In triangle ABC, vector AB^2= vector BA point times vector BC, vector OA + vector OC + vector AB = zero vector, And the module of vector OA=module of vector AB=1, then vector CA point-multiple vector CB is equal to? In triangle ABC, vector AB^2= vector BA point times vector BC, vector OA + vector OC + vector AB = zero vector, And the module of vector OA = the module of vector AB =1, then vector CA point multiplication vector CB equals?

In triangle ABC, vector AB^2= vector BA point times vector BC, vector OA + vector OC + vector AB = zero vector, And the module of vector OA=module of vector AB=1, then vector CA point-multiple vector CB is equal to? In triangle ABC, vector AB^2= vector BA point times vector BC, vector OA + vector OC + vector AB = zero vector, And the module of vector OA = the module of vector AB =1, then vector CA point multiplication vector CB equals?


In angle ABC, vector AC* vector AB/|AB|=1/2, vector BC* vector BA/|BA|=3/2, then the length of AB edge is Urgent!


If both vector a and vector b are unit vectors, then vector a*b =1, correct


If vector a and vector b are unit vectors, then vector a·vector b=0


For any non-zero vector a, is there two or one unit vector of a?


The unit vector of a non-zero vector is unique,