Poems about summer

Poems about summer

1. Meng Haoran's mountain light suddenly falls to the west, and the moon gradually rises to the East. It's cool in the evening and lies in the open porch. The wind of lotus sends the fragrance, and the bamboo dew drops are clear. If you want to play the violin, you hate ignorance and enjoy it. You will feel the old man's dream in the middle of the night

The following is a set of regular numbers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. What is the number 2004?


What's the 2004 number in a group of numbers 2, 4, 8, and 16?

The 2004 number of 2, 4, 8, 16 is the 2004 power of 2

What is the number 2004? The answers are in the supplement A. The 2004 power of 2 B. 2 to the 2004 power minus one C. The 2003 power of 2 D. None of the above is true

Rules: 1 = 2 to the 0 th power; 2 = 2 to the 1st power; 4 = 2 to the 2nd power; 8 = 2 to the 3rd power; 16 = 2 to the 4th power

There is a string of numbers arranged according to a certain rule: 1,4,9,6,25,36. What is the difference between the 100th and 99th in this column The number sequence is skillfully calculated to correct "6" to 16

The fourth is 16, right? The square of 100 minus the square of 99 is 199

If the number of a column arranged according to a certain rule is - 1,4, - 9,16, - 25,..., then the 100th number is

-1=-(1²) 4=2² -9=-(3²)
By analogy, the odd number is negative, and the even number is positive;
So the 100th number is 100? = 10000
Remember to adopt (⊙ o ⊙)~~~

What's the rule of 1, - 4,9, - 16,25, - 36. What's the 100th number in this column

The 100th: (- 1) ^ 101 * 100 ^ 2 = - 10000

There is a column of numbers, arranged according to a certain rule into 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,..., in which the sum of some three adjacent numbers is 177. What are the three numbers

Let the number in the middle be x, then the other two numbers are X-2, x + 2
(X-2) + X + (X-2) = 177 3x = 177 x = 59 the first number is 59-2 = 57, the second number is 59 + 2 = 61

Here is a row of regular numbers: 1,4,3,5,8,3 What is the 100th number from left to right?

The first five numbers are transformed into:
2 / 2, 3 / 4, 4 / 6, 5 / 8, 6 / 10, we can see that the nth number is (n + 1) / 2n,
So the 100th number is (100 + 1) / 2 × 100, which is 101 / 200

There is a set of numbers 1, 3 4,2 3,5 8,… Then the 100th number is___ .

The sequence can be written as
The n-th item is (n + 1)
The item 100 is (1001)
So the answer is: 101