1、Amy tried ____(open)the door ______(填介詞,用)a knife 2、Be q_____We have _____(run)quickly,or we _____(miss)_____(catch)the bus 3、The little girl is afraid ____(speak)English in front of the strangers ._____ _____(反意疑問句) 4、改錯:Which floor do you live The third.______ 5、There are not any other ways ________(go)=There are _____ _____ways _____ _____

1、Amy tried ____(open)the door ______(填介詞,用)a knife 2、Be q_____We have _____(run)quickly,or we _____(miss)_____(catch)the bus 3、The little girl is afraid ____(speak)English in front of the strangers ._____ _____(反意疑問句) 4、改錯:Which floor do you live The third.______ 5、There are not any other ways ________(go)=There are _____ _____ways _____ _____

will miss catching
to speak isn't she
live on
to go no other to go

paul(這是人名)tries to open the door but fails.同義句 paul tries to open the door but fails.同義句 paul tries to open the door but it後面兩個空格

Paul tries to open the door but fails.
= Paul tries to open the door but it(keeps/remains/stays closed).

The thief tried to open the locked door but _________. A.in no way B.in vain C.without effect D.at a loss


He open the door__. A wide B widely C widen D closely


He left the door open.可以這樣說嗎 判斷正誤 1.He left with the door open. 2.He left with the door close. 3.He left the door close. 4.He left the door closed. 5.He left the door unlock. 6.He left the door unlocked. 7.He left with the door unlock. 8.He left with the door unlocked.

He left the door open.正確1.He left with the door open.正確2.He left with the door close.錯誤(closed)3.He left the door close.錯誤(closed)4.He left the door closed.正確5.He left the door unlock….

He left and kept the door open.(轉換成簡單句)He left _____the door _____.

換成簡單句是:He left the room with the door open.

He left the door open. 這裡的left指的是什麼?怎麼這麼多種答案~有沒有更準確的啊?權威一點的!


He slept well______all the windows open.A.when B.with C.while D.because要原因


He slept well______all the windows open.A.when B.with C.while D.because


he slept well_____all the windows open . “_____“裏,為什麼要填with? 拜託拉~~~高手們加油哦…

our teacher came into the classroom with the book in his hand