What is the vector AB plus the vector AC equal to

What is the vector AB plus the vector AC equal to

Equal to AC

Vector AB plus vector AD is equal to vector AC, and vector AC is equal to a, vector BD is equal to b, how to represent vectors AB and AD

AB =1/2(a-b)
AD =1/2(a+b)
AB + AD = a (1)
AD-AB=b (2)
AB+BD=AD (3)
Add 1 and 2 to get AD, and get AB from 3 because BD=b

There is a saying: in the linear motion of a single line, scalar distance and vector displacement are the same. Is displacement a vector?

Distance and displacement are definitely not the same thing
The path is scalar and the displacement is vector. In linear one-way motion, the displacement is equal to the path

Distance and displacement are definitely not the same thing
Distance is a scalar quantity and displacement is a vector quantity

What is the summation of vectors I wish to give you an example.

Parallelogram rule
The two added vectors act as two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, and the diagonal line sandwiched between them is the sum of the two added vectors.

What is the law of vector addition? Give me a few vectors to improve the high school difficulty on the line! What is the parallelogram law, the triangle law, I don't know, What is the law of vector addition? Give me a few vectors to improve the difficulty of high school on the line! What is the parallelogram law, the triangle law, I don't know,

Vector addition follows: parallelogram rule, triangle rule.
Specific exercises, casually in the textbook to find the relevant can be used when still live.

The current does not follow the parallelogram law, but it does have a direction, so is it neither vector nor scalar? Doesn't scalar have no direction? The current does not follow the parallelogram law, but it does have a direction, so is it neither vector nor scalar? Doesn't the scalar have no direction?

The current is very special indeed. In high school, we described it as:" It is a scalar with direction. Its direction changes with the direction and shape of the conductor."
Be sure to remember that it is a scalar, a small test site.
Hope to help you~! Have not understood can baidu hi me ~!

The current is very special indeed. In high school, we described it as:" It is a scalar with direction. Its direction changes with the direction and shape of the conductor."
Be sure to remember that it is a scalar, a small test site.
Hope to help you ~! Have not understood can baidu hi me ~!