What is the difference between quantity product and vector product? Why the quantity product is perpendicular if the vector a* vector b=0 and the vector a* vector b=0 if the vector product is parallel What is the area of the quantity product and the vector product? Why is the quantity product vertical if the vector a* vector b=0 and the vector product parallel if the vector a* vector b=0?

What is the difference between quantity product and vector product? Why the quantity product is perpendicular if the vector a* vector b=0 and the vector a* vector b=0 if the vector product is parallel What is the area of the quantity product and the vector product? Why is the quantity product vertical if the vector a* vector b=0 and the vector product parallel if the vector a* vector b=0?

The quantity product is called the inner product of the vector. a. b is the product of the length of the projection of the vector a in the direction of vector b and the length of vector b, i.e. the inner product operation maps the two vectors into a real number.

There is a mistake in the statement upstairs. The product of quantities is generally called the inner product of vectors. a. b is the product of the length of the projection of vector a in the direction of vector b and the length of vector b, i.e. the inner product operation maps two vectors into a real number. It can also be used to express the included angle of vectors: cosx=(a. b)/|a||b|a, when b is vertical, the included angle is 90...

Vector a runs parallel to vector b to find the product of vectors a and b

On the basis of the upstairs note is 0 or 180 degrees, plus a sign
I.e. the number product of vector a and vector b=+(-)|a b|

On the basis of the upstairs, note 0 degrees or 180 degrees, plus a sign
I.e. the number product of vector a and vector b=+(-)|a b|

How to find the product of two parallel vectors

Plane vector!

Given the vector a. b=3. When a is parallel to b, find the product of a and b. Given the vector a=4. b=3. When a is parallel to b, find the product of a and b.

A parallel b, cos=1

If vector a=(1,3), b=(-2,-1), then the included angle of vector a, b is If vector a=(1,3), b=(-2,-1), then the angle of vector a, b is

Cosa=(-2-3)/5 No.2=- No.2/2
A =135 degrees

What is the angle between vector a=(1,3) and b=(-2,4)? Results in radians

Cosa = product of vectors / product of vector length =[1*(-2)+3*4]/ root 10* root 20
=Root 2/2
The range of a is [0,π]
The angle is π/4.

Cosa = product of vectors / product of vector length =[1*(-2)+3*4]/ root 10* root 20
= Root 2/2
The range of a is [0,π]
The angle is π/4.