1 / 2.5 / 16 / 1.25 / 0.5 simple calculation

1 / 2.5 / 16 / 1.25 / 0.5 simple calculation

Change 16 into 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 and substitute it into the calculation

36 0.25:1.31 and 1:6 of 12 are simplified and calculated

36 of 24 = 3:2 = 3 of 2
0.25:1.3 = 5:26 = 5 / 26
1 and 1:6 of 12 = 13:10 = 1.3

Simple calculation 8.9 * 12.5-0.9 * 1.25

Extract 1.25, then the remaining 8.9-0.9 equals 8. Then 8 × 1.25 equals 10

Simplification: 1: √ 9 * 49 2: √ 16 * 7 3: √ 12 / 25 4: √ 27

1:√9*49 =3*7=21
3:√ 12/25=2/5√3

What is nine out of sixteen simplification

It's the simplest. It can't be simplified any more

Simplify [1 + 2 (^ - 1 / 32)] [1 + 2 ^ (- 1 / 16)] [1 + 2 ^ (- 1 / 8)] [1 + 2 ^ 9-1 / 4)] [1 + 2 ^ (- 1 / 2)]?

(1+2^(-1/32))(1+2^(-1/16))(1+2^(-1/8))(1+2^(-1/4))(1+2^(-1/2))=[1+2^(-1/32)][1+2^(-1/16)][1+2^(-1/8)][1+2^(-1/4)][1+2^(-1/2)]=[1+2^(-1/2)] *[1+2^(-1/4)] *[1+2^(-1/8)] *[1+2^(-1/16)...

Simple calculation (5 / 9 + 1 / 25) * 9 + 16 / 25


How to calculate 16 / 25 - (14 / 19-9 / 25)?

16 / 25 - (14 / 19-9 / 25)
=16 of 25 + 9 of 25 - 14 of 19
=1-14 of 19
=5 out of 19

[3 / 4 - (7 / 16-0.25)] * 17 / 9 simple calculation


15 / 4:25 / 4 reduction ratio

15:25 = 3:5