1. Given that a and b are two nonzero vectors, and a+3b is perpendicular to 7a-5b, a-4b is perpendicular to 7a-2b, find the angle between a and b?

1. Given that a and b are two nonzero vectors, and a+3b is perpendicular to 7a-5b, a-4b is perpendicular to 7a-2b, find the angle between a and b?

At the same time, eliminate a to get 11b^2=50ab
Remove b at the same time to obtain -77a^2=70ab
There's a problem with this.

Remove a at the same time to get 11b^2=50ab
Remove b at the same time to obtain -77a^2=70ab
There's a problem with this.

To know that ab is a non-zero vector, a+3b is perpendicular to 7-5b, and a-4b is perpendicular to 7a-2b, calculate the cosine value of the included angle between a and b To know that ab is a non-zero vector, a+3b is perpendicular to 7-5b and a-4b is perpendicular to 7a-2b, find the cosine value of the included angle between a and b

First I'll show you a theorem:
Let a=(x1, y1), b=(x2, y2)
If a is perpendicular to b, then x1x2+y1y2=0
In the same way that your a+3b is represented by the coordinates of the vector (a,3b),7-5b is represented by (7,-5b), a-4b is represented by (a,-4b)7a-2b is represented by (7a,-2b)
Because ab is a non-zero vector, there are a*7+3b*(-5b)=0 and a*7a+(-4b)*(-2b)=0 according to the vertical condition above
Find the values of a and b, and the cosine of the angle between a and b is naturally found.

Given A (2,3), B (4,5), then The unit vector of AB collinear is ___.


AB collinear unit vector =±


AB |=±(2,2)

Therefore, the answer is:±(

———————————————————————————————— Given two points A (2,3), B (-4,5), find the coordinates of the unit vector e collinear with the vector AB. ———————————————————————————————— ——————————[ The specific process, the details can be scored ]————————— ———————————————————————————————— Given two points A (2,3), B (-4,5), find the coordinate of unit vector e collinear with vector AB. ———————————————————————————————— ——————————[ The specific process, the details can be scored ]—————————

Vector AB=(-6,2)
Let e = x * vector AB (because e and AB are collinear)
So (-6x)^2+(2x)^2=1(unit vector length)
X=(positive and negative)1/under 40
So e =(-3/ under 10,1/ under 10)
E=(3 per 10,-1 per 10)

Given that for any plane vector ab=(x, y), the vector ab is rotated by an angle a about its starting point in the counterclockwise direction to obtain the vector AP=(xcosa-a+ycosa), which is called the point B is rotated by an angle a about the point A in the counterclockwise direction to obtain the ysina,xsina P. Let each point on the in-plane curve C be the curve x^2-y^2=3, and then the equation of the original curve C is obtained. Is the vector AB, not ab-

Let the point of the original curve C be (x, y)
X'= xcos45°-ysin 45°
Y'= xsin 45°+ ycos 45°
The trajectory of the point after 45° rotation is the curve x^2-y^2=3
Then, x'^2-y'^2=3
To simplify:

The direction vector e =(-4/5,3/5) of the straight line l on the known plane, If the projectiles of points O (0,0) and A (1,-2) on l are O' and A', respectively, then the vector O' A'=λe, where λ is equal to A.11/5 B.-11/5 C.2 D.-2

The direction vector e of the straight line L=(-4/5,3/5),
Slope of line L k =(3/5)/(-4/5)=-3/4
The projectiles of points O (0,0) and A (1,-2) on L are O' and A', respectively.
OO'⊥L, AA'⊥L
Koo'= Kaa'=-1/k =4/3.1
Let O'(a, b), A'(m, n)
B/a =4/3, i.e. b =4a/3
(N+2)/(m-1)=4/3, i.e. n =(4m-10)/3
O'A'=(m-a, n-b)=λe=(-4λ/5,3λ/5)
I.e. m-a=-4λ/5.2
According to 3,4(m-a)=9λ/5+10.4
Substitute 1 into 4 to obtain:λ=-2.
Vector OA=(1,-2)
Vector OA=(1,-2)*e=(-4/5,3/5)=-4/5-6/5=-2
The projection of vector OA on vector e * the module of vector e=2
The projection of vector OA on vector e =2
O'A' vector is opposite to vector e,λ=-2