According to the Pythagorean Theorem, plot the points on the number axis as root 3 and root 5, respectively According to the Pythagorean Theorem, draw points on the number axis which are represented as root 3 and root 5, respectively

According to the Pythagorean Theorem, plot the points on the number axis as root 3 and root 5, respectively According to the Pythagorean Theorem, draw points on the number axis which are represented as root 3 and root 5, respectively

Draw a number axis, take the original point as P, and make a vertical line Y passing through the P point, so that the points 1,2,3 and 4 are ABCD respectively. Use a compass to intercept PA'= PA on the vertical line Y, connect AA', and then intercept PB'= AA'= root number on the vertical line Y.2. Connect AB', and AB'= root number 3. Similarly, intercept PC'= AB' on the vertical line Y, and then connect BC', where BC'= root number, and then draw root number 3 and root number 5 on the number axis.
I hope you can keep up with my train of thought.

Given the vector a=(number 3,-1), b=(1/2, root number 3/2), if there is a nonzero real number k, t such that x=a+(t-square-3) b, y=-ka+tb, and x is vertical y. Try to Find the Minimum Value of k+t Square/t Given vector a=(root number 3,-1), b=(1/2, root number 3/2), if there is a nonzero real number k, t such that x=a+(t-square-3) b, y=-ka+tb, and x is vertical y. Try to Find the Minimum Value of k+t Square/t

A=(√3,-1), b=(1/2.√3/2), x=a+(t^2-3) b, y=-ka+tb, x⊥y, then the vector x·y=0,(a+bt^2-3b)·(-ka+tb)=0,-ka^2-kabt^2-3abk+tab+t^3b^2-3b^2=0, where a^2=√(3+1)=2, b^2=1, a·b=-√3/2+√3/2=0,(a+bt^2-3b)·(-ka+tb)=-2k+t^3...

Given that the angle between vector a and b is 30°, IaI = root number 3, IbI =2. Then Ia+bI =? Please write out the intermediate procedure! Given that the angle between vector a and vector b is 30°, IaI = root number 3, IbI =2, then Ia+bI =? Please write down the intermediate procedure!


Given IaI=1, IbI=root number 3, a+b=(root number 3,1), find Ia-bI, the angle between vector a+b and vector a-b

Let (a+b),(a-b) included angle = x|a+b|^2=4=|a 2 b|^|a-b|=|a+b|=2(a-b).(a+b)=|a+b||a-b||cosx||a|^2-||b|^2=|a+b||a-b||cosx1-3=4cosxcosx =-1/2 x=120 degrees

Given vector a=(cosa, sina), vector b=(cosb, sinb), module of Ia-bI=(2 roots 5)/5,(1) the value of cos (a-b) is? (2)-π/2 Is the first question 3/5?

A-b=(cosa-cosb, sina-sinb)
Cosacosb+sinasinb =3/5
Cos (a-b)= cosacosb+sinasinb=3/5

Given vector = a =(1, root number 3), b =(-2,0), then Ia+bI = what So I read the wrong question, and the answer was 2, and I thought it was 5, and I could figure it out.

A + b =(-1, root 3)
So Ia+bI=2