Do you have to recite classical Chinese in high school? What classical Chinese must be recited in high school? It's better to learn all of them~

Do you have to recite classical Chinese in high school? What classical Chinese must be recited in high school? It's better to learn all of them~

Recitation and dictation in college entrance examination
(1) Ancient Chinese (11 chapters)
1. Xunzi
2 Jia Yi in Guo Qin Lun
Han Yu in Shi Shuo
Fu of a Fang Gong by Du Mu
5. On the six kingdoms by Su Xun
Wang Anshi
7. Records of Shizhong mountain by Su Shi
Su Shi, a former Chibi Fu
Li Sao Qu Yuan
Preface to Tengwang Pavilion (Tang Dynasty) Wang Bo
11 biographies of Qu Yuan and historical records
(2) Poems and songs (35 pieces)
1. Meng and the book of songs
The bandits come to trade silk, that is, I plan. To send children to Qiqi, as for dunqiu. Bandits and I have a bad time, the son has no good matchmaker. The son has no anger, autumn is the time
Take the other Cuan wall, in order to hope to resume the customs clearance. Do not see the resumption of customs clearance, weeping tears. See the resumption of customs clearance, smile with words. Augur divination, body without blame words. Yier car, I bribe to move
Before the mulberry leaves fall, the leaves are full of water. In the dove, there is no mulberry. In the female, there is no relationship between the scholar and the scholar. It is still possible to say that there is a woman's delay!
I was poor at the age of three. Qi water soup, and gradually car hangings. Women were also unhappy, and the scholar's behavior was extremely poor. The scholar's virtue was two or three
As a woman at the age of three, I've been working hard all my life. I've been up and down all night, and I've been in the morning. I've finished my speech, but I've been so violent. My brother doesn't know. I'm laughing. I'm still thinking about it. I'm bowing and mourning
When I grow old together, old makes me complain. Qi has a shore, Xi has pan. The banquet of the chief horn is full of words and smiles. I swear that I don't think about the opposite. On the contrary, I don't think about it!
Cao Cao
When singing to wine, how much life! Such as morning dew, go to the day more bitter. Generous, unforgettable. How to solve the problem? Only Du Kang
Qingqingzijin, leisurely in my heart. But for the sake of the king, I meditate until now. You, Lu Ming, eat wild apple. I have a guest, drum, flute and Sheng
Clear as the moon, when can fix? Worry from the, can not be cut off. Cross the field to spend Qian, in vain with each other
The moon is bright and the stars are rare, and the black magpie flies to the south
Tao Yuanming
There are more than ten acres of square houses and 89 thatched houses. The eaves behind elms and willows are in front of Taoli Luotang. The village is warm and far away, and the smoke is in the ruins. In the deep lane, chickens sing and mulberry trees are crowing. There is no dust in the house, and there is leisure in the empty room. After a long time in the cage, you can return to nature
4 "Peacock Flies Southeast" Yuefu of Han Dynasty
When the rooster crows, the bride puts on her make-up. She embroiders a skirt, everything is perfect. She wears silk shoes under her feet, and her head is shining with tortoiseshell. Her waist is like flowing white silk, and her ears are full of bright moonlight. Her fingers are like scallion roots, and her mouth is full of red elixir. Her delicate and delicate steps are unparalleled in the world
"When I was a daughter, I had no lesson, and I was ashamed of my family. Because my mother had so much money and silk, I couldn't bear my mother's driving. Today I go back home to study with my mother." but I said goodbye to my sister-in-law. When my wife first came, I began to support my bed. Today, I was expelled. My sister-in-law is like my elder sister-in-law, Don't forget to play. "When you go out and get on the bus, you'll have more than a hundred tears
The official horse in front of the bride's car in front of him, hidden at the entrance of the city road. He dismounted into the car, bowed his head and whispered: "I swear that I will not be separated from you, and I will return home for the time being; I will go to the government now, and I will return soon, and swear that heaven will not be negative to each other!"
The new wife called the government official: "I feel like you are just a little Huai! If you see the record, you will soon look forward to you. You will be a rock, my concubine will be a Pu Wei, Pu Wei will be sewn like silk, and the rock will not be moved. I have my father and brother. I am afraid I will not let myself go. I will fry my bosom with you."
5 "autumn dusk in the mountains" by Wang Wei
After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late in autumn. The moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring is on the upper stream. The bamboo noise returns to huannu, and the lotus moves down the fishing boat. Spring fragrance is at will, and Wang and sun can stay
6 "sleepwalking Tianmu Yin farewell" by Li Bai
The Sea guest talks about Yingzhou, the smoke and waves are dim and the letter is hard to find; the Yue people talk about Tianmu, and the clouds and clouds are bright or visible. Tianmu connects the sky to the sky and stretches five mountains to cover the Chicheng city. The Tiantai is 18000 feet long, which is about to fall to the southeast
I want to fly through the mirror lake for a night because of my dream of Wuyue. The lake and moon shine on me and send me to the Shanxi river. Xie Gong's residence is still there. The other waters are rippling and the apes are crowing. Xie Gong's shoes are on his feet. The sky is full of sky chickens. Thousands of rocks are turning. Flowers and stones are suddenly dusky. Bears roar and Dragons chant Yin Yan Quan. Li Shen Lin startles the top of the mountain. Clouds are green and rainy. The water is Dandan and smoke. There are thunderbolts in the sky. The stone door of the cave, The blue sky is boundless, the sun and the moon shine on the gold and silver platform. The neon clothes, the wind for the horse, and the king of clouds come and go. The tiger drum, the flute and the Luan return to the car, and the immortal people line up like hemp. Suddenly, the soul trembles with the soul, and suddenly starts to wake up. But I feel that the pillow seat of the time has lost its usual haze
This is also the case in the world of pleasure. In ancient times, all things flow eastward. When will you return when you leave? Let the white deer and green cliffs go, and you must ride to visit famous mountains. An Neng can crush your brows and bend your waist to do something powerful, which makes me unhappy!
7. Li Bai's going to drink
You can't see the Yellow River's water coming up from the sky and rushing to the sea. You can't see the bright mirror in the high hall, sad and white hair, and the morning is like green silk and snow at dusk. You should be happy when you are satisfied with your life. Don't make the golden cup empty to the moon. You should drink 300 cups once you cook sheep and kill cattle for fun, In ancient times, all sages and sages are lonely, only those who drink keep their names. In the past, King Chen used to have a good dinner and drink ten thousand wine. The master should sell the wine to the king. Five horses, thousands of golden fur, and hu'er will exchange the wine to sell the eternal sorrow with you
Du Fu, 8 travel night
Fine grass breeze shore, dangerous masts night boat. Stars hang down, wide field, moon surge river flow. The name is not written, the official should be old and sick, floating what is like, heaven and earth a seagull
9 "Climbing" by Du Fu
When the wind blows, the ape howls and mourns, and the white birds fly back. The boundless falling trees are whistling, and the Yangtze River is rolling
I've been here for a long time. I've been sick for a hundred years
Du Che Bing
Ye Niang's wife went to see her off. The dust disappeared from the Xianyang bridge. She led her clothes to stop her feet and stopped the road to cry, and the cry went straight up to the sky
People passing by the road ask the passers-by, but the clouds dot the frequency. Or from the tenth five-year North River defense, they go to the forty West Ying field. When they go, they are wrapped in their heads. When they return, their heads are white and they are still guarding the border. When the court is bleeding into sea water, the emperor of Wu has no intention of opening the border
11 autumn CI Liu Yuxi
(1) Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely? I say autumn is better than spring. A crane in the clear sky leads to poetry to the blue sky
(2) Clear mountains and clear water, frost at night, several trees crimson and pale yellow
12 "Pipa Xing" Bai Juyi
Seeing off the guests at the head of Xunyang river at night, the maple leaves and grass flowers are rustling in autumn. The owner gets off the horse and the passenger is on the boat. He wants to drink wine without Orchestra. He is not happy when he is drunk. When he leaves the vast river, he is immersed in the moon
After a long time's call, we still hold the pipa half covered face. When we turn around, we pluck the strings three or two times, and we have feelings before we form a tune. The strings cover up the sound and think, as if we have failed in our whole life, The small strings are cut like whispers. The loud and noisy sounds are mixed, and the big beads and small pearls fall on the jade plate. The flower bottom of the flower is slippery, and the spring is hard to flow under the ice. The ice spring is cold and astringent. The strings are frozen and the strings are hard to stop. Don't worry and hate. At this time, the silver bottle breaks and the water slurry bursts. The iron horse stands out from the sword and gun. At the end of the song, the four strings sound like silk. The east boat and the West boat are silent, but the autumn moon in the river center is white
She said she was a girl in the capital and lived under the toad mausoleum. She had learned to play pipa, which was called the first part of the workshop. Qu Ba taught good clothes and was envied by qiuniang. When Wuling was young, she tangled her head, and a piece of red silk could not be counted, The merchant paid more attention to profit than to leave. He bought tea in Fuliang the month before last. He went to guard the empty boat at the river mouth. The moon was bright and the river was cold
When I heard the pipa, I sighed, and I heard it again. Why ever have I met? I left the imperial capital last year and was banished to the sick city of Xunyang. There was no music in Xunyang. I didn't hear the sound of silk and bamboo all the year round. I lived in the low humidity near the overflow river. What did I hear in the meantime? Cuckoos and apes were crying. On the night of Spring River flowers and Autumn Moon, If you hear your lute tonight, it's like listening to the fairy music. Don't you sit down and play a tune and turn it into a lute for you
Feeling my words for a long time, I sat down to urge the strings to turn quickly. The sadness was not like the forward sound, and the whole audience was weeping. Who was crying most in the seat? Sima Qingshan in Jiangzhou was wet
Li He, 13 the introduction of Li Ping konghou
Wu Si Shu Tong Zhang gaoqiu, the empty mountain clouds are not flowing. Jiang e sings bamboo plain girl sorrow, Li Ping plays konghou in China. Kunshan jade is broken, Phoenix calls, lotus weeps, fragrant orchid smiles
In front of the twelve doors, the cold light melts and the 23 silk moves the purple emperor. At the place where Nu Wa refines the stone to mend the sky, the stone breaks the sky and makes the autumn rain. In the dream, she teaches the divine woman, and the old fish dance in the Bo thin Jiao
Wu Zhi sleepless leaning on the cinnamon tree, barefoot slanting flying wet cold rabbit
Du Mu
Chang'an looks back and Embroiders into piles. Thousands of gates open at the top of the mountain
Li Shangyin
Zhuangsheng is fascinated by butterflies in Xiaomeng, and the spring heart of Wangdi entrusts cuckoo
The moon pearl in the sea has tears, and the blue field is warm with jade and smoke
Liu Yong
Cold cicadas, to the pavilion late, the beginning of the rain break. Door tent drink no mood, nostalgia, blue boat urge. Holding hands to see tears, but no language choking. Read to go, thousands of miles of smoke, dusk heavy, Chutian broad
Sentimental parting from ancient times, even more desolate Autumn Festival! Where to wake up tonight? The willow Bank of the morning breeze and the waning moon. This past few years, should be a good time, good scenery is empty. Even if there are a thousand kinds of amorous feelings, who to say!
17 fragrance of cinnamon twigs Wang Anshi
It is the late autumn of my hometown, and the weather is beginning to get rid of. Thousands of miles of Chengjiang river is like training, and the green peaks are like clusters. Sailing to the setting sun, the west wind and the wine flag are slanting. The clouds of colorful boats are light, and the stars and herons are rising. It is difficult to draw pictures
In the past, the bustling competition, sighing at the front of the building outside the gate, sadness and hatred. Through the ages, people have been filled with honor and disgrace. The past events of the six dynasties have been flowing with the water, but the cold smoke and grass are green. So far, the commercial women still sing and leave songs in the backyard
18 "reminiscence of Chibi" by Su Shi
On the west side of the old base, Zhou Lang and Chibi of the three kingdoms are the people of the Three Kingdoms
When Gongjin was young, Qiao was married, and she was very handsome. Her feather fan and silk scarf, talking and laughing, and the oars and oars were all gone. When I was wandering in my hometown, I should laugh at me. I had my hair early. Life is like a dream, and I also sprinkle the moon on the river
19 "dingfengbo" by Su Shi
On March 7, it rained in the Sand Lake Road. The rain gear went first, and all the colleagues were in a mess. I didn't realize it. It was sunny, so it was called this word
Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves through the forest, why not sing and roar and walk slowly
The chilly spring breeze wakes me up. It's chilly, but the mountain top is slanting towards each other. Looking back, it's always bleak and bleak, and going back, there's no rain, no sunshine
Li Qingzhao
Red lotus root fragrance residual jade mat autumn. Light solution Luo Shang, alone on the orchid boat. Cloud who sent brocade book, when the wild goose word returns, the moon full West Tower
Flowers drift, water flows, a kind of Acacia, two leisure worry. This feeling can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart
Li Qingzhao, 21 slow voice
Looking for, cold and desolate, sad and miserable. When it is warm and cold, it is most difficult to die. Three cups of two light wine, how can you rival his late arrival in the wind? Wild geese are sad, but they have known each other in the old days
All the yellow flowers are stacked and haggard, but who can pick them now? How can they be born alone when they are guarding the windows?

What ancient poems and articles must be recited in high school

Qinyuan spring Changsha: Mao Zedong's independent cold autumn, Xiangjiang River to the north, Orange Island head. See the red mountains, layers of forest dye; the river is clear, hundreds of boats contend for the current. Eagle strikes the sky, fish fly shallow bottom, thousands of frost days compete for freedom

Do you have to recite ancient poems in high school?

Ancient poetry
Lisao (excerpt)
Long song
Peacock Flies Southeast
Far away Altair
Short song line
Autumn dusk in the mountains
Sleepwalking Tianmu singing goodbye
See the ancient in the middle of the country
Shu Road is difficult
The wine will be served
Military vehicle company
Guests arrive
Travel in the night
To cherish the memory of historic sites (3)
Garret night
Climbing Yueyang Tower
Pipa (parallel preface)
Huaqing Palace
Book Fury
Spring rain in Lin'an
A gift to Prime Minister Zhang from Dongting Lake
Spring night in Luocheng
Autumn Thoughts
Song of everlasting regret
Ancient Ci
Bodhisattva man
Yu Meiren
The waves wash the sand
Rain and rain bell
Osmanthus fragrans
Magpie Bridge Fairy
Su Muzha
A prune
Reminiscence of Chibi
Royal Street
Happy forever
Xijiang moon
Ugly slave
For a while
Jade case
Drunken flower Yin
Happy meeting

Ancient poems in Chinese textbooks for grade 4 and grade 5 (additional!) It seems to be the experimental version of compulsory education I want all the ancient poems and the contents accumulated over time

Liu Yuxi's nine twists and turns of the Yellow River's ten thousand li sand, the waves and winds are blowing from the ends of the earth. Now he goes straight to the Milky way and goes to the home of the petunia and Zhinu. The shepherd boy, Lu Yanpu, has six or seven li of Hengye, and the flute plays three or four nights in the evening

What are all the ancient poems in the second volume of the third grade Chinese textbook

There are six songs. They are "summer pastoral miscellaneous Xing (Qi 7)", "Qingming", "wanglushan waterfall", "quatrains", "saixiaqu", "Chuzhou Xijian"
Note: it is the textbook of Jiangsu Education Press

All the ancient poems in the second grade Chinese textbook

I'll give you Liu Jingwen song Sushi's mountain trip in Tang Dynasty. Du Mu's Lotus has no rain cover, and chrysanthemum still has proud frost branches

All the ancient poems of grade 1 to grade 6 of primary school Chinese published by the newest PEP I want the latest version Urgent need The ancient poems in the first volume of the sixth grade are "joyful rain on a spring night", "tianjingsha · autumn", "book of songs · picking Wei" and "moon on the West River · walking in the yellow sand road at night" It's not the original pep It's the latest one used by primary schools now I gave some titles of ancient poems

Spring night rain
Respondent: 183.8.190. * 2010-10-9 20:18
1. South of the Yangtze River by Yue Fu of the Han Dynasty: Lotus can be picked in the south of the Yangtze River. Lotus leaves can be picked in the south of the Yangtze River
2. The Northern Dynasty folk song "Chile song": chilechuan, under the Yinshan Mountain. The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields. The sky is grey and the wild is vast. When the wind blows, the grass can see cattle and sheep
3. Luo Binwang's song of Goose: goose, goose, goose, song Xiang Tian Ge. White hair floats green water, red palm stirs clear wave
4. Li Qiao's wind: when the leaves fall in autumn, you can blossom in February
5. He Zhizhang's singing willows: Jasper is made up of a tree height, and thousands of green silk tapestries hang down. I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors
Wang Zhihuan's "Liangzhou Ci": the Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city of ten thousand Ren mountain. Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows, and the spring breeze does not pass through Yumen pass
7. Climbing the stork Tower: in the daytime, the Yellow River flows into the sea
8. Meng Haoran's Spring Dawn: when you sleep in spring, you can hear birds singing everywhere. When the wind and rain come at night, how many flowers fall
9. Wang Han's Liangzhou CI: the luminous cup of grape wine, the lute will immediately urge you to drink it. When you are drunk on the battlefield, don't laugh. How many people have fought in ancient times?
10. Wang Changling's "going out of the frontier": the moon in the Qin Dynasty, the moon in the Han Dynasty, and the people on the long march have not been returned. However, the flying generals of the dragon city are there, and Hu Ma Du Yin Mountain is not taught
11. Seeing off Xin Jian at Furong Tower: the cold rain has been pouring into Wu at night, and seeing off the lonely Chu mountain in pingming. Luoyang relatives and friends ask each other, and a piece of ice is in the jade pot
12. Wang Wei's Lu Chai: no one is seen in the empty mountain, but the voice of people is heard
13. Send yuan Er emissary Anxi: the rain in Weicheng is light and dust, the guest house is green and willow is new. I advise you to make a glass of wine, and there is no old friend out of Yangguan in the West
14. In memory of Shandong brothers on September 9: I'm a stranger in a foreign land, and I miss my relatives every festival. I know from a distance that my brothers climb the heights, there is a little Cornus
15. Li Bai's thinking at night: the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground
16. Gu Lang Yue Xing: when you are young, you don't know the moon. You call it white jade plate. You suspect that the mirror of Yaotai is flying in Qingyun
17. Wanglushan waterfall: the censer in Rizhao produces purple smoke, and the waterfall hangs in front of the river from a distance. It flies down 3000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky way has fallen nine days
18. To Wang Lun: Li Bai wanted to go on a boat and suddenly heard the sound of singing on the bank. The water of peach blossom pool is thousands of feet deep, which is not as good as Wang Lun's
19. Send Meng Haoran's Guangling from huanghe tower: the old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March. The solitary sail was far away, and the blue sky was exhausted, only the Yangtze River was seen
20. Early departure of Baidi City: between the colorful clouds of Baidi, a thousand li River mausoleum returns in one day. The sound of apes on both sides of the Strait can't be heard, and the canoe has passed the ten thousand mountains
21. Looking at Tianmen Mountain: the opening of the Chu River is interrupted by Tianmen gate, and the clear water flows eastward here and there. The green mountains on both sides of the Strait are facing each other, and the solitary sails are coming from the edge of the sun
22. Gao Shi's farewell to Dong Da: the yellow clouds of thousands of miles are twilight, and the north wind blows wild geese and snow one after another. Don't worry about the way ahead without a confidant. Who in the world doesn't know you!
23. Du Fu's quatrains: two Orioles Singing green willows, a line of egrets on the blue sky. The window contains the autumn snow in the Xiling mountains, and the door is the boat of east Wu
24. Happy rain on spring night: good rain knows the season, when spring is happening. Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently. The clouds are all black on the wild paths, and the fire of the river boat is bright alone. When you see the red and wet place at dawn, the flowers are heavy in the city
25. Quatrains: beautiful mountains and rivers in late days, fragrant flowers and plants in spring, swallows flying in mud and mandarin ducks sleeping in warm sand
Looking for flowers alone by the river: Huang Si Niang's home is full of strange flowers, thousands and thousands of them are on the low side of the branches
27. Meng Jiao's poem of wandering children: the thread in the hands of a loving mother and the coat of a wanderer. When she is on the road, she is afraid to return late. Who says that the heart of an inch of grass can bring back the sunshine of spring?
28. Liu Zongyuan's River Snow: birds flying away from thousands of mountains and people disappearing along thousands of paths
29. Jia Dao's finding a hermit: Matsushita asked the boy and said that the teacher would go to collect herbs. Only in this mountain, the cloud was deep
30. Zhang Ji's Night Mooring on the maple bridge: the moon is setting and the sky is full of frost, and the river Maple fishing fire is anxious to sleep. Outside the city of Gusu, the clock rings to the passenger ship in the middle of the night
31. Fishing songs by Zhang Zhihe: egrets flying in front of Xisai mountain, mandarin fish fat in peach blossom water, green reed hat, green coir raincoat, no need to return
32. LuLun's song under the plug: the wild geese fly high on the moon and flee alone in the night. If you want to drive the light horse away, the snow is full of bow knives
Looking at Dongting by Liu Yuxi: the lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind on the surface of the lake, and the mirror is not polished. Looking at the green landscape of Dongting from a distance, a green snail is in the silver plate
34. "Waves washing sand": the nine winding Yellow River, thousands of miles of sand, waves and winds from the end of the world. Now straight to the Milky way, with the Altair Zhinv home
35. Bai Juyi's "farewell to the old grass grass": away from the original grass, one year old one is withered. The wildfire can not burn out. The spring breeze is blowing again. The distant Fang invades the ancient road, the fine jade connects the deserted city. Also sends Wang Sun, is desolate and full of emotion.
36. On the pond: the little girl supports the boat and stealthily picks the white lotus. She doesn't know how to hide the trace, and the duckweed opens together
37. Recalling Jiangnan: the south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery is old. At sunrise, the flowers in the river are red and the water is as green as blue in spring?
38. Li Shen's "compassion for farmers" (1): in the afternoon of weeding, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard
39. Compassion for agriculture (2): one grain of millet is planted in spring and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn
40. Du Mu's mountain trip: the cold mountain is far away, the stone path is slanting, and there are people in the depths of white clouds. Parking and sitting in the maple forest late, frost leaves are more red than February flowers
41. Qingming: during the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and the pedestrians on the road are dying. If you ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village
42. Jiangnanchun: a thousand miles of Yingting singing green Yinghong, Shuicun mountain wine flag wind. The 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings in the misty rain
Li Shangyin's Le you yuan: feeling uncomfortable in the evening, I tend to climb the ancient plain. The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk
44. Luo Yin's bee: no matter the flat land or the mountain top, the infinite scenery is occupied. After gathering all the flowers into honey, for whom do you work hard and who is sweet?
45. Hu Ling's "children's fishing": pengtou children learn to fish, and sit on the side of the berry and Carex. Passers-by beckons and beckons when they ask for help. They are afraid that the fish will startle them
46. Fan Zhongyan's fishermen on the river: people come and go on the river, but they love the beauty of perch. You can see a boat and wander in the storm
47. Wang Anshi's Yuanri: in the sound of firecrackers, a year goes by, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu su. Thousands of households are always exchanging new peaches for old ones
48. Berthing a boat in Guazhou: between the waters of Guazhou in Jingkou, Zhongshan is only separated by several mountains. The spring breeze is green on the South Bank of the river. When will the moon shine on me?
49. Mr. Yin wall of Shuhu: the eaves of the thatched cottage have been swept away without moss, and the flowers and trees have been planted by hand. One water will protect the field, and the two mountains will be green
50. Su Shi's book on June 27: dark clouds turning over the mountain, white rain jumping into the boat in disorder. The wind of rolling ground blows suddenly, and the water of Wanghu tower is like the sky
51. Drinking on the lake after the first fine rain: the best way is when the water is clear and the mountains are clear and rainy. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light makeup and heavy makeup
52. Huichong's "Spring River at dawn": peach blossoms in three or two branches outside the bamboo, a prophet of the warm water in the spring river. Artemisia selengensis is all over the land, and the reed buds are short, which is just when the puffer fish wants to go up
53. Title of Xilin wall: it is a peak on the side of the mountain, which is different in distance and height
54. Li Qingzhao's summer quatrains: life is a hero, and death is a ghost hero. So far, I Miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong
55. Lu You's "show child": Yuan knows everything is empty when he dies, but he can't see Kyushu Tong. Wang Shi decides the day of Central Plains in the north, and his family sacrifice never forgets to inform naiweng
56. Feeling of the autumn night when the dawn comes out of the fence gate to welcome the cool: thirty thousand miles east of the river flows into the sea, and the five thousand foot mountain is skyscraper. The adherents' tears are exhausted in the dust, and Wang Shi is looking south for another year
57. Fan Chengda's four seasons of pastoral prosperity (selection 1): the day out of the field, night Jima, village children each head of the household. Children and grandchildren do not understand the farming and weaving, but also learn to grow melons by mulberry shade
58. In the four seasons of pastoral prosperity (Part 2): plums are golden, apricots are fat, wheat flowers are snow-white, and cauliflower are rare. In the long days, no one has ever seen the fence, but dragonflies and nymphs fly
59. Yang Wanli's "small pond": the spring is silent, the stream is cherished, and the shade of the tree shines on the water. The lotus only shows its sharp angle, and dragonflies have been standing on it for a long time
After all, the scenery of the West Lake in June is not the same as that of the four seasons. The lotus leaves in the sky are boundless, and the lotus flowers are quite red
61. Zhu Xi's spring day: on the day of victory, you can find the waterfront of Fangsi, and the boundless scenery is always new. When you are free, you can see the east wind, and you will always be in spring
62. Lin Sheng's title of Lin'an Residence: outside the mountain, the Castle Peak and the building outside, when will the West Lake's singing and dancing stop? The warm wind makes visitors drunk and makes Hangzhou a bianzhou
63. Ye Shao's "garden tour is not worth it": you should feel pity for the green moss of clogs and teeth, and knock on the firewood leaf for a long time. The garden can't be closed in spring, and a red apricot comes out of the wall
In April, the village is green again
65. Gao Ding's "village house": the grass grows and the Orioles fly in February, and the willows and willows on the embankment are drunk with spring smoke. Children come back from school early after school, and they are busy setting off paper kites in the east wind
66. Wang Mian's Mo Mei: the trees at the head of our washing inkstone pool are all in light ink marks. Don't praise the color, just flow the pure air to fill the sky and earth
67. Yu Qian's lime chant: thousands of hammers blow out the deep mountain, and the fire burns like leisure. You are not afraid of being broken to pieces, and you should leave your innocence in the world
68. Zheng Xie's bamboo and stone: the mountain is not relaxed, and its root is in the broken rock. After thousands of grinding and thousands of blows, it is still strong, and the wind is East, West, North and south
69. Yuan Mei's "seeing": the shepherd boy riding a cattle, singing a song, and suddenly stopped to catch cicada
70. Gongzi's Qihai miscellany: Kyushu is angry and depends on the wind and thunder, and thousands of horses are silent. It is sad to investigate. I urge the Heavenly Lord to be vigorous and not to restrict himself to talent
Pupils must recite 70 Ancient Poems
1. Jiangnan 2, Chile song 3, goose chanting
Han Yuefu folk song of Northern Dynasty (Tang Dynasty) Luo Binwang
In the south of the Yangtze River, you can pick lotus, lotus leaf, lotus field, chilechuan, Yinshan, goose, goose, goose,
Fish play lotus leaves. Fish play lotus leaves East, the sky like a dome, cover four fields
Fish play lotus leaf West, fish play lotus leaf south, the sky is gray, wild, white hair floating green water,
Fish play lotus leaves North. Wind blowing grass low see cattle and sheep
4. Wind 5, chanting willows 6, Liangzhou CI 7, climbing stork tower
(Tang) Li Qiao (Tang Dynasty) he Zhizhang (Tang Dynasty) Wang Zhihuan (Tang Dynasty) Wang Zhihuan
After the fall of three autumn leaves, Jasper is made into a tree height. The Yellow River is far up among the white clouds, and the mountain is the end of the day,
Can open February flowers. Ten thousand down the green silk ribbon. A lonely city, ten thousand Ren mountain. The Yellow River flows into the sea
After crossing the river for thousands of feet of waves, I don't know who cut the thin leaves. Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows and want to be poor for thousands of miles,
The spring breeze in February is like scissors. The spring breeze doesn't stop at Yumen pass. It goes up to a higher level
Note: four friends of the article: Du Shenyan, Su Weiwei, Cui Rong, Li Qiao
8. Chunxiao 9, Liangzhou CI 10, out of the frontier 11, Furong tower to send Xin Jian
(Tang) Meng Haoran (Tang Dynasty) Wang Han (Tang Dynasty) Wang Changling (Tang Dynasty) Wang Changling (Tang Dynasty)
When you sleep in spring, you don't realize the dawn of the day. The wine of grape is luminous cup. The moon is bright in the Qin Dynasty and the moon is off in the Han Dynasty,
Everywhere I hear the birds singing. If I want to drink the pipa, I will urge you immediately. I haven't returned from the long march
When the wind and rain come at night, you can't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. However, when the flying generals of Longcheng are there, Luoyang relatives and friends ask each other,
2009 / 03 / 09 other answers (4)
1. Tian Jing Sha Qiu Si Yuan, Ma Zhiyuan
Old trees with withered vines and crows, small bridges and flowing water
Ancient Road West Wind lean horse, sunset, heartbroken people in the end of the world
Liu Yuxi, Tang Dynasty
Clear mountain water, frost at night, several trees deep red out light yellow
Try to go up a tall building and be clear to the bone
3. Autumn Thoughts: Zhang Ji, Tang Dynasty
Luoyang City to see the autumn wind, the author of the book idea million heavy
Fear again in a hurry to say, pedestrians and Kaifeng
4. Night Mooring at Maple Bridge by Zhang Ji
The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, and the river Maple fishing fire is sleeping in sorrow
Hanshan Temple outside the city of Gusu, the bell rings to the passenger ship in the middle of the night
"Autumn in the Tang Dynasty"
After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late in autumn
Bamboo noise to huannu, lotus move under the fishing boat. Spring fragrance at will rest, Wang sun can stay
6. Song of autumn night by Wang Wei of Tang Dynasty
GUI soul was born in autumn dew, light Luo has not changed
Silver Zheng night long, eager to make, heart afraid, empty room can not bear to return
7. Autumn song at midnight
Chang'an a month, million households pounding sound
Autumn wind blowing, always Yuguan feeling
He riping, Hu Lu, good man

All the ancient poems of grade 1-6 in primary school Chinese textbooks published by PEP

The first grade to the six grade it seems hoary frost on the floor. Li Baiyuan sees the mountain colored, and listens to the water. The light of the moon is clear. The spring is still on the flowers.

Ancient poems in the second volume of Chinese textbooks for grade two of primary school

Bai Juyi in one year, withers and thrives once each year. Lush grass on the plains. The wild fire is not burned out. The spring breeze is blowing again. The distant fragrant invaded the ancient road, and the fine jade was connected to the deserted city. It sent Wang Sun to the village. It was full of different feelings.

How to imitate poems on page 13 of Chinese textbook for grade five in primary school The poem is called tent last of two or three volumes

Original poem: tent Ai Qing
"Where do you need us,
Where to live,
Tents one by one,
It's the home of our activities
Change the site,
Just once,
What we take away is desolation,
What's left is prosperity. "
Where is the green grass,
Just go where you want to go,
Tents one by one,
It's the wheel of chasing the green
Looking for another meadow,
Just turn the wheel,
There is hope ahead,
In the back are cattle and sheep