Why is the vector multiplication negative? This is a coordinate multiplication problem Isn't vector multiplication a length? How can there be negative numbers?

Why is the vector multiplication negative? This is a coordinate multiplication problem Isn't vector multiplication a length? How can there be negative numbers?


Is the coordinate point multiplication of the vector the corresponding coordinate multiplication


What does the vector coordinate multiply? Why is it a number?


How do two coordinate vectors multiply?


Parallel vectors with equal modulus are equal vectors

No. A non-zero vector is parallel (collinear) to its opposite vector and moduli are equal, but they are not equal
Equal vector A vector whose moduli are equal and whose directions are the same

No. A non-zero vector is parallel (collinear) to its opposite vector and moduli are equal, but they are not equal
Equal vector A vector whose modules are equal and whose directions are the same

No. A non-zero vector is parallel (collinear) to its opposite vector and the modules are equal, but they are not equal
Equal vector A vector whose modules are equal and whose directions are the same

It is known that the two vectors a, b, c are equal in angle, and the module of vector a is equal to 1, the module of vector b is equal to 2, and the module of vector c is equal to 3. 1. Find the module of vector a+b+c. 2. Find the angle between vector a+b+c and vector a. The vectors a, b, c are known to be equal angles, and the module of vector a is equal to 1, the module of vector b is equal to 2, and the module of vector c is equal to 3. 1. Find the module of vector a+b+c. 2. Find the angle between vector a+b+c and vector a. The vectors a, b, c are known to have equal angles, and the module of vector a is equal to 1, the module of vector b is equal to 2, and the module of vector c is equal to 3. 1. Find the module of vector a+b+c. 2. Find the angle between vector a+b+c and vector a.

Let a be (1,0), b be (-2cos [60],2sin [60]), i.e.(-1,2√3) c be (-3cos [60],-3sin [60]), i.e.(-1(-1.5,-3√3/2) a+b+c=(1-1-1.5,0+2√3-3√3/2)=(-3/2,√3/2) modulo:√(9/4+3/4)=√32.