In the triangle ABC, the module of the vector AB is equal to 5, the module of the vector AC is equal to 8, the vector AB× the vector AC is equal to 20, and the module length of the vector BC is obtained

In the triangle ABC, the module of the vector AB is equal to 5, the module of the vector AC is equal to 8, the vector AB× the vector AC is equal to 20, and the module length of the vector BC is obtained

Cos (vector AB, vector AC)= vector AB × vector AC/| vector AB |×| vector AC|
|^2=|AB |^2 AC |^2-2|AB AC | cos (vector AB, vector AC)
| BC |=7

In triangle ABC, AB=2, AC=3, vector AB multiplication vector BC=1, then BC=?

The vector AC=vector AB+vector BC, then:|vector AC|2=|vector AB+vector BC|2=|vector AB|2+2vector AB*vector BC vector BC|2 known AB=2, AC=3, vector AB*vector BC=1, so:4+2+|vector BC|2=9|vector BC|2=3...

Is vector OA plus vector OB equal to vector AB or vector BA?

The vector OA plus the vector OB is equal to the vector with the parallelogram 0 as the starting point and the vertex as the end point (parallelogram rule)
Vector 0A - Vector 0B = Vector BA

The vector OA plus the vector OB is equal to the vector with the parallelogram 0 adjacent to the OAOB as the starting point and the diagonal vertex as the ending point (parallelogram rule)
Vector 0A - Vector 0B = Vector BA

If the vector AB is (6,1), what is the vector BA?


Vector AB + vector BA = vector 0 If you have to ask why? I want to know why. I want to know why. I want to know why. I want to know why.

Oh, no.
Is equal to vector o
Because the two directions are opposite, and so long, because the two directions are opposite, and so long, because the two directions are opposite, and so long, because the two directions are opposite, and so long, because the two directions are opposite, and so long

I'm sorry.
Is equal to vector o
Because the two directions are opposite, and the same length, because the two directions are opposite, and the same length, because the two directions are opposite, and the same length, because the two directions are opposite, and the same length, because the two directions are opposite, and the same length

It's embarrassing.
Is equal to vector o
Because the two directions are opposite, and so long, because they are opposite, and so long, because they are opposite, and so long, because they are opposite, and so long, because they are opposite, and so long

If the vector AB =√3+1, then what is the vector BA equal to?

Vectors are expressed in coordinates
A vector like lz should have a length of √3+1