Among all the extra-curricular books in the school library, story books account for 1 / 3 of the total number, and comic books account for 2 / 5 of the total. What percentage of the total number of popular science books is more than story books?

Among all the extra-curricular books in the school library, story books account for 1 / 3 of the total number, and comic books account for 2 / 5 of the total. What percentage of the total number of popular science books is more than story books?

A: what is the proportion of popular science books in the total
Popular science books are more than story books, accounting for 4 / 15-1 / 3 = - 1 / 15
This topic should be wrong?

The school library has purchased 120 comic books and 150 story books since the beginning of school. What percentage of comic books are comic books? How many times are story books What is the percentage of the total volume of new books purchased?

School begins, the school library bought 120 comic books and 150 story books
What is the percentage of comic book?
Story books are several times as many as comic books
150 △ 120 = 1.25 times
What is the percentage of the total volume of new books purchased?

We have 1 in our bookcase 3. Science and technology books. Half of them are story books and the rest are comic books. What percentage of comic books?

A: comic books account for 1

There are 80 story books in the library. The number of story books is just 5 / 6 of that of comic books. So how many story books and comic books are there?

Homework to do their own ah, with the number of storybooks multiplied by six fifths (can be divided by five and then multiplied by six) is the number of comic books, and then add it up

There are 80 story books in the student library. The number of story books is just 5 / 6 of the comic book. How many story books and comic books are there?

80 divided by five sixths is 96

The library has science and technology books, literature and art books, story books and comic books. If each student borrows two books of different types, at least several students should borrow books Make sure that at least two people borrow books of the same type?

== seven
There are six ways to choose two of the four books. The seventh person will be the same as before

There are 320 popular science books, accounting for two fifths of all books. Popular science books are equivalent to four-thirds of story books. How many books are there in the library management? In two ways, the same amount This weekend, I read 35 pages, which is exactly 5 / 7 of the extra-curricular reading material. How many pages is there in this extra-curricular book? In two ways, equal relationship

The first way:
Equivalent relation: the number of books * 5 = equal to the number of popular science books
320 △ 2 / 5 = 800
The second way:
Equivalent relation
Number of story books * 4 / 3 = number of popular science books
The number of story books + the number of popular science books = the number of all books
=560 (copies)

The school has 320 popular science books, accounting for two fifths of all books. Popular science books are equivalent to four thirds of story books. How many books are there in the library? How many story books are there in the library? 1. Line graph 2, quantitative relation 3, equation 4, arithmetic method Four steps: 1. Line graph 2. Quantitative relationship 3. Equation 4. Arithmetic method

320 popular science books account for 2 / 5 of all books, and all books = 320 / (2 / 5) = 800
Popular science books are equivalent to 4 / 3 of story books, and story books = 320 / (4 / 3) = 240
Line diagram
Popular science books--------
Total books--------------------
Quantitative relation
Popular science books = all books * 2 / 5
Popular science books = story books * 4 / 3
All books are set to X: 320 = x * 2 / 5
The storybook is set as y: 320 = y * 4 / 3
Arithmetic method
All books: 320 / (2 / 5) = 800
Story books: 320 / (4 / 3) = 240
If you meet your answer requirements, please accept, thank you!

The school has 320 popular science books, accounting for two fifths of all books. Popular science books are equivalent to four thirds of story books. How many books are there in the library Equation solution, fractional division

There are x books in total
There are 800 books in the library

There are 3200 popular science books in the school library, accounting for two fifths of all books. The number of story books is 25% less than that of popular science books (1) how many books are there in the library? (2) how many story books are there in the library?

(1) Total books: 3200 divided by 2 / 5 = 8000 (copies) (2) 3200 * 25% + 3200 = 4000 (copies)