Put in the appropriate words in brackets: () uneasy ()

Put in the appropriate words in brackets: () uneasy ()

(human) uneasiness (heart)
2. Restlessness
(sitting) uneasy (standing)
4. (back) uneasy (go)
(1) restlessness (Dragon)
Uneasiness (CI)
(lying) uneasy (seat)
8. (running) uneasy (jumping)

Use the word "ran" to form words, and then fill in the brackets Xiao Li, who has been doing very well in her studies, got 63 points this time. Some students think it is () because of her recent arrogance and complacency?

Chance, necessity, otherwise

() uneasy idioms

be anxious and fearful

Fill in words, () () () uneasy A little more!

() () there are so many uneasiness, such as the following: restlessness, restlessness, restlessness, restlessness, restlessness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, uneasiness, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety

Put the words in brackets: () vitality () bitter sea () are all () there is God () Xiang Rong () tirelessly () into the buckle () fire

Exuberant, the second will not, that, Jiong, Xinxin, Zizi, silk, stars

Words in brackets Hot tears () () () () straight jump Kneel down and beg

Dancing with tears

What should be filled in brackets 11 14 () 2 is regular

From a logical point of view, the rule needs a premise, and this problem does not set a premise, so there is no answer

What should be filled in brackets?

Source: The Analects of Confucius, Yanghuo: "the way to listen to the road to say, the abandonment of virtue." Hanshu Yiwenzhi: "novelists flow, covered by humble officials, street talk, hearsay's creation also." story: ancient scholar AI Zi's neighbor Mao Kong

Find rules (what should be filled in brackets?) 2,3,5,7,11,13,(),(),19 And give reasons In fact, I think there is one more bracket, but the title is like this~

This question should be filled in prime number, but I can't understand why there is one more blank

What should be filled in brackets

Again and again
To sharpen one's mouth before each fight. To sharpen one's mouth once again so as to accept the next challenge. It means to keep fighting spirit all the time. It also means to continue to work hard. It means to work hard again and again
Why not use "Li"? See the following link: