It can only have power, bracket, fraction, decimal, positive and negative numbers~ No letters! Only 25 questions are enough! There are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division~

It can only have power, bracket, fraction, decimal, positive and negative numbers~ No letters! Only 25 questions are enough! There are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division~

All with "" are powers. - 3 "2" + (- 1 / 5) * (- 15) / (- 3) = - 3 * 3 + (- 1 / 5) * (- 15) * (- 1 / 3) - 9 + [- (1 / 5 * 15 * 1 / 3)] = - 10 (- 1 / 8-1 / 36 + 3 / 4-1 / 18) * (- 72) = - 1 / 8 * (- 72) + (- 1 / 36) * (- 72) + - 3 / 4 * (- 72) + (- 1 / 18) * - 72)

1 fill in the blank, 1 Calculation and 1 application problem ~) The 2nd power of 1.2004 - 2003 * 2005=_______ 2. The 2nd power of 2008 / 2008 - 2007 * 2009 3. Xiaoming is a resourceful classmate. After learning multiplication formula, the teacher put forward the following question: Calculation: 3 (4 + 1) * (the 2nd power of 4 + 1), can you use the multiplication formula you have learned to calculate? Xiaoming thought, after writing 3 as 4-1, 3 (4 + 1) * (4's 2nd power + 1) = (4-1) * (4 + 1) * (4's 2nd power + 1) = (4's 2nd power-1) * (4's 2nd power + 1) = 16's 2nd power-1, Then the teacher gave another question. Calculation: (2 + 1) * (2's 2nd power + 1) * (2's 4th power + 1) * (2's 8th power + 1) (2 of the 2008 power + 1), Xiaoming quickly made it, dear readers, try it!

1. = 2004 ^ 2 - (2004-1) (2004 + 1) = (2004 ^ 2 - 2004 ^ 2 - 1) = 12. = 2008 / [2008 ^ 2 - (2008-1) (2008 + 1)] = 2008 / 1 = 20083 (2^2008+1) =(2^2-1...

Calculation questions in mathematics volume 1 of junior high school {with answers}

1. - 36 * (1-9 / 4 + 7 / 12)
2. (- 1 / 42) / (1 / 6-3 + 2-7)
3. 999 and 8 / 9 ^ (- 2 + 8 / 9)
=-899 and 9 / 10
4. (- 49) / (2 and 1 / 3) * 3 / 7 * (- 1 / 3)

1000 calculation problems in mathematics volume 1 of junior high school

[-18]+29+[-52]+60= 19 [-3]+[-2]+[-1]+0+1+2= -3 [-301]+125+301+[-75]= 50 [-1]+[-1/2]+3/4+[-1/4]= -1 [-7/2]+5/6+[-0.5]+4/5+19/6= 1.25 [-26.54]+[-6.14]+18.54+6.14= -8 1.125+[-17/5]+[-1/8]+[-0.6]= -3 [-98...

On the interesting calculation of rational number in junior high school Help me find interesting calculation problems about rational number in junior high school Note: be fun

Take 2, minus 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, and 0, so that the horizontal, vertical and oblique add up to 0
The vertical and the oblique can't do it

A mathematical engineering problem in junior high school It takes 14 days for Party A, 18 days for Party B and 12 days for Party C to complete the maintenance of tap water in a residential area. Party A and Party B cooperate in the first seven days, but Party B leaves for a period of time, and Party B cooperates with Party B in the second two days?

Let's leave for X days
X = 3
So I left for three days

A group of mowers cut two pieces of grass. The big one is twice as big as the small one. In the morning, all the people mow on the big one. In the afternoon, half of them stay on the big one. In the evening, the other half mows the small grass. In the evening, one mower has just finished cutting the grass on the small one. How many mowers are there in this group, Work from morning to evening, half in the morning and half in the afternoon)

If the number of people is x, each person mows 1 unit per day, the small grassland area is y, then the large grassland area is 2Y,
Mow grass in the morning, X * 1 / 2 = x / 2;
In the afternoon, Mowing Grassland (x / 2) * (1 / 2) = x / 4;
In the afternoon, mowing small grassland (x / 2) * (1 / 2) = x / 4;
The second day was 1 day;
Then: X / 2 + X / 4 = 2Y
The solution is x = 8
The total number of mowers is 8

How to solve the problem of equation application in the first volume of mathematics in junior high school Nonsense, of course, it is best to use equation to solve the best example problem and to solve and explain that the serious answer is not clear about the equivalency relationship between the sub travel problem and the engineering problem

A mathematician said that drawing a line diagram is a bridge to solve the problem. During the eleventh period, the engineering team prepared to spend three days to build the road. On the first day, it built three-quarters of the road, the second day completed the remaining one-third, and there were four questions left?
4/(1-3/1)=6m 6/ (1-4/3) =24m

Mathematics application problems in junior high school should be solved by one variable linear equation 1. A city charges according to the following standards: if the water consumption does not exceed 20 tons, it will be charged at 1.2 yuan per ton; if it exceeds 20 tons, the excess part will be charged at 1.5 yuan. The average water charge of a family in May is 1.25 yuan per ton, so how many tons of water does the family use in May? 2. The National Football League A has played eight rounds, and the number of matches played by Shanghai Shenhua team is twice as many as the number of negative games, and the score is 17 points. The league points rule is three points for winning a game, 0 points for a negative game, and 1 point for a flat game. How many games did Shanghai Shenhua team win in the first eight rounds? 3. In one test, a total of three subjects including Chinese, mathematics and English were tested. Liu Ming scored 111 points on average, including 100 points for Chinese and 5 points less for English than mathematics. In this test, how many points did Liu Ming get in mathematics?

Suppose x-20 * 1.5 in May, because x-20 is the excess water charge (1.2 * 20) is not exceeding the water charge, then the excess water charge + not exceeding = x * 1.25: (x-20) * 1.5 + 1.2 * 20 = 1.25xx = 24, can you solve it yourself? 2. Set victory x field (17-3x) + X + {18 - (17-3x) - x} = 18x = 5

My grandfather told Ogawa that you were only 2 years old when your father was as old as you are now. When you are as old as your father, your father will be 74 years old. What are the ages of Ogawa's father and Ogawa now

Let's assume that Xiaochuan's age is X,
Xiaochuan's age is X-2,
So: x + (X-2) + (X-2) = 74,
The solution is x = 26
A: Ogawa's father is now 50 years old and Ogawa is 26 years old now