How to Prove the Intersection of Triangular Divide Lines with Vector How to make the triangle into a quadrilateral Vector. How to Prove the Intersection of Three Angular Divide Lines of a Triangle Vector How to make the triangle into a quadrilateral Vector. How to Prove the Intersection of Triangular Split Lines with Vector How to make a triangle into a quadrilateral Vector.

How to Prove the Intersection of Triangular Divide Lines with Vector How to make the triangle into a quadrilateral Vector. How to Prove the Intersection of Three Angular Divide Lines of a Triangle Vector How to make the triangle into a quadrilateral Vector. How to Prove the Intersection of Triangular Split Lines with Vector How to make a triangle into a quadrilateral Vector.

First, connect the intersection of two angle bisectors with the third vertex, make the vertical line on both sides, prove that the two angles are equal through the vertical line and the two triangles of the third vertex, so the intersection of two angle bisectors with the third vertex is the angle bisector of the third vertex.

The Problem of Vector and Angular Split Lines in Triangles Let the three corresponding edges of △ABC be abc, the bisector of ∠A intersect with D, and I be the inner part of △ABC. Let the vector AB=vector c, the vector AC=vector b, and let the vector c, b be the vector AD and AI. The Problem of Vector, Angular Split Line in Triangle Let the three corresponding edges of △ABC be abc, the bisector of ∠A intersect with D, and I be the inner part of △ABC. Let the vector AB=vector c, the vector AC=vector b, and let the vector c, b be the vector AD and AI.

AI projects equally on AB, AC
BI projects equally on BA, BC
CI is projected equal on CB, CA
Joint win

AI projects equal on AB, AC
BI projects equal on BA, BC
CIs are projected equal on CB, CA
Joint win

How many vectors are there in secondary physics?

Force (gravity, elasticity, friction, electric field force, magnetic field force, Lorentz force), velocity (average, instantaneous), velocity change, acceleration, displacement, momentum, momentum change, impulse, linear velocity, angular velocity are vectors, both magnitude and direction, velocity, mass, density, time, energy, magnetic flux, etc. are scalars about current problems...

What does the size of a vector in physics What is the size of a vector in physics

Vector is a quantity representing the magnitude and direction, and the magnitude is the magnitude of the absolute value of the vector

I am a junior high school student, please explain clearly the vector in physics. Do not too many terms... "The electrostatic force between two stationary charged bodies is the vector sum of the interaction forces between the point charges that make up them." "Some physical quantities require both numerical values (including the relevant units) and directions to be completely determined. The operations between these quantities do not follow general algebraic rules, but rather special ones. Such quantities are called physical vectors." In physics, a vector is a physical quantity that has both size and direction. The first sentence is the first time I see vector, the other two explanations I do not understand. Plus, I promise... Direction attribute? How to calculate the vector? May I understand: The math book of the first grade says: We often use positive and negative numbers to indicate some quantities with opposite meanings. The algebraic value of a vector, positive or negative, represents a physical quantity. It is not that the algebraic value of a quantity is direction-dependent. For example, as a physical quantity, force is not the magnitude of force, but the effect of force. The algebraic value of our effort represents the effect of the force. I seem to have only seen the force in the vector. Is the vector the relation between the algebraic value of the scalar and the effect of the action? (A scalar is a vector followed by a "size of" or "how much of ") In this way, the algebraic calculation of the vector can directly produce the effect. And what are the properties of a physical quantity like a vector?

:" Vector and scalar are defined as follows:
(1) Definition or explanation: Some physical quantities must have both numerical magnitude (including relevant units) and direction to be completely determined. The operation between these quantities does not follow the general algebraic rule, but follows the special operation rule. Such quantities are called physical vectors. Some physical quantities only have numerical magnitude (including relevant units), not directivity. The operation between these quantities follows the general algebraic rule. Such quantities are called physical scalars.
(2) Explanation:1 The operation between vectors should follow a special rule. Vector addition can generally use parallelogram rule. The parallelogram rule can be extended to triangle rule, polygon rule or orthogonal decomposition method. Vector subtraction is the inverse operation of vector addition. One vector subtracts another vector, which is equal to the negative vector of that vector. A-B=A+(-B). Vector multiplication. The product of vector and scalar is still a vector. The product of vector and vector can form a new scalar, and the product between vectors is called scalar product. It can also form a new vector, and the product between vectors is called vector product. For example, in physics, "The work and power are calculated by the scalar product of two vectors. W=F·S, P=F·v. In physics, the moment and Lorentz force are calculated by the vector product of two vectors. M=r×F, F=qv×B.2. The vector expression of the law of physics has nothing to do with the choice of coordinates. The vector symbol provides a simple and clear form for the expression of the law of physics and simplifies the derivation of these laws. Therefore, the vector is a useful tool for learning physics."
Supplement: Comparison of vector sizes.
Normally, vectors can only be compared in the same direction.
The conclusion of the law of the vector of personal theory is based on people's understanding of the symmetry of the generalized space. The symmetry (invariance) of the translation and rotation on which the vector is based is valid for all the laws found so far. Using the vector analysis method, compared with mathematical analysis, is equivalent to knowing the process of drawing a conclusion, which is very convenient. This method has great creativity, and may enlighten the physical research.

What is the vector in physics? What are the vectors in physics?

Displacement velocity acceleration force moment (1D)