The number of story books in school library is 1 more than that of science and technology books 4. There are 600 story books and how many science and technology books?

The number of story books in school library is 1 more than that of science and technology books 4. There are 600 story books and how many science and technology books?

=480 (copies)
A: there are 480 science and technology books

The number of story books in school library is 1 more than that of science and technology books 4. There are 600 story books and how many science and technology books?

=480 (copies)
A: there are 480 science and technology books

The number of original science and technology books in the school library accounts for 2% of the number of story books 5. Now I have bought 60 science and technology books, and the ratio of science books to story books is 4:7 A. 350 B. 140 C. 200 D. 80

=350 (copies)
5 = 140
Answer: original science and technology book 140
Therefore, B

The number of original science and technology books in the library of kilogram school accounts for 2 / 5 of the number of story books. Now it has purchased 60 science and technology books. At this time, the ratio of technology to story books is 4:7 Drawing

Story books: 60 × (4 / 7-2 / 5) = 60 * 35 / 6 = 350
Original science and technology books: 350 * 2 / 5 = 140
Now there are science and technology books: 140 + 60 = 200
You can't draw a picture

The story books of the school account for 3% of the total books in the school 5. After buying another 400 story books, story books account for 2 3. How many books are there in the school?

It turns out that story books belong to other books,
Now story books belong to other books,
Other books include:
2) = 800 (copies);
The original books are:
=2000 (copies)
A: the school originally had 2000 books

The number of science and technology books in school library is 5 / 8 more than that of story books, and there are 300 more science and technology books than story books

Story books = 300 × (5 / 8) = 480;
Science and technology books = 480 + 300 = 780
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There are 1200 story books in the school library, 1 / 5 more science and technology books than story books emergency

I feel dizzy

There are 12000 books in the school library, of which 45% are story books, 20% are science and technology books, 20% are literature and art books, and 15% are other books

Story books 12000 * 45% = 5400 volumes
Science and technology books 12000 * 20% = 2400 volumes
Literature and art books 12000 * 20% = 2400 volumes
Other books 12000 * 15% = 1800 volumes

There are 480 story books in the school library (1) How many books are there in the school library? (2) How many science books are less than reference books? 38% reference books, 32% science and technology books and 480 story books

100 percent minus 38 percent and 32 percent = 30 percent
And then divide 480 by 30 to get a percentage point of 16 books
The reference book is 38 * 16 = 608
Science and technology book is 32 * 16 = 512
I hope it will help you

The number of story books in the school library is 24 times less than that of science and technology books. The administrator has calculated that there are 144 story books in the library

The number of story books is 5 times less than that of science and technology books, and the sum of two kinds of books (story book + science and technology book) is 6 times less than that of science and technology books only, and 24 books are less