Twenty one dimes and nickels are 5 yuan and 3 jiao in total. What are the 1 jiao and 5 jiao coins? Let's set X dimes and Y nickels. Fill in the table below and calculate the values of X and y Sum of 1 jiao and 5 jiao Number of coins x y 21 It's five yuan and thirty cents

Twenty one dimes and nickels are 5 yuan and 3 jiao in total. What are the 1 jiao and 5 jiao coins? Let's set X dimes and Y nickels. Fill in the table below and calculate the values of X and y Sum of 1 jiao and 5 jiao Number of coins x y 21 It's five yuan and thirty cents

According to the meaning of the title:
x+5y=53 ,
The solution
y=8 .
Fill in the form as follows:
Sum of 1 jiao and 5 jiao
Number of coins x y 21
The amount of money is x 5Y 5 yuan and 30 Jiao

Twenty one dimes and nickels are 5 yuan and 3 jiao in total. What are the 1 jiao and 5 jiao coins? Let's set X dimes and Y nickels. Fill in the table below and calculate the values of X and y Sum of 1 jiao and 5 jiao Number of coins x y 21 It's five yuan and thirty cents

Fill in the table as follows: x + y = 21x + 5Y = 53, x = 13y = 8

There is a story book in the primary school test. Xiaoming is 4 yuan less than Xiao Ming and 3 yuan is short of Lin. if he and two people have enough money to buy a book, how much is the book?

Design Book X Yuan
Xiao Ming is less than 4 yuan, and Xiao Ming takes x-4 (yuan)
Kobayashi is short of 3 yuan, and Xiaolin takes x-3 (yuan)

There is a story book. Xiao Lin and Xiao Ming both want to buy it. Xiao Ming is 4 yuan less. Xiao Lin is still short of 3 yuan. If their money and money are together, they just buy this book How much is the book?

If the price of this book is x yuan, then
Xiao Ming has x-4 yuan, Xiao Lin has x-3 yuan
According to two people's money and together just bought the book
A: this book costs 7 yuan
Hope to help you, hope to adopt, thank you!

Xiaolin read an 85 page story book, has read 48 pages, read the book______ .

A: I read 48 of the book
So the answer is: 48

Xiaoming he Xiaohong goes to the bookstore to buy a story book. The difference between Xiaoming's money and Xiaohong's is 3.20 yuan and 3.50 yuan. The money of Xiaoming and Xiaohong can just buy this book. How much is the price of this book? Thank you

The price of this book is (M = m-3.2 + m-3.5) = 6.7 yuan

Xiao Ming and Xiao Liang want to buy the same book. Xiao Ming is short of 1 yuan and 7 yuan, and Xiao Liang is short of 1 yuan and 3 yuan. If they use their money to buy this book together, the money is just right. What is the price of this book? How much did they each carry?

According to the meaning of the title, we get
The price of the book: 1.7 + 1.3 = 3 yuan,
The amount of money in Xiaoming is 3-1.7 = 1.3 (yuan);
The amount of money in Xiaoliang belt is: 3-1.3 = 1.7 yuan
A: the price of this book is 3 yuan. Xiao Ming took 1 yuan 30 yuan and Xiao Liang 1 yuan 70 yuan

A total of 10 yuan, buy 100 eggs, eggs 1 cent, duck eggs 20 cents a, goose eggs 3 jiao 1, ask for how much?

Let eggs be x, duck eggs y and goose eggs Z

Xiaodong and Xiaoxin go to the bookstore to buy a book. They both want to buy a story book, but they don't have enough money. Xiaodong is one yuan short, and Xiaoxin is one yuan and two jiao short But if the two people's money together is just enough to buy the book, ask how much is the book? How much do they each carry?

Book 2.5 yuan East 1.2 yuan new 1.3 yuan·········

Xiaoling goes to the store to buy apples. She has 50 cents left when she buys five catties of apples, but she needs three cents to buy six Jin apples. How much does Xiaoling bring with her? Periodic profit and loss problem Oh, no equation

(5 + 3) × (6-5) = 8 Jiao, which is 8 cents per kilogram of apple
8 × 5 + 5 = 45 Jiao = 4 yuan and 5 jiao
A: eight cents a catty of apples. Qian Xiaoling takes 4 yuan and 5 cents