Taste the following sentences and write the color of summer and winter according to the sentence pattern. The same number of words is required The color of spring is cold green, such as green waves, such as tender bamboo, full of hope The color of autumn is hot red, such as sunset, such as red leaves, marking the ultimate of things

Taste the following sentences and write the color of summer and winter according to the sentence pattern. The same number of words is required The color of spring is cold green, such as green waves, such as tender bamboo, full of hope The color of autumn is hot red, such as sunset, such as red leaves, marking the ultimate of things

Summer color for warm yellow, such as wheat waves, such as corn, symbolizing the rare harvest;
Winter color for cold white, such as snow, ice, contains the awakening of all things

Write "the color of summer" and "the color of winter" according to this sentence pattern. For example, the color of spring is cold green, such as green waves, such as tender bamboo, full of hope; A short passage with more than 100 words!

Summer color for crystal blue, such as blue sky, such as waves, full of cool
The color of summer is warm red, such as hot blood, such as Chaoyang, emitting the light of life
The color of summer is hot red, like Daisy, like the sun, full of vitality
The color of summer is warm red, such as flame, like the sun, full of warm feelings
Summer color for crystal blue, such as blue sky, such as waves, full of cool
Summer color for hot green, such as green leaves, such as the forest, contains surging only please
The color of summer is hot white, such as sand beach, such as sails, full of scorching sun;
The color of summer is bright blue, like blue sky and night sky, showing the charm of God,
The color of summer is yellow, such as brilliant, such as summer flowers, symbolizing the exuberance of life
The color of summer is dazzling yellow, such as yellow flowers, such as sunflowers, the impact of prosperity;
The color of summer is like cool green, lotus leaf, mountain and river, reflecting the thinking after hot and dry
The color of summer is as green as fire, as fields, as mountains and rivers
Winter color for cold white, such as ice and snow, such as pear, full of purity
The color of winter is cold white. It is like wings and crystal. It contains the beauty of heaven
Winter color for cold silver, such as moonlight, such as snow, pure the whole world
Winter color for cold white, such as ice and snow, such as pear, full of purity
The color of winter is cold gray, like withered branches, like lead clouds, marking the emptiness after the end
The color of winter is dazzling white, such as snowflakes, such as ice sky, indicating the approach of spring;
The color of winter is quiet white, such as snow field, such as rime, contains the tranquility of all things
The color of winter is sweet white, such as snowflakes, such as tree hanging, covering the beauty and ugliness of the world;
The color of winter is as white as water, as snow, as frost, containing pure heart
The color of winter is like pure white, like frost and snow, like ice, twinkling with selfless quietness

Write the color of summer and the color of winter

The color of winter is white, such as cotton, such as white clouds, put on a layer of silver

The color of summer______ For example_______ For example____ ,___ The color of winter is___ For example____ For example___ The color of summer______ For example_______ For example____ ,___ The color of winter is___ For example____ For example____ ,____

The color of winter is cold white. It is like wings and crystal. It contains the beauty of heaven. Summer is warm red, like hot blood, such as sunrise, emitting the light of life. The color of autumn is hot red, such as sunset, such as maple leaves, overflowing with harvest joy. The color of winter is pure white, such as snow, ice, flying all over the sky. The color of summer is crystal clear blue, such as blue sky, such as sea

Sentences beginning with the color of winter To write about winter!

The color of winter is pure white, such as pure snow, like Yingbing, flying pure all over the sky

Write a sentence beginning with "time" Books are like a ladder, they can lead us to the palace of knowledge. Books are like a key, they can help us to open the window of wisdom in the mind

Time is like a good doctor, it can teach us to heal bleeding wounds,
Time is like a loving mother, it will help us heal the wounds of our hearts
Time, like a shuttle, teaches people to cherish time

Famous words, poems and beautiful articles about praising mother

Ancient and modern poems praising mothers
I. ancient poetry
Wandering chant
Meng Jiao (Tang Dynasty)
The thread in the hands of a loving mother,
A loafer's coat
Close to the line,
Fear of tardy return
Who says the heart of grass,
The sun shines in the spring
Send my mother home
I've been parking for a long time,
I am a prisoner of Chu
Sentimentality begins with it,
Tears choked in my throat
The mother's prescription was seriously ill,
I want to invest famous doctors
The bus is in a hurry,
The sky has no love!
Mother's love has nothing to report,
What's life for? "
Farewell to mother
I'm going to bow to the beams of the mother river,
The white hair is sad and the eyes are dry
On a snowy night in chaimen,
It's better to have children than to have nothing at this time
2. Modern Poetry:
Poems for mothers
Author: Bing Xin
Mother, for a long time
I want to write a poem for you
But I wrote it many times
It's still not written well
Mother, this poem for you
I don't know how to start
I don't know how to end
I don't know what to write
It's like a kid who slapped you hard
I don't know if I should be brave enough to accept it
Or should I choose to escape
Mother, I think of you again tonight
I decided to write a poem for you
Even if it's not well written
Even if you are far away from home
Never read
Mother, if you dream of a small white boat,
Don't be surprised that he dreams for no reason
This is your beloved daughter's tears,
Ask him to return with her love and sorrow
Author: Shu Ting
Your pale fingertips trim my temples
I can't help being a kid
Hold on to your lapel
Oh, mother
In order to keep you gradually fade away
Although the dawn has cut the dream into smoke
I still dare not open my eyes for a long time
I still cherish the scarlet scarf
I'm afraid washing will make it
Lose your special warmth
Oh, mother
Years of water is not the same heartless
I'm afraid the memory will fade as well
How dare I open its screen easily
I cried to you for a thorn
Now with the crown, I dare not
I dare not groan
Oh, mother
I often look up at your photos sadly
Even if the call can penetrate the Loess
How dare I disturb your sleep
I don't dare to list the sacrifice of love like this
Although I wrote many songs
To the flowers, to the sea, to the dawn
Oh, mother
My sweet, soft and deep memory
It's not a torrent, it's not a waterfall
It's a dry well that can't sing in the shade of flowers and trees
Author: love
Mother is as humble as moss,
Solemn as the dawn,
As soft as the sound of water in the south of the Yangtze River,
As hard as a thousand years of cold jade,
When you look up,
She's a bright moon,
When you hang your head,
She is a wild land
Mother's Poems
Your greatness condenses my flesh and blood
Your greatness shapes my soul
Your life is a voyage of love
You use beautiful rings
Make a calendar of ink fragrance
I spend every year in your deep affection
Play on your shoulders and knees
You are a big tree
Spring depends on you
Summer depends on you for prosperity
Autumn depends on you to mature
Winter depends on you to meditate
Your big and broad crown~
Make the four fields never wild
Mother, you gave me life
You are the land where I grow up
You are comfort when you are sad
When you are depressed, you are hoping
In weakness you are strength
Shelter from the wind and rain in your little bay
You have broadened my horizons
You are my forever best friend, the power of life
You bow down with love and care
You show your bright mind
Your vigorous energy and strong smile
Your blood is boiling
Let me be immersed in your joy
Let me enjoy your warmth
Let me revel in your arms
Let me nestle in your arms
There are faint poems in the long clouds
There is love in the light poem
There is deep love in the continuous love
Deep feelings have deep meaning
If mother is the rain, then I am the rainbow after the rain
If mother is the moon, then I am the star holding the moon
Mother is the root of my growth
I am the ideal fruit of my mother
I grew up, but my mother's black hair is like the maple leaf
The frost glistened with silver
I deeply kiss the traces of those years`
Hold my heart for you
May the fragrant mellow sweetness linger in your life_
May my silver bell like laughter fill your brows
May all my blessings rub into your heart
A green leaf is full of its friendship for roots
A hymn condenses my love for you“
Let the flowers in your heart bloom like clouds
Let fragrance accompany you through the long years
Drying old clothes
Author: Zhou shouchang, Qing Dynasty
Thirty years of Robe inspection still exists, although the collar lapel is broken, it is still warm
Heavy sewing can't bear to remove, there are old thread marks on the mother
Mother clock
Author: Xiao Min
When you come back disappointed,
No matter how tall you are,
Mother's heart can also surround you
I would like to be your "mother clock",
Until Zhong Laolian broke the day without stopping
Mother's Bible
Author: Xiao Min
Every time I open this Bible,
I can't help holding it to my chest,
Like hugging my dear mother,
I can still smell the faint fragrance from my mother,
See mother's beautiful and elegant appearance
Learn to be a good mother
Author: Xiao Min
"The hand to promote the cradle is the hand to change society"
It's a privilege given to women by God,
It's priceless to be a mother and sacrifice for her children,
Giving is also unconditional
Author: Fan Hong
When I knew you,
I am ten years old / you are thirty-five
You are a mother with a big face
Your love is a basin full of bath water
Almost float me up
Author: Gao Mingcheng
The earth keeps spinning
Fall into ditch when young
From the hands of the earth in the pool of blood
Suddenly he picked me up
It's your all powerful man!
A thousand raindrops fell from the umbrella
Every grain of water goes into your back
In my arms, I am not stained by rain
The hospital is the end of the marathon
It's your brave ambulance!
The morning of the stars rises and dies
I also know that it has aging and parting
Regret should be deeply rooted in the heart after the farewell
The river is endless with grass
The sun of spring is warm, the sea and the sky are boundless
It's your incarnation of Avalokitesvara!
Author: Xu Yilan
Modern parents use respect, understanding and care,
To accept the strengths and weaknesses of children,
Encourage instead of blame,
Praise instead of complaint,
And give them enough food for their spirit,
Inculcate the idea that new books are better than new clothes
Author: Zhang Mo
Love is a little ribbon,
Mother tied it gently in wrinkles
Author: Li Qiao
People come from the earth,
There is a natural nostalgia for returning to nature,
And mother is the embodiment of the earth
Source: Bing Xin's stars
The wind and rain in the sky,
The bird hid in his nest;
The wind and rain is coming,
I only hide in your arms
Source: Bingxin's past seven
You are lotus leaf, I am red lotus
The rain in my heart is coming,
Except for you,
Who is my shade in the open sky?
Ode to mother
Author: Zheng Guozhu
Although the mother is still poor
Children's love for their mothers is not ambiguous
We just yelled "long live mother"
Deeper love is like a volcano in my heart
Although mother is ordinary and useless
She is a real hero in the hearts of her children
Who can live how much?
Children can remember their mother's kindness
Despite the fact that my mother is a very humble person
She is more important than Mount Tai in the hearts of her children
She has no earthshaking feat
But the success of his children was watered with his mother
Ordinary life
Author: Du Jinghua
Source: Unforgettable mother
Your little feet
How many roads have you traveled?
And on your thin shoulders
Still carrying a heavy burden
The road is long and long
It's full of your blood, your sweat, your tears
The humiliation of endless harmony
You have a brown cheek
To write about your years of hard work
You never seem to know what to complain about
You are always tenacious and keep walking
The foot is always a long road
Never asked why you left
You've never thought of telling anyone
You are always so silent
Go quietly, go
Your little feet,
Out of a long one
There is no end to the road
A hymn to Xianci
Author: Wen Wen
With the wind blowing in the sun and the wind, I can't help but praise my mother's kindness
It is the nature of childbirth to care for the tears of a child
The soul of a dream
The most beautiful poems of Meng Jiao
Mother is great
Mother, like the moon, shines on the doors and windows of my house
For the sake of children, not afraid of dark clouds, give me warmth, encourage me to go up
Mother, I love you. I love you. You are great
Mother, like a star, shines on the doors and windows of my house
Grateful heart
I come from accident, like a dust, who can see my vulnerability
Where do I come from? Where do I go? Who calls me at the next moment
Although the world is wide, this road is difficult to walk. I have seen the ups and downs of this world
How much love do I still have? How many tears do I still have
Grateful heart, thank you, accompany me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself
Grateful heart, thanks to have you, flowers bloom, I will cherish
Mother, I love you
Mother! Mother! I love you. You teach us to bear hardships. You teach us to strive for success
Childhood scenes are often in dreams, mother's love will never forget, mother's kindness will never forget
Even if it's rough, even if it's wind, frost, snow and rain
With your mother, everyone is willing to struggle and become a great success
Poems dedicated to mother
"M-more": my mother gave me too much;
"O-old": but my mother is getting old;
"T-tear": is the string of tears that my mother once wiped away for me;
"H-heart": This is mother's pure heart like gold;
"E-eye": she is the loving eyes of her mother;
"R-right": is my wish to my mother -- always healthy and happy!
Put them together, and you will understand why we call: mother!
Make mom happier
Mother's care, let us

The name of the moon and the famous ancient poems?

The moon, also known as toad palace, jade plate, silver hook, Chan Juan, Guigong, jade plate, jade wheel, jade ring, jade hook, jade bow, jade mirror, sky mirror, bright mirror, jade rabbit, Chang'e, toad, etc. for thousands of years, poets always use "Moon" to express their yearning for their hometown and relatives in the dead of night, when they are worried and sleepless

Who has ancient poems and famous sayings of grade 1-6 in primary school?

2. But make the Dragon City fly down, don't teach Hu Ma Du Yin Mountain. 3. Outside the mountain green hill building, West Lake singing and dancing when to stop. 4

Praising Madame Curie's famous words or poems,

Einstein once praised Madame Curie in this way: "among all the celebrities, Madame Curie is a rare person who is not attracted by fame". Only in this way, her character has always been admired by the world
Einstein heartily praised Madame Curie as "the only one who has not been corrupted by reputation."