There is a map of China __thewall.Canyou point out where Hong Kong is? 和The wall had a hole __it這兩個題,上面是那個是on,下麵這個填in,為什麼呢?

There is a map of China __thewall.Canyou point out where Hong Kong is? 和The wall had a hole __it這兩個題,上面是那個是on,下麵這個填in,為什麼呢?


1.Where is beijing?It's in the_______of China.2.Where is Hainan?It's in the _________. 3.Shanghai is in the__________. 4.Xinjiang is in the___________. 圖是四個箭頭,分別在上下左右.上是north,下是south,左是west,右是south 請各位大姐姐大哥哥幫幫忙!


where is Shenzhen it's the of china

Where is Shenzhen It's【in】the【south】of china.

1.When I got home,I found the gas ____but the door____. A.burned;locking B.burning;locking burn;to lock D.burning;locked


She was angey when she found the door was locked. She was angry _____ _____the door was locked.

She was angry when finding the door was locked.

When ___there,the posrman found the door locked and then stopped ___the letter under it. A.reaching;to stick B.reached;to stick C.reaching;sticking D.resched;sticking 我們老師說答案選A為什麼reach不是非延續性動詞嗎?

選A正確.關鍵點有三:1、when狀語從句的省略:狀語從句中,如果從句主語和主句主語相同時,從句的主語和謂語動詞的一部分經常省略.即:When reaching there=When he reached there2、狀語從句用了省略形式,從句就需…

Did you ____when he arrived?A find B find out C look for D look at 英語選擇題Did you ____when he arrived?A find B find out C look for D look at


when he aririved,he found___the aged and the sick at home A.none but B.none other than c.nothing but other than 原因是什麼啊

選A.下麵是從朗文摘錄下來的個短語的定義和例子:nothing but:onlyshe'd had nothing but badluck.noneother than:used to emphasize that the person involved in sth is famous,impressive,or surprisingThe m…

when I arrived home,he was cooking與when I arrived home,he cooked 差不多的意思吧


When he got home,he found that the house_____and some jewelry _____. A.has broken into…has been stolen B.had been broken into…stole C.had been broken into…had been stolen D.has been broken into…stolen

c首先前面的主句動詞用的是GOT,從句的形式不可能是現在時或一般式,had benn done是過去完成時,指的是發生在過去,並且已完成,用AND連接說明動詞形態要相同