is a vector, do you think the direction of electric power is left or right?

Is the acceleration of gravity scalar or vector? Rt

Vector, as for direction, only when the two poles point to the center of the earth, after all, gravity is not completely equal to the universal gravity, all gravity to be decomposed into gravity and the centripetal force around the axis of rotation, so there will be a very small angle.

The vector, as for the direction, only at the time of the two poles point to the center of the earth, after all, gravity is not completely equal to the universal gravity, universal gravity has to be decomposed into gravity and the centripetal force around the axis of rotation, so there will be a very small angle.

Vector, as for direction, only when the two poles point to the center of the earth, after all, gravity is not completely equal to the universal gravity, universal gravity has to be decomposed into gravity and the centripetal force around the axis of rotation, so there will be a very small angle.

How do scalars and vectors differ?

[Vector] is also called "vector ". Some physical quantities are completely determined by the magnitude and direction of a numerical value. The operation between these quantities does not follow the general algebraic rule, and they follow the geometric rule when adding and subtracting. Such quantities are called" physical vectors ", such as velocity, acceleration, displacement, force, impulse, momentum...

[Vector] is also called "vector ". Some physical quantities are completely determined by the magnitude and direction of the numerical value. The operation between these quantities does not follow the general algebraic rule, and they follow the geometric rule when adding and subtracting. Such quantities are called" physical vectors ", such as velocity, acceleration, displacement, force, impulse, momentum...

Is the path vector or scalar

The path is scalar. There is size, no direction, so it is scalar. I hope my answer helps you.

[Physical Problem] Why is the journey scalar? The law of addition of vectors is to connect several vectors in turn-for linear motion, between two positions The interval of is --, and to judge it -- [Physical Problem] Why is the journey scalar? The law of addition of vectors is to connect several vectors in turn-for linear motion, between two positions The interval is --, and to judge it -- [Physical Problem] Why is the journey scalar? The law of addition of vectors is to connect several vectors in turn-for linear motion, between two positions The interval is —, and to judge it —

Scalar is only size, no direction. Vector is both size and direction. Distance has no direction, so it is scalar. For straight motion, the space between your two positions is the vector difference, and the starting direction is the direction of the vector.