Given vector a =(4.3), vector B =(2,4) then cos =?

Given vector a =(4.3), vector B =(2,4) then cos =?

Cosine value = Vector inner product / Vector modular product =(4*2+3*4)/[ Srt (42+32)* Srt (22+42)]=2/ Srt5
(Sprt is the programming language, meaning square root)

What is the formula for the distance between two parallel planes in a vector?

A square + B square + C square | D1- D2| under the root sign. Note that the coefficients of the two planes must be the same to use this formula.

A square + B square + C square | D1-D2| under the root sign. Note that the coefficients of the two planes must be consistent to use this formula.


This is good to remember. Let two vector coordinates be (x1, y1, z1),(x2, y2, z2)(none of them are zero vectors).
1 Vertical is point multiplication to 0, just remember the definition of point multiplication: each coordinate component is multiplied and added. So the vertical formula is x1x2+y1y2+z1z2=0
2 Parallel is better to remember, that is, the corresponding coordinate components are proportional, x1: x2=y1: y2=z1: z2

Vector parallel, vertical formula

The two vectors a, b are parallel: a=λb (b is not a zero vector); the two vectors are vertical: the quantity product is 0, i.e. a•b=0
Coordinate representation: a=(x1, y1), b=(x2, y2)
A//b if and only if x1y2-x2y1=0
A⊥b if and only if x1x2+y1y2=0

Two vectors a, b b are parallel: a=λb (b is not a zero vector); the two vectors are vertical: the quantity product is 0, i.e. a•b=0
Coordinate representation: a=(x1, y1), b=(x2, y2)
A//b if and only if x1y2-x2y1=0
A⊥b if and only if x1x2+y1y2=0

If vector a=(3,-m) and vector B=(-2,1) are perpendicular, then M=how many? Find the formula to find the tutorial? If vector a =(3,-m) and vector B =(-2,1) are perpendicular, then M = how many? Find the formula for the tutorial?

Vector a is perpendicular to vector b
PS: vector a=(x, y) is perpendicular to b=(m, n), then xm+yn=0

What conditions do vectors A and B satisfy so that a+b and a-b are perpendicular to each other
