There is a map of China __ the wall.Can you point out where Hong Kong is? And the wall had a hole__ The top one is on, the next one is in. Why?

There is a map of China __ the wall.Can you point out where Hong Kong is? And the wall had a hole__ The top one is on, the next one is in. Why?

The map is not part of the wall. It's just pasted on the wall
The hole is part of the wall, in the wall

1.Where is beijing?It's in the_______ of China.2.Where is Hainan?It's in the _________ . 3.Shanghai is in the__________ . 4.Xinjiang is in the___________ . There are four arrows in the picture, one is north, the other is south, the other is west, and the other is south Please help your elder sister and elder brother!


where is Shenzhen it's the of china

Where is Shenzhen It's 【in 】the【south 】 of china.

1.When I got home,I found the gas ____ but the door____ . A.burned; locking B.burning; locking burn; to lock D.burning; locked


She was angey when she found the door was locked. She was angry _____ _____ the door was locked.

She was angry when finding the door was locked.

When ___ there ,the posrman found the door locked and then stopped ___ the letter under it. A.reaching ; to stick B.reached ; to stick C.reaching ; sticking D.resched ; sticking Why is reach not a non continuous verb?

When reaching there = when he reached there 2, when the adverbial clause is in the form of ellipsis, the clause needs to

Did you ____ when he arrived?A find B find out C look for D look at Did you____ when he arrived?A find B find out C look for D look at

A. Did you find out where he was just now

when he aririved,he found___ the aged and the sick at home A.none but B.none other than c.nothing but other than What's the reason

Here are the definitions and examples of phrases extracted from Longman: nothing but: only she'd had nothing but bad luck.none other than:used to emphasize that the person involved in sth is famous,impressive,or surprisingThe m...

When I arrived home, he was cooking and when I arrived home, he cooked It's about the same

Well, it means the same thing. The first sentence uses the form ing to emphasize that the action is in progress. The second sentence only shows that he is cooking. The first sentence has a strong tone

When he got home,he found that the house_____ and some jewelry _____ . A.has broken into...has been stolen B.had been broken into...stole C.had been broken into...had been stolen D.has been broken into...stolen

C. first of all, the verb in the front of the main sentence uses got. The form of the clause can't be the present or the general form. Had benn done is the past perfect tense, which means that it happened in the past and has been completed