Pear 3 yuan per kilogram, mother bought 4 kilograms of pear with money and 3 kilograms of apple with the same money, how many yuan per kilogram of apple

Pear 3 yuan per kilogram, mother bought 4 kilograms of pear with money and 3 kilograms of apple with the same money, how many yuan per kilogram of apple

Apples cost 4 yuan per kilogram

Xiaoqian and several students on behalf of the class to visit the sick and hospitalized Xiaojun. Other students have no money, Xiaoqian looked at the bag to buy 2.5 kg of apple is still 1.4 yuan short How much money does Xiaoqian take with her

Set the unit price of Apple X
2.5X - 1.4 = 2X + 1.1
X = 5
2.5 x 5 - 1.4 = 11.1

Dad's age is four times as old as Xiao Ming, and his father is 27 years older than Xiao Ming. Do you know how old father and Xiao Ming are? (line diagram is a good helper

=9 years old,
9 + 27 = 36 years old,
A: Dad is 36 and Xiao Ming is 9

The age of father, mother and Xiao Qian is only 80. Among them, the age of father is four times that of Xiaoqian. Mother is one year younger than father. Can you figure out how old Xiaoqian is fast

Take Xiaoqian's age as a standard
Dad is four times as old as Xiaoqian
Mother is one year younger than her father, that is, one year younger than Xiaoqian's age. If you add one year to your mother, it will be exactly four times of Xiaoqian's age. At this time, the total number will increase by one year
Then 80 + 1 = 81 years old, this age is Xiaoqian's (1 + 4 + 4 = 9 times)
Xiaoqian's age is: 81 △ 9 = 9 years old
Answer Xiaoqian is 9 years old

Where are the producing areas of sugarcane, banana, pineapple, longan, apple and tangerine

Sugarcane, banana, pineapple and longan in Hainan
Apple in Shandong
Red tangerine is in Jiangsu

My mother bought 6 kg of litchi and 8 kg of longan, and paid 312 yuan. It is known that the price of 5 kg litchi is equal to that of 2 kg longan Mother bought 6 kg of lychee and 8 kg of longan, and paid 312 yuan. It is known that the price of 5 kg litchi is equal to that of 2 kg longan. What are the unit prices of the two items? (use the replacement strategy to solve the problem)

It is known that the price of 5kg litchi is equal to the price of 2kg longan, so the price of 8kg longan is equal to 4 times the price of 5kg litchi, that is to say, the price of 6kg litchi and 8kg longan is equal to that of 26kg litchi, so the unit price of litchi is 12 yuan / kilogram, so the price of 5kg litchi is equal to the price of 2kg longan, so the price of 2kg longan is 60yuan, Therefore, the unit price of longan is 30 yuan / kg

My mother bought 6 kg litchi and 8 kg longan from the supermarket and paid 260 yuan in total. The price of 5 kg litchi was equal to the price of 2 kg longan Q: how much is litchi per kilogram To do with an alternative or hypothetical strategy

The price of 5kg litchi is equal to that of 2kg longan
8 kg longan is equivalent to 8  ̄ 2 × 5 = 20 kg litchi
Therefore, it costs 260 yuan (6 + 20 yuan) per kilogram of litchi
Have a good time

It is known that the price of 5 kg litchi is equal to that of 2 kg longan. What is the unit price of litchi?

Because the price of 5kg litchi is equal to the price of 2kg longan, the price of 20kg litchi is equal to the price of 8kg longan, and the price of 6kg litchi + 20kg litchi = 312 yuan

Mom bought two kinds of fruit in the supermarket, which one is cheaper? Apple 2.5kg costs 20 yuan, peach 1.6kg costs 12.8 yuan

3.5 / 2.5 = 1.4 yuan / kg
1.4 * 1.6 = 2.24 yuan / kg
2.24 * 3 = 6.72 yuan. Peach is 6.72 yuan

Mom went to buy fruit, apples and peaches each bought 3 kg, sharing 17.1 yuan. We know that apples are 3.2 yuan per kilogram, peaches per kilogram how many yuan? Use the equation to solve

Let's say x yuan per kilogram of oranges
Then 3 * 3.2 + 3x = 17.1
The solution is x = 2.5
So oranges cost 2.5 yuan per kilogram