There is a map of China on the wall at the back of the classroom?

There is a map of China on the wall at the back of the classroom?

There is a China map on the wall behind the chassroom

Is there a map of China on the wall

Is there a map of China on the wall?

There is a map of China in the classroom

There is a map of China in the classroom

Please spell "map"?

Spell the "map" please.

English of a map of China

a map of zhe world

This is a map of England?

If it's a map from the UK
This is a map which is made in England.
If it's a map of Britain
this is a map of Great Britain.

English translation fast

What's this in English?It's a map.

How to translate "on the map"

If it's a map of the world, no, it's on the map

English translation First,_____ _____ _____ _____ you map ,please.

let me look at

English translation What is a map translated into English?

A synonym or phrase
PLAT | atlas | geographical map | carte | chart