When turning round,she found herself ______by a man in black glasses .(follow)

When turning round,she found herself ______by a man in black glasses .(follow)


一道高中英語選擇題When the young man came back to life,he found himself____in a small house and e When the young man came back to life,he found himself____in a small house and everything he _____. A.lying;had stolen B.lying;had been stolen C.lay;had stolen D.lay;had been stolen


when he awoke,he found himself after by an old man being looked或looked選地二個答案,為什麼


翻譯一下短文ww   A man was driving when he found a chicken running along the road,beside his car.   He was surprised to see that the chicken was keeping up withhim.Lookingat his speedometer,he found that he was doing 50 miles par(每)hour(MPH).   Then he sped up to 60MPH,and the chicken stayed right next tohim.Hesped up to 75MPH and the chicken still kept up.   The man then found that the chicken had threelegs.Growingeven more curious(好奇),he followed the chicken down a road and into afarm.Hegot out of his car and saw that all the chickens around him had three legs.   He asked the farmer,“What’s up with the three-legged chickens?”   The farmer said,“Well,whenever we have chicken for dinner,everyone in the family fights over the legs,but there are only two.I have bred(培育)a three-leggedchicken.It’s going to make me richer.”  “How do they taste?”the man asked.   The farmer said,“Don’t know yet,I haven’t been able to catch one.”


We found the bones of Peking Man there.(同義句)

The bones of Peking Man were found by us there.

when I got there,I found the farm tools_____.(repair)


when the mother came into the room,she found the baby still_____(醒)

awake.findsb +形容詞,錶狀態.awake的意思是“醒著的”

_______her mother _______she was at home when the thief came in. A Each,and B Neither,or C Neither,nor

C Neither,nor兩者都不

on her way home,she found her necklace------ a,losing b,missed c,gone. d,disapearded key:c why?

losing是一種狀態,表示一直丟的狀態,而它的項鍊丟了,只是過去的一個動作,已經完成.missed和disappeared是項鍊的主動形式,如果說是her necklace作主語的話,就可以用了,但現在是she found作主語,表示他發現她的項鍊不見了

on her way home,she suddenly heard her name---- A to be called B calling C to call D called 選哪一個答案、為什麼?我更想要理由.

短語hear sb(sth)done.聽到某人(某物)被.這裡,her name是被call(叫).
類似的句型還有:He found the door broken.他發現門被打爛了.