How to multiply two vectors?

How to multiply two vectors?

= Product of moduli of two vectors × cos angle
= Abscissa product + ordinate product

Multiplication formula of two vectors

A vector (A, B) B vector (C, D) A vector * B vector = AC+BD
Note whether you are asking for point multiplication or cross multiplication

A vector (A, B) B vector (C, D) A vector * B vector = AC+BD
Pay attention to whether you are asking for point multiplication or cross multiplication

An Algorithm for Multiplying Two Vectors

A vector (x, y) b vector (a, b)
A* b=ax+by

I know a*b=|a||b|cosθ, but a*b*c=? And who is cosθ multiplied? Is it |a||b||c|cosθ? What is the angle between two vectors? What should be the formula for multiplying three vectors? I know a*b=|a||b|cosθ, but a*b*c=? And who is cosθ multiplied is |a||b||c|cosθ? What is the angle between two vectors? What should be the formula for multiplying three vectors?

The result of multiplying two vectors is a number
The result of multiplying three vectors is a vector
So, if I give you the abc vector
Let you calculate the product, abc, acb, the result of the commutative operation is different,
Well, if we're going to do this, we' re going to start with the first two, and then we're going to get a number that's the coefficient of the next vector

What is the meaning of vector multiplication There's a lot of vector multiplication. So, vector multiplication is What does it mean?

Pointwise multiplication, also called the inner product and the quantity product of a vector. As the name implies, the result obtained is a number. Vector a. Vector b=|a||b|cos. In physics, given the force and displacement to work, is actually to find the inner product of vector F and vector s, that is, to use pointwise multiplication.
The definition of dot-multiplication is vector a·vector b=|a||b|cos, that the projective of a vector on the other vector is multiplied by the other vector.

How to do vector multiplication

For example: vector a=(m, n), vector b=(p, q)
Vector a×vector b=m×p+n×q (sum of abscissa and ordinate)
Alternatively, vector a× vector b=module of vector a×module of vector b×cosθ(θ is the angle between two vectors)