Tan 45 degrees - cot15 degrees divided by Tan 45 degrees + cot15 degrees =? Please write the formula used)

Tan 45 degrees - cot15 degrees divided by Tan 45 degrees + cot15 degrees =? Please write the formula used)

The original formula = (tan45-tan75) / (1 + tan75)

How much is Tan 45


Tan 45 degree + root sign 2cos45 degree is equal to?

Equal to 1 + radical 2

π of Tan 8 - cot of 8 is equal to?

Tan 8 part π - cot 8 part π = sin (8 parts of π) / cos (8 parts of π) - cos (8 parts of π) = [sin 2 (8 parts of π) - cos 2 (8 parts of π)] / [sin (8 parts of π) cos (8 parts of π)] = 2 * [- cos (4 parts of π)] / sin (4 parts of π) = - 2 / Tan (4 parts of π) = - 2

What's Tan 8, not tan 8!

According to the trigonometric function table, Tan 8 degree = 0.14054083

What is cos (- 315 °), Tan 8 π / 3

Cos (- 315 °) = cos 45 ° = root 2 of 2
Tan8 π / 3 = tan120 = negative radical 3

What is Tan 8 ° 14 ',

About 0.1450
The answer can get 2 points of experience value. If the answer is adopted, the experience value and wealth value can be increased simultaneously

What is Tan 8 degrees and 14 minutes

zero point one four four seven

How much urgency is equal to subtracting one eighth of Tan eight from one of Tan eight

The original formula = Tan (π / 8) - 1 / [Tan (π / 8)]

2.1:3 / 7 reduction ratio

2.1:3 / 7