Observe the following two lines of rational numbers: Line 1: - 2,4, - 8,16, - 32,64. Line 2: 0,6, - 6,18, - 30,66 Q: (1) What is the order of rational numbers in the first row (2) What is the relationship between the second rational number and the first rational number? (3) Take the seventh number of each row and calculate the sum of these two numbers

Observe the following two lines of rational numbers: Line 1: - 2,4, - 8,16, - 32,64. Line 2: 0,6, - 6,18, - 30,66 Q: (1) What is the order of rational numbers in the first row (2) What is the relationship between the second rational number and the first rational number? (3) Take the seventh number of each row and calculate the sum of these two numbers

In the first line, the positive and negative numbers are arranged twice. Every other one is negative. The seventh number is - 128
The difference between the two adjacent numbers in the second row is 6,12,24,48,96. The seventh number is - 126
The sum is: - 254

1,1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16…… Find the rule and write the 100th number

The N-1 power of 2 and the 99 th power of 2

1,1 / 2,1 / 4,1 / 8,1 / 16. According to this law, what is the 100th number? It's better to write the calculation process!

The general term of the sequence is: 1 / 2 ^ (n-1), n > = 1
So the 100th number is: 1 / 2 ^ (100-1) = 1 / 2 ^ 99

1,3 / 4,2 / 3,5 / 8,3 / 5 according to this law, what is the 100th number?

Change 1 to 2 / 2, 2 / 3 to 4 / 6, 3 / 5 to 6 / 10, and you get that
2/2 3/4 4/6 5/8 6/10
See the law, you use the arithmetic sequence

Write numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, (), () Write answers and instructions

Fibonacci series, the first two add up to make the last

1 in 2, 2 in 3, 5 in 8, 8 in 13, 4 in 67, 2 in 15, 16 in 53, 16 in 23, and 25 in 1 and 39

1 / 2 2 / 3 3 / 5 5 / 8 8 / 13 Law: starting from the second term, the denominator of each term is equal to the sum of the denominator of the preceding term; the numerator is equal to the denominator of the preceding term

Counting and finding norms: 2,2,10,11,10; 3,5,6,4,1; 5,13,7,6, (); OK

3,5, 6, 4,1;
The answer is 10

A pile of go, if three three three ground count, count m times more than two, if five five, count N times, then three The number of pieces in this pile can be expressed as () or () From this, we obtain the bivariate first order equation () Using an algebraic expression containing n to express M Can the number of go pieces in this pile be determined? Can you name one possibility? How many pieces should be less in this pile? Complete bonus points in five minutes

The number is uncertain, such as 8, 23, at least 8

There are two numbers whose sum is 68.4 and whose quotient is 11. These two numbers are () and ()

62.7 and 5.7

There are two numbers whose sum is 68.4 and the division is 11. They are (), ()

The division is 11
Think of one number as one and the other as 11
And 68.4
So these two numbers are 5.7 and 62.7