How to transform polar coordinate form into algebraic form How to convert each other

How to transform polar coordinate form into algebraic form How to convert each other

The polar coordinate form (R, θ) = 0
Let x = RCOs θ, y = rsin θ
That is, r = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2, θ = arctan (x / y)
The algebraic form can be obtained by introducing the polar coordinate form
vice versa

How to convert complex numbers into algebraic forms, such as 50 ∠ 60 degrees

50 ∠ 60 degrees means that the length is 50 and the auxiliary angle is 60 degrees, so it is 50 (1 / 2 + I radical 3 / 2)

How to change the complex number in algebraic form into the complex number in polar coordinate form

Z = x + Yi → rectangular coordinates (x, y) → polar coordinates (arctan Y / x, RX ^ 2 + y ^ 2)

Calculation of complex polar coordinates Example 3 + J4 = 5/__ 53.13 degrees How to calculate the 53.13 degree? Yes, you can help me to explain the process. OK, you can score 50 To be honest, I didn't understand it. Neither 2n * PI nor exp was studied

I'm a senior three student. I haven't seen the meaning of this question after reading it for a long time
What is the problem
You can add
I'll see it tomorrow

How to convert complex numbers into polar coordinates? Like this one F=-5-j5

R = radical (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2)
Cos (I) = A / radical (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2)
5 * radical (2)

How to express the polar coordinate form of complex number

Z = x + iy = RCOs θ + irsin θ, r = |z|, and θ is the spoke angle

Turning complex numbers into polar coordinates 1+j2=?-2+j1=?-6=?4-j3=?-6+j6=?

(root 5, arctan2)
(root 5, π - arctan2)
(6 * root 2,3 π / 4)
The preceding number is the square root of the square sum of the real part and the imaginary part of the complex number
The latter angle is the imaginary / real part of arctan

What are the rules of addition and subtraction in complex polar coordinates? For example, how to calculate 600 ∠ 120 ° + 400 ∠ - 60 °? Can it be calculated without changing to complex algebraic form?

The complex number is regarded as vector, and the addition and subtraction of vector are calculated by parallelogram rule
However, the example you give is special. The direction is in the opposite direction, and the sum is 200 ∠ 120 °
I don't know how to express plural norms like you do

What's the complex number algorithm? I'm stupid (3+2i)*3=9+6i?(3+2i)*3i=9i-6? What is 1 + (2 / 3) I equal to (3 + 2I) divided by 3? (3 + 2I) divided by 3I, what is I + 2 / 3? No, I'm basic or I know. I'll ask if the answer is right?

(3 + 2I) * 3 = 9 + 6I correct (3 + 2I) * 3I = 9i-6 correct (3 + 2I) divided by 3 is equal to 1 + (2 / 3) I is also correct (3 + 2I) divided by 3I is equal to - I + 2 / 3? The repetition operation is similar to the real number. Remember that I * I = - 1 when calculating division, if the complex number is the denominator, then the denominator can be obtained by multiplying the conjugate complex number of the complex number up and down

Let a and B be two imaginary roots of the equation x2 + 2x + M = 0 with respect to X. find | a | + | B|

If M is a real number, the answer is 2 √ M