In quadrilateral ABCD, vector AB=DC, and vector |AB|=|AD|, then quadrilateral ABCD is

In quadrilateral ABCD, vector AB=DC, and vector |AB|=|AD|, then quadrilateral ABCD is

Vector AB=DC, indicating the same size direction, parallelogram
|AB|=|AD|, equal size
So ABCD is a diamond.

Vector AB=DC, indicating the same size direction, parallelogram
|AB|=|AD|, equal size
So ABCD is diamond.

In the space quadrilateral ABCD, the vector AB=a, the vector AC=b, the vector AD=c, M midpoint of AB and CD respectively, then vector MN can be expressed as A 1/2(a+b-c) B 1/2(a-b+c) C 1/2(-a+b+c) D-1/2(a+b+c)

Option C
MN=AN-AM=[ AD+DN ]-1/2*AB
=[ AD +1/2(DC)]-1/2* AB
=[ AD +1/2(AC-AD)]-1/2* AB

In parallelogram ABCD, vector AB=a, vector AD=b, vector AN=3 times vector NC, M is the midpoint of BC, then vector MN=?


In parallelogram ABCD, vector NC =1/3 vector AN, M is the midpoint of BC, let vector AB = a, vector AD = b, with a, b as the base, vector MN = The above a, b are vectors, too. In parallelogram ABCD, vector NC =1/3 vector AN, M is the midpoint of BC, let vector AB = a, vector AD = b, with a, b as the base, vector MN = Above a, b is also a vector, thank

NC=AN/3, i.e. N is 4 equal points of AC, and: NC=AC/4

In parallelogram ABCD, vector AB = vector a, vector AD = vector b. Vector AN = vector 3NC, M is the midpoint of BC, then vector MN = what Represented by vector a, vector b

Because vector AD is parallel to vector BC, vector BC=vector b, vector BM=1/2 vector b, vector AC=vector AB+vector BC=vector b+vector a and vector AN=3 vector NC, vector AN=3/4 vector AC=3/4(vector a+vector b) vector AN=vector AB+vector BM+vector MN, vector MN=3/4(vector a+vector b.

In parallelogram ABCD, AB vector = a AD vector = b AN =3 NCM is the BC midpoint and MN =(all the above letters are vectors) AB vector in parallelogram ABCD = a AD vector = b AN =3 NC M is BC midpoint then MN =(all letters above are vectors)

AB vector=a AD vector=b, then there is vector AC=a+b.
Continuous AM in triangular ABM
Vector BM=b/2, Vector AB=a
Vector AM=a+(b/2).
In a triangular amn,
Vector AN =3/4* Vector AC
Vector MN=vector AN-vector AM=3/4*vector AC-(a+b/2)=(b-a)/4.