Arrange all six digits of two 3's and 4 0's in descending order

Arrange all six digits of two 3's and 4 0's in descending order


Four two and three zeros make up seven digits With 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, a total of seven digits can be formed and written: ① one 0 is not read; ② read only one 0; ③ read two zeros; ④ read all three zeros

two million two hundred and twenty-two thousand
two million two hundred and twenty thousand and two
two million twenty thousand and twenty-two
two million twenty thousand two hundred and two

Use These six numbers make up a six digit number, and can only read two zeros

500505 read as 500505

Which of the four numbers 505050 500505 550005 5505000 can read two zeros

505050: 550050
500505: 500505
550005: 550005
5505000: 550000

Write any three digit number without zero, take two of the three digits and combine them into all possible two digits (there are six). Find the sum of all these two digits, and divide it by the sum of the numbers on each digit of the original three digits. For example, for the three digit 234, take two of its digits to form all the possible two digits: 23, 32, 24, 42, 34, The sum of the three digits is 198. The sum of the three digits is 9198 divided by 9, which equals 22. What do you find? Please write down the exploration process and the results of the operation according to the above method, and use the knowledge of algebra to show that the results are correct

Let any three digit number be ABC, and take six of them as 10A + B, 10b + A, 10a + C, 10C + A, 10b + C, 10C + B
The sum of the three digits is a + B + C
It is easy to know that the quotient of division is always 22

There are eight single digits: How to combine the maximum number of three zeros Which answer is right.

ninety million eight hundred and seven thousand and sixty
ninety million eight hundred and seven thousand and sixty

Four, six, two, nine and five zeros can be divided into different nine digits. What is the minimum number that can read and eat three zeros

(1) First of all, nine numbers must be used, so the first digit from left to right can only be the smallest non-zero. 2. There are 5 zeros in 2 XXXXXXXX (2). When two adjacent zeros are together, a 0 is read-only. To read three zeros, there must be three strings of zeros, each containing one or more consecutive zeros

Use to form a four digit number and multiply one digit to get another four digit number without repetition


There are six numbers: 4, 7, 8, 1, 2 and 5. Three times of the six digits formed by them is still a six digit number, which is also composed of these six digits?


Fill in the equation with four digits multiplied by one digit

1738 X 4 = 6952
1963 X 4 = 7852