Physics master, please come in! Support force and gravity is a pair of balance force or support force and pressure is a pair of balance force?

Physics master, please come in! Support force and gravity is a pair of balance force or support force and pressure is a pair of balance force?

According to your description, it should be the case that an object is at rest on the horizontal ground. Analysis: when the object is subjected to gravity g, the ground supports the object n, and the resultant force is 0

Is pressure and support force balance force or gravity and support force balance force? I hope there is a picture to show the truth

Gravity and support are equilibrium forces
The balance force is equal, reverse, acting on the same object
Gravity: Earth vs. object
Support to the ground
The equilibrium force condition is satisfied
Pressure: object to ground
The pressure and support force are, each other is the force object and the force application body, is the interaction force

If a book is placed on the horizontal plane, is the support force of the book and the pressure of the book on the desktop a pair of balance forces? Why?

No! The pressure of the book on the table top is the force received by the table top, and the supporting force for the book is the force on the book. This is a pair of force and reaction force (equal in size, opposite in direction, acting on the same line). The condition for the balance of the two forces is that the two forces acting on the "same object" are equal in size and opposite in direction, acting on the same straight line!

When the object is still on the table top, is the pressure of the object on the table top and the support force of the table top on the object a pair of balance forces? Why

Not a pair of equilibrium forces, but a pair of forces and reactions, because the action points are different, one on the object and one on the table top

The pressure of the object on the table top and what force is a pair of balance forces (note that the balance force acts on an object)

The pressure of the object on the table top, and a certain force can not form a balance force
It should be: the pressure of the object on the table and the resultant force of gravity on the table form a balance force with the supporting force on the table
That is, the table is at least balanced by three forces
The pressure of the object on the table top and any force on the object itself do not constitute a balance force. The reason is that you write: to act on the same object
Unknown question

There is a book on the desk. Is the pressure of the book on the table and the support of the table on the book a balance

no, it isn't
The equilibrium force should act on the same object
The balance is the gravity of the book and the support of the table

What is the balance force between the pressure of the object on the table and its force on the table

The balance force is for the same object, this topic is to analyze the force of the table, the pressure of the object on the table, the gravity of the table itself and the support force of the ground to the table

Is pressure and support a pair of balancing forces, and why?

Of course not. First of all, you don't make clear the concept of balance force. Two forces acting on the same object, which are equal in size and opposite in direction, are balance forces. Balance force acts on an object. This is often ignored. The effect of balance force is the same as that of no force acting on the object. Because a pair of balance forces can

Put a book on the table, and those forces are equilibrium forces and which are mutual forces

Put a book on the table and stand still
The balance between the gravity of books and the support of desktop to books;
The gravity of the book and the earth, the support of the book and the pressure on the table are mutual forces
Hope to help you, if you have any questions, you can ask~~~
I hope you can make progress in your study and go to a higher level*^__ ^ *

Why is gravity and support force balanced? Well, the gravity center of gravity, then downward; and the action point of the support force is on the table, although it is upward, but the action point is different. How to say that it is acting on the same object? Gravity is against the table, support force is not on the object? Why is the balance force?

Although the point used is on the table, the supporting force acts on the object
Gravity on the table is a wrong idea. Gravity acts on objects
The gravity and supporting force acting on the same body are of equal mass, collinear and reverse. They are a pair of equilibrium forces