How to prove the judgment theorem of face perpendicularity by vector method?

How to prove the judgment theorem of face perpendicularity by vector method?

Take the normal vectors of two faces if they are perpendicular to each other.

Use space vector to prove that the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the faces are parallel, the faces are vertical. Use space vector to prove line parallel, line vertical, line-plane parallel, line-plane vertical, face-to-face parallel, face-to-face vertical need what ah? Is finding the normal vector, and then? I hope God can help us make a conclusion. Use space vector to prove that the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the faces are parallel, the faces are vertical Use space vector to prove line parallel, line vertical, line-plane parallel, line-plane vertical, face-to-face parallel, face-to-face vertical need what ah? Is finding the normal vector, and then? I hope God can help us make a conclusion. Use space vector to prove that the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the lines are parallel, the lines are vertical, the faces are parallel, the faces are vertical. Use space vector to prove line parallel, line vertical, line-plane parallel, line-plane vertical, face-to-face parallel, face-to-face vertical need what? Is finding the normal vector, and then? I hope God will help us make a conclusion.

Line. Parallel two (a, b) proportional. Vertical phase =0. Line surface without vector proof
Face to face. Parallel Normal Vector Parallel. Vertical Normal Vector Phased =0

How to Find the Normal Vector of Space Line Click to zoom in. Is S the product of two normal vectors? How did the normal vector come out? Coefficient of direct unknowns?

Is the vector product, the normal vector, the coefficients.

Using Vector Method to Prove the Parallel Side of Trapezoidal Center Line

Vectors AB//Vectors DCE, F are respectively AD, BC midpoint verification: EF//AB//DC proof: Vector EF=vector EA+vector AB+vector BF (1) Expression vector DC=vector DA+vector AB+vector BC (2) Expression 2 Vector EF+vector DA+vector AB+vector BC=vector DC+2 Vector EA+2 Vector AB+2 Vector BF2 Vector EF=vector DC+direction...

Plane vector parallel formula

If vector a=(x, y) vector b=(m, n)
A//b, then x=λm, y=λn

What is the condition that two vectors are parallel to each other Detail point First floor, you're wrong. The answer is that ratio is a sufficient condition for parallelism. I wonder why

Because the ratio makes two vectors parallel
So a ratio of two vectors is a sufficient condition for two vectors to be parallel
But if (3,0),(4,0) are parallel to each other
However, since 0 can not be used as denominator, there is no comparison
Another example is the zero vector:(0,0), which is parallel to all vectors, but not in a ratio
So two vectors are parallel and not necessarily two vectors are proportional
So a ratio of two vectors is an unnecessary condition that two vectors are parallel
In short, the ratio of two vectors is a sufficient and unnecessary condition that the two vectors are parallel