The answer to the latest test paper of compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook published by people's Education Press I am a teacher, I want to let students read early at the end of the term!

The answer to the latest test paper of compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook published by people's Education Press I am a teacher, I want to let students read early at the end of the term!

Use your own brain, you will find that the problem is actually very simple, come on! I believe you can do it*_*

Compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook mathematics grade 5 (Volume 1) exercise 25 how to do 6?

4 * (x + 1.25x) = 360 x + 1.25x = 902.25x = 90 x = 40

Compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook mathematics grade five volume one 95 page 8 questions how to do

First, calculate the area of the rectangle, and then calculate the planting area of safflower, yellow flower and green grass
Planting area of green grass: 216 △ 2 = 108 (M2)
The planting area of safflower and yellow flower are respectively 216 △ 4 = 54 (M? 2)

Sixth grade mathematics book Volume I answer exercise 19 (compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook)

5. Percentage: 5% 42% 58% 75% 95%
Score: 1 / 20 21 / 50 29 / 50 3 / 4 19 / 20
Decimal: 0.05 0.2 0.42 0.58 0.75 0.95
6. Percentage: 32% 150% 33.3% 2.5% 37.5% 95%
Decimal: 0.32 1.5 0.333 0.025 0.375 0.005
Score: 8 / 25 3 / 2 1 / 3 1 / 40 3 / 8 1 / 200
7. Compare fractions into percentages
When 3 / 5 = 60% 3 / 4 = 75% 30% < 60% < 75% 15 ° C, the head loses the most heat

Compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook people's education press mathematics grade 5 Volume 1 page 34 question 5

The speed of swifts is calculated first, and then the speed of swifts is several times that of carrier pigeons
510 △ 3 = 170 (km / h)

Contents of mathematics books in Volume 1 of Grade 8

Chapter 1 Pythagorean Theorem 1 explore Pythagorean theorem 2 can you get a right triangle? 3 how can ants walk the nearest? Chapter 2 how to use 2 square root 3 cube root 4 how wide is the park? 5. Square root 6 real number. Chapter 3 translation and rotation of figures 1. Translation in life 2. Simple translation. 3. Rotation in life. 4

All the ancient poems in grade two of primary school (compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook) Emphasis is the experimental textbook of compulsory education curriculum standard

[grade two of primary school]
Volume I: to Liu Jingwen, Su Shi, Du Mu, he Zhizhang, and Li Bai
To Liu Jingwen and Su Shi
The lotus is no longer covered with rain, chrysanthemum is still proud of frost branches
Du Mu in the mountains
Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is slanting, and there is a family in the place of Baiyun
He Zhizhang
Many years have passed since I left my hometown. Recently, I've lost my life
To Wang Lun and Li Bai
Li Bai would like to go on a boat, suddenly heard the sound of singing on the bank
The second volume: Grass by Bai Juyi, Suxin xugongdian by Yang Wanli, wanglushan waterfall by Li Bai, quatrains (two Orioles Singing green willows) Du Fu
Farewell to Bai Juyi
The lush grass on the plains in one year, withers and thrives once each year.
Yuanfang invades the ancient road, Qingcui meets the desolate city, and sends Wang and sun to his hometown
Yang Wanli, xugongdian, Suxin City
The hedgerows are sparse and deep, and the flowers on the tree head are not shady. The children run after the yellow butterfly and fly into the cauliflower
Wanglushan waterfall Li Bai
Sunshine censer produces purple smoke, watching the waterfall hanging in front of the river
Du Fu's quatrains
Two orioles sing green willows, a row of egrets on the blue sky
Window with Xiling Qianqiu snow, door Park East Wu Wan Li ship

Primary school compulsory education curriculum standard experimental textbook grade 1 to 6 ancient poetry

In the south of the Yangtze River, lotus leaves can be picked in the south of the Yangtze River. Lotus leaves can be picked in the south of the Yangtze River

How to write the composition of unit 4 of grade 6 in the experimental textbook of compulsory education curriculum standard? No hurry, but better early! The teacher said early bonus! Points can be exchanged for Scholarships... (liukoushui) hope brother and sister help Both

If I were a drop of water, I would like to drop in the flow of time. Although I will leave with time, I know that I have painted a dazzling light for this colorful world
If I were a drop of water, I would like to be a small water drop condensed in the sky after the rain, and gather together with my friends to reflect the light of the sun and reflect the colorful rainbow as brilliant as flowers. When a child said happily, "how beautiful the rainbow is," we are proud, we are proud, Because the rainbow is our masterpiece. Although we also know that children do not know that it is us who are unknown and dedicated to the whole life to create the graceful figure of rainbow
If I were a drop of water, I would have been a small drop of water in the thick clouds, falling on the dry land, moistening the skin of the land, so that he could give birth to more and better food in the coming year. But the simple smile on the face of the farmer ruby is our best reward. I prefer to land in the water shortage zone where there is a long drought and no rain. When people come out to meet water with big pots and small pots, I will fall into the basin, bring infinite joy to people, and I will be more proud
If I were a drop of water, I would like to be a part of tap water to help people cook and wash clothes. When a sweating child came and used me to quench his thirst, I would feel that I was a real hero. However, I have a wish that you don't waste me at will. Turn off the tap at will, which is actually an easy action, It's easy for you
If I were a drop of water, I would only like to be a drop in the ocean. I would only like to be a drop in the ocean. I would only like to be a drop of great ordinary and precious. We can form a series of nine songs, set off a great storm, form a great wave, and pour out the magnificent momentum. The beautiful Hukou waterfall and the Magnificent Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are all built with our bodies and life
I can shout to the blue sky: I am great, I am proud, I am proud! Because I am a drop of water, although I am unknown, but I have created one miracle after another, one by one scenery

Answers to exercises in mathematics volume 1 of grade 9 in experimental textbook of compulsory education curriculum standard published by people's Education Press

There will be answers to every textbook, but you must buy the right textbook