Don't open the door(改為肯定句) _______the door後面沒有

Don't open the door(改為肯定句) _______the door後面沒有

Open the door.

Open the door,______ _____.(反義疑問句)回答得又快又好的加10分!

will you?

open the door,________?添附加疑問句 這幾個都是添附加疑問句的: Don't open the door,___________? kate has an eraser,_______----? I dislike dogs,________--? you had better go___________? open the door___________?

Don't open the door,will you?
kate has an eraser,doesn't she?
[或者hasn't she,但少見些]
I dislike dogs,don't
[帶首碼構成相反含義的詞,在這樣的習題中是不按照否定詞來算的.再如:She is unhappy,isn't she?]
you had better go,hadn't you?
open the door,will you?
[或者won't you?但是will更多]

don't open the door的反義疑問句能用shall we麼

這是祈使句,反義疑問句用will you

Open the door該成否定句

don't open the door

Open the door,pleade.(改為否定句)

don't open the door,please

按要求改寫句子open the door.(改為否定句)()open()(). he is a student.(改為一般疑問句) () they often go home together.(改為一般疑問句) ()()often()home together? my birthday‘s on the fifth of may.(對on the fifth of may提問) are,very,all,excited,students,the(連詞成句) ()the students are()(). liu tao ususlly watches tv on saturday.(改為一般疑問句) ()liu tao ususlly()tv on saturday? i went to the farm last weekend.(對went to the farm提問) ()()you()last weekend? he cooked food at home yesterday.(改為否定句) he()()()at home yesterday. I'd like a cup of milk(對a cup of milk提問) ()()you like? we are all happy.(改為過去時) we()all happy. tom often does morning exercise.(改為否定句) tom()often()morning exercise. us,go,school,to,let,together(連詞成句) ()()go to school(). in,or,january,it,february,is(連詞成句) it is in()()( ()is()favourite subject(根據答句完成問句) my favourite subject is english. 這裡有些要大寫的沒大寫,請大家多多包涵.另外,答題時請大寫,

Is he a student?
Do they often go home together?
When is your birthday‘s?
All the students are very excited.
Does Liu Tao ususlly watch tv on saturday?
What did you do last weekend?
He did not cook at home yesterday.
What do you like?
We were all happy.
Tom didn'toften do morning exercise.
Let us go to school together.
It is in january or february.
What is your favourite subject?

open用法 open的用法是什麼?什麼時候用is open?什麼時候用is opening?什麼時候用is opend?什麼時候用opend?什麼時候用opens?

做形容詞時用is open.中文:是開著的.
2、打開:it opens第三人稱單數做主語時.
it opened此處opened是過去時態.
is opening比較少見吧,如果有的話就表示現在進行.不過一般用形容詞表示狀態.


首先close作adj,是近的(距離或關係近),close friends,親密的朋友,be close to離.近
close表示“開門營業”沒有被動語態,只能用主動錶被動,可以用close,也可以轉化成be closed(形容詞,關門下班的).The shop closes at 9 every evening=the shop is closed at 9 every evening.但是當句子中有持續時間段時只能用be closed,因為close是短暫性動詞,所有短暫性動詞都不能與一段時間連用.(一般區別短暫性動詞可以再動詞意思前加個“一直”如果通順是持續性動詞,不通順就是短暫性動詞,比如,begin,不能說一直在開始,所以begin是短暫性動詞.)the shop has been closed for three months.(這個句子中因為有時間段所以不能用close的完成時has closed)
close還可以表示門窗的關閉,此時有被動語態,the door was closed,門被關了.open與close的用法一致.只不過用be open(adj,開放的)be opened是被動語態只能表示門窗被關閉,不能表示店鋪圖書館等的開門營業,此時須用open或者是be open,同時open不能與持續時間段連用,be open可以與時間斷連用.

open closed close closes is open的區別和用法

The door isopen.Thedoor is closed.這裡它們是形容詞Please open thedoor.Pleaseclose the door.這裡是動詞.closes是close的一般現在時第三人稱單數,用在第三人稱的句子中,比如He closes the door at 5 o'clock…