Birds, eyes, apples, airplanes, cars, ducks, bicycles, rulers?

Birds, eyes, apples, airplanes, cars, ducks, bicycles, rulers?

Bird, eye, apple, plane, car, duck, bike, ruler

Pencil, five corners, rubber, two corners, ruler, hexagonal badminton, one yuan Excuse me: 1, how much money should I get back when I buy a pencil for one yuan? 2. How many things can you buy for one yuan? 3. How to pay for a ruler without changing it The third key question,

1 yuan = 10 Jiao
10-5 = 5 corners
Two kinds, pencil and rubber or rubber and ruler
Six cents directly
Give me one yuan for a ruler and two rubbers

Bird_ D eyes_ Apple_ L_ Aircraft_ N_ Car_ Duck_ Bicycles_ Ruler R_ L__ English word supplement


In the commodity market, we can often hear the Hawker's voice and customers' bargaining voice: "10 yuan for a toy car, 20% off, come and buy it!" "Can we get another 2 yuan cheaper?" if the peddler really sells the car with a profit of 2 yuan, he can still make a profit of 20%. According to the following formula, how much is the purchase price of a toy racing car? (formula = purchase price × profit rate = sales price × discount amount - profit yield amount - purchase price)

Let's set the price of a toy racing car to be x yuan,
Results: 10 × 0.8-2 = x + X × 20%
The solution is: x = 5
A: the price of a toy racing car is 5 yuan

It is three yuan for car crossing, two yuan for horse and one yuan for person. On a certain day, the ratio of car to horse is 2:9, and that between horse and man is 3:7. The total charge is 945 yuan. How many are the three kinds I don't understand. I haven't learned the equation of two variables

Suppose: the number of people is 7x, the number of horses is 3x, and the number of cars is y
A: there are 441 people, 189 horses and 42 cars

A story book is 10 yuan more expensive than a comic book, and a science and technology book is 5 yuan cheaper than a comic book. How much is this story book more expensive than a science and technology book

If the price of a story book is x and a comic book is X-10, then the price of a science and technology book is x-10-5 = X-15, so the price of a story book is 15 yuan higher than that of a science and technology book

The school bought some story books, science books and comic books. Story books are 5 / 8 of science and technology books and 1 / 5 of comic books Story books are 36 less than science books. How many books are there in each of the three categories?

Number of science and technology books:
36 ^ (1-5 of 8)
=36 / 3 / 8
=96 (copy)
Number of story books:
96 × 5 / 8 = 60
Number of comic books:
(96 + 60) × (1-5) × 1 / 5
=156 ÷ 4 / 5 × 1 / 5
=195 × 1 / 5
=39 (copy)

The library of class 51 bought six story books and five comic books, which cost 55.3 yuan. Each story book costs 0.6 yuan more than each comic book How much is each story book and comic book?

Big brother, I didn't learn equations and calculations with * do you have any other methods

The book corner of class 5 (1) bought 5 comic books and 6 fairy tales, which cost 55.3 yuan. Each fairy tale is 0.6 yuan more expensive than each comic book. How much does each fairy tale and comic book cost?

Six fairy tales are more expensive than six comic books by 6 × 0.6 = 3.6 yuan
So if six fairy tales were replaced by six comic books
11 comic books, 55.3-3.6 = 51.7 yuan
A: comic books cost 4.7 yuan and fairy tale books 5.3 yuan

The "book corner" of class 1, grade 5 bought 6 story books and 5 comic books, which cost 55.3 yuan. It is known that each story book is more expensive than each comic book 6 yuan. How much is each story book and comic book? Please be more detailed, thank you

6 x 0.6 = 3.6 (yuan). The money for story books
55.3-3.6 = 51.7 yuan. Money for story books and comic books
51.7 △ (6 + 5) = 4.7 (yuan). Money for comic books
4.7 + 0.6 = 5.3 (yuan). Money for story books