Given the vector set M={ a|a=(1,2)+b (3,4), b∈R}, N={ a|a=(-2,-2)+P (4,5), P∈R}, then the intersection of M and N is? Given the set of vectors M={ a|a=(1,2)+b (3,4), b∈R}, N={ a|a=(-2,-2)+P (4,5), P∈R}, then the intersection of M and N is?

Given the vector set M={ a|a=(1,2)+b (3,4), b∈R}, N={ a|a=(-2,-2)+P (4,5), P∈R}, then the intersection of M and N is? Given the set of vectors M={ a|a=(1,2)+b (3,4), b∈R}, N={ a|a=(-2,-2)+P (4,5), P∈R}, then the intersection of M and N is?

M={ a|a=(1,2)+λ(3,4), R }={ a|a=(1+3λ,2+4λ), R}
N={ a|a=(-2,-2)(4,5), R }={ a|a=(-2+4μ,-2+5μ), R}
The elements in M∩N satisfy:1+3λ=-2+4μ,2+4λ=-2+5μ, and the solution λ=-1,μ=0
In this case,1+3λ=-2,2+4λ=-2
So, M∩N ={(-2,-2)}

Given vector a=(1,2), vector b=(m+n, m)(m >0, n >0), if vector a* vector b=1, then the minimum value of m+n is?

When vector a* vector b=1, i.e.1*(m+n)+2*m=1.
3M+n=1 can be obtained from finishing
So n=1-3m, and m >0, n >0, so m

Known vector M =(a-2,-2), N=(-2, b-2), M∥ N (a >0, b >0), the minimum value of ab is ______.

By known


N (a-2)(b-2)-4=0,
Ab-ab≤0, solve
Ab≥4 or
The minimum value of ab is 16.
Therefore, the answer is 16

By known


N (a-2)(b-2)-4=0,
Ab-ab≤0, solution obtained
Ab≥4 or
The minimum value of ab is 16.
Therefore, the answer is 16

In the number multiplication of vectors, if the real number m =0 or the vector / a = zero vector, is their product m / a equal to 0 or equal to zero vector? If 0 is multiplied by a non-zero vector, is the result 0 or a zero vector?

Equal to zero vector.
Because any real number multiplied by a zero vector is a zero vector.
In fact, it is a stipulation that the zero vector modulus is zero and the direction is arbitrary:)
0*(0,0)=(0*0,0*0)=(0,0), Which is the same for multiplications, because real numbers and vectors can be multiplied back and forth

Given non-zero vector a.b, satisfying |a+b|=|a-b|, prove: a⊥b Put 32.9g of Na2Co3 and Nacl solid mixture into a beaker the total mass is 202.9g, add 326.9g of dilute hydrochloric acid, exactly complete reaction, and weigh again after no bubbles escape, the total mass is 525.4g. Calculate the mass fraction of solute in the solution (Co2 solution is ignored) and the solvent in the solution after reaction.


Given that a, b, c are all non-zero vectors, the following conclusion is true:1(a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab2(a+b)(a-b)=a^2-b^2 Please specify the reason

First pair
The second error: vector (a+b)(a-b) and a^2-b^2 are not in the same direction

First pair
Second error: vector (a+b)(a-b) and a^2-b^2 are not in the same direction

First right.
The second error: vector (a+b)(a-b) and a^2-b^2 are not in the same direction