Fill in one word in the brackets Fill in a word in brackets to make it an idiom

Fill in one word in the brackets Fill in a word in brackets to make it an idiom

numerous hills and streams
express a thousand thanks
punishment by hacking process
differ in thousands of ways
thousands of thousands of grainelevators -- a year of abundance
numerous households
the ages to come
the myriads of changes
time and again
thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers -- a powerful army
a multitude of things
have all kinds of connections with
go through untold hardships
thousands and thousands of words
as sure as fate

Ten thousand () ten thousand () with antonyms in brackets

The idiom contains thousands of hardships, thousands of mountains and valleys, thousands of changes, thousands of troops, thousands of threads, thousands of words, thousands of mountains, thousands of rivers, thousands of calls, thousands of differences, really, thousands of instructions, thousands of cuts, thousands of thanks, thousands of buyers, thousands of generations, thousands of families

1 () + 1 () = 48. Only time units can be filled in brackets,

1 day + 1 day = 48 hours

Do you know the opening time of the following flowers? Please fill in the brackets The opening time of peach blossom () the opening time of Osmanthus fragrans () Opening time of Chrysanthemum () opening time of plum blossom ()

spring, summer, autumn and winter

() time, () grade. Fill in the brackets with the word "Fa"

Pass the time and release the results

When people are in pain, they will laugh. What is in brackets?

Is it crying and laughing

Fill in the time of the appropriate word () in brackets

Precious time

Say why you put this in brackets 1.people should always (be friendly) to each other 2.we (have)already (visited)whe botanical. 3.we should (reuse) the plastic bags.

Friendly is an adjective and should is used with be verb. Should is a modal verb
Have + past participle in the present perfect tense
This sentence is based on the meaning of the sentence itself, to use plastic bags again, not to throw them away once

What’s your d( ——To become a doctor.

What's your (dream)
What's your dream? To be a doctor

How do you fill in the brackets? Oo,Tt,Tt,Ff,Ff,Ss,Ss,Ee, Give reasons

EE because it's a uppercase, a lowercase, the same as the previous one