The vector a=(cosα, sinα), b=(cosβ, sinβ),0<β<α If |a-b|=root2 find a perpendicular b let c=(0,1) if a+b=c find the value of The vector a=(cosα, sinα), b=(cosβ, sinβ),0<β<α If |a-b|=rootoot 2, find a perpendicular b Let c=(0,1) If a+b=c, find the value of

The vector a=(cosα, sinα), b=(cosβ, sinβ),0<β<α If |a-b|=root2 find a perpendicular b let c=(0,1) if a+b=c find the value of The vector a=(cosα, sinα), b=(cosβ, sinβ),0<β<α If |a-b|=rootoot 2, find a perpendicular b Let c=(0,1) If a+b=c, find the value of

Solution (1) a-b=(cosa-cosb, sina-sinb)/a-b/=√(cosa-cosb)2+(sina-sinb)2=√1+1-2 cosacosb-2 sinasinb=√2 2-2 cosacosb-2 sinasinb=2 cosacosb+sinasinb=0, i.e. a*b=0 a⊥b (2) a+b=(cosa+cosb, sina+sinb) a+b=c=(0,1...

Known vector A=(sinθ,-2) and B=(1, cosθ) perpendicular to each other, where (0,π 2). To: (1) Values of sinθ and cosθ (2) The value of tanθ. Known vector A=(sinθ,-2) and B=(1, cosθ) perpendicular to each other, where (0,π 2). Request: (1) Values of sinθ and cosθ (2) The value of tanθ.

(1) By vector

A=(sinθ,-2) and vector

B=(1, cosθ) perpendicular to each other,
We get sinθ-2cosθ=0, and sin2θ+cos2θ=1, where (0,π
Solution: sinθ=2
5, Cos θ=
(2) By tanθ=sinθ
Cosθ, then tanθ=2.

(1) By vector

A=(sinθ,-2) and vector

B=(1, cosθ) perpendicular to each other,
We get sinθ-2cosθ=0, and sin2θ+cos2θ=1, where (0,π)
Solution: sinθ=2
5, Cos θ=
(2) By tanθ=sinθ
Cosθ, then tanθ=2.

The problem of the product of the number of vectors. Why is a. b. the same as b. a? A.b={ a }{ b }.cosθ B.a={ b }{ a }.cosθ {B }.cosθ{ a }.cosθ denotes the projection of b on a and the projection of a on b, respectively. Isn't the projection of b on a different from the projection of a on b? How can a.b. and b.a be equal in this way? Thank you. The problem of the product of the number of vectors. Why is a. b. the same as b. a? A.b={ a }{ b }.cosθ B.a ={ b }{ a }.cosθ {B }.cosθ{ a }.cosθ denotes the projection of b on a and the projection of a on b, respectively. Isn't the projection of b on a different from the projection of a on b? How can a.b. and b.a be equal in this way? Thank you. The problem of the product of the number of vectors. Why is a. b. the same as b. a? A.b={ a }{ b }.cosθ B.a ={ b }{ a }.cosθ {B }.cosθ{ a }.cosθ denotes the projection of b on a and the projection of a on b, respectively. Isn't the projection of b on a different from the projection of a on b? How can a.b. and b.a. be equal? Thank you.

Understand by the definition of quantity product

What is the relationship between the product of the number of |vector a and vector b| and |a||b| Why? What is the relationship between the product of the number of |vector a and vector b| and |a||b| Why? Why? What is the relationship between the product of |vector a and vector b| and |a||b| Why?

|Ab a||b|
Because ab=|a||b|cosθ

Given the coordinates of vectors a, b, how to find their product of quantities For example, vector a=(2 cosx,1), vector b=(cosx,√3s in 2x), find vector a·vector b Wait for the answer online

Corresponding coordinate multiplication is the quantity product, which is 2cosx*cosx+1 3s in 2x=1+2cos2x 3s in 2x

Given vector a=(0,3) vector b=(-4,4), then the product of the quantities of vectors a, b is? If vector a=(0,3) vector b=(-4,4), then the number product of vectors a, b is? If vector a=(0,3) vector b=(-4,4), then the product of vectors a and b is?