請把地圖給我看看(英語翻譯) 請把地圖給我看看 please___________the map_________ _____________.

請把地圖給我看看(英語翻譯) 請把地圖給我看看 please___________the map_________ _____________.

show to me

請用英語翻譯下列交通圖標名稱 1.禁止人力貨運三輪車通行 2.請走斑馬線 3.禁止直走與右拐 4.禁止機車通行 5.小心塌方 6.(一個三角形裡面兩個半圓連起來的圖形)我不會,不好意思 7.禁止自行車通行 8.限高2.2M 9.限速15KM 10.禁止行人和自行車通行 11.禁止鳴笛 12.禁止小汽車通行 13.禁止左轉

1.No human cargo tricycle
2.Zebra crossing please
3.No go straight or turn right
4.No motorbikes
5.Landslides be careful
7.No bicycles
8.Limited height 2.2M
9.Limited speed 15km
10.No pedestrians or bicycles
11.No audible warning
12.No Light-duty vehicles
13.No turn left

這些地圖是什麼顏色?英語翻譯 謝

what color are these maps?


Are there many countries on that map?

在他們的牆上有一張地圖.翻譯:A map is on the wall of______classroom.


英語翻譯 (2)這個男孩上星期天和他的父母遊覽了西湖. the boy _______the west lake_____ ____ ____last sunday (3)我們開心的在湖上泛舟, we ______a boat_______ ____ _____happily. (4)野營真棒! the_____ __________ ___________really wonderful

1.my mother just hanged the map of world on the wall.2.the boy visited the west lake with his parents last sunday.3.we rowed a boat on the lake happily.4.the whole camping(camping trip)is really won…

I can't remember where the bookshop is,i have to look at the map first .請問為什麼要用 look at the map而不是read the map?

look at也是“看”的意思,但表示看什麼具體的東西,而且at後面要接賓語.
He wanted to look at the outside world.
  EG.Hewantsto read books now.
LookWhat are they doing?(看,他們在幹什麼?)
The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.(老師叫我們看黑板.)
Don’t read in the bed.
Li Lei is reading the letter from his parents.

where have you been,where have you gone的區別是?


We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things.


i have___the meeting,where have you__ A got to,got to B arrived at arrived C reached,arrived at D got in,reacched in
