How many kinds of postage can be paid with 1 jiao, 2 jiao and 4 jiao stamps each

How many kinds of postage can be paid with 1 jiao, 2 jiao and 4 jiao stamps each

With a single stamp: 1 jiao, 2 jiao, 4 jiao
Double: 1 + 2 = 3 angle, 1 + 4 = 5 angle, 2 + 4 = 6 angle
Three: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 angles
There are seven

How many kinds of postage can you pay for a stamp of 4 Fen, 8 Fen and 1 jiao

7 species 3 + 1 + 3x2 / 2 = 7

Kobayashi has stamps with a face value of 40 Jiao, 50 Jiao and 8 Jiao. How many different postage rates can he use these stamps

4 jiao 5 jiao 8 Jiao 9 Jiao 1 yuan 2 jiao
1 yuan 3 jiao 1 yuan 7 Jiao
7 species in total

How many different kinds of postage can be paid for each stamp with a face value of 0.8 yuan, 1.2 yuan and 2 yuan?

3 sheets together: 0.8 + 1.2 + 2 = 4
2 sheets: 0.8 + 1.2 = 2
1: 3 kinds
Answer: 7 kinds

There are two stamps with 80 cents, 1.2 yuan and 2 yuan each (if there are three stamps in each), how many different postage can be paid?

Permutation and combination?

Mathematical problems in stamps: three stamps with 80 points, 20 points and 2 yuan, how many different postage can be paid?

3 * 3 * 3 = 27 species
(permutation and combination)

Here are three kinds of stamps with different denominations. They are 8.1.2 yuan and 2 yuan. Li Ming has one of the three kinds of stamps on it. How many different postage can he pay? Zhang Hua has two of the three kinds of stamps on it. How many different kinds of postage can she pay? Wang Ling has three kinds of stamps on the top, how many different kinds of postage can she pay?

First consider Zhang Hua's: there are three kinds of postage for a stamp: 81 yuan and 22 yuan
There are six kinds of postage for two stamps: 1 yuan, 6 jiao, 2 yuan, 4 jiao, 2 yuan, 8 Jiao, 3 yuan, 24 yuan
So Zhang Hua can pay eight different kinds of postage: 8 Jiao 1 yuan 2 jiao 1 yuan 6 Jiao 2 yuan 2 yuan 4 Jiao 2 yuan 8 Jiao 3 yuan 24 yuan
Consider Wang Ling's: there are three kinds of postage for a stamp: 81 yuan and 22 yuan
There are six kinds of postage for two stamps: 1 yuan, 6 jiao, 2 yuan, 4 jiao, 2 yuan, 8 Jiao, 3 yuan, 24 yuan
There are nine kinds of postage for three stamps: 2 yuan 4 Jiao 2 yuan 8 Jiao 3 yuan 2 jiao 3 yuan 6 jiao 4 yuan 4 jiao
4 yuan, 80 yuan, 5 yuan, 26 yuan
So Wang Ling can pay 13 different kinds of postage: 8 Jiao 1 yuan 2 jiao 1 yuan 6 Jiao 2 yuan 2 yuan 4 Jiao 2 yuan 8 Jiao 3 yuan 23 yuan 6 jiao
4 yuan 4 yuan 4 jiao 4 yuan 8 Jiao 5 yuan 2 jiao 6 yuan

How many different postage rates can be made up of one jiao, two jiao and 50 Jiao stamps?

There are 4 kinds of 3-angle, 6-angle, 7-angle and 8-angle

How many different kinds of postage can be made up of 1 jiao, 2 jiao and 8 Jiao stamps

Six species 128 12 18 28 128

I'll pay 6 yuan for 18 20 Jiao and 50 Jiao stamps. How many are each?

There are 2 corners x sheets and 5 corners 18-x sheets
10 at 20, 8 at 50
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