Let x∈R vector a=(x,1) vector b=(1,-2) and vector a⊥ vector b, then | vector a vector b| equals | Vector a + Vector b | Let x∈R vector a=(x,1) vector b=(1,-2) and vector a⊥ vector b then | vector a vector b| equals | Vector a + Vector b |

Let x∈R vector a=(x,1) vector b=(1,-2) and vector a⊥ vector b, then | vector a vector b| equals | Vector a + Vector b | Let x∈R vector a=(x,1) vector b=(1,-2) and vector a⊥ vector b then | vector a vector b| equals | Vector a + Vector b |

A * b =0 from a, b,
So x-2=0, solve x=2,
Then a + b =(2,1)+(1,-2)=(3,-1),
So |a+b|=√(9+1)=√10.

Let a=(-1.2), b=(2.x), and a⊥b, then what is a+b Let a=(-1.2), b=(2.x), and a⊥b, then how much is a+b

Solution, x=1

Given the vector a=(2,3), b=(-1,2), and (a+xb) is (a-b), what is x equal to Because I'm working on a reference book, but it's not the same for a long time, Given the vector a=(2,3), b=(-1,2), and (a+xb) vertical (a-b), what is x equal to Because I'm working on a reference book, but it's not the same for a long time,


Given vector a=(-1,1), b=(2, x), if a×b=1, then x equals

X =3
If the formula is correct, it should be.

Given vector a=(2,1), vector b=(-1,-3), then vector |a-b| equals?


If the vectors a=(1,2) are parallel to b=(3, x), what is x equal to

X =6.
If the vectors are parallel, the corresponding coordinates are proportional.