(primary school Chinese) ancient poems of Grades 1-6

(primary school Chinese) ancient poems of Grades 1-6

Ancient poetry from grade 1 to grade 6
People's Education Standard Version 1 to six grade poetry collection (essence)
First grade volume I
Painting the Tang Dynasty
Looking at the mountain from afar, listening to the water soundless near
Spring to flowers still, people to birds do not startle. Look up at the moon, bow to think of hometown
[Grade One Volume 2]
Chunxiao Tang, menghaoran village, juqing, Gaoding
Spring sleep not aware of dawn, everywhere heard birds. Grass long warbler fly February day, blowing embankment willow drunk spring smoke
When the wind and rain come at night, how many flowers fall. Children come back early from school, and they are busy playing paper kites in the east wind
See Qing Dynasty, Yuan Mei, Xiao Chi, Song Dynasty, Yang Wanli
Shepherd boy riding cattle, singing vibration forest Yue. Spring silent, cherish the stream, shade water, love Qingrou
Want to catch cicada, suddenly shut up stand. Small lotus just show sharp horn, dragonfly stands on
Grade Two Volume I
A gift to Liu Jingwen
The lotus is no longer covered with rain, chrysanthemum is still proud of frost branches
A good year, you must remember, the most orange and orange green
A letter from Tang He Zhizhang to Wang Lun and Tang Li Bai
Li Bai wanted to go on a boat and suddenly heard the sound of singing on the bank
Children do not know each other, smile to ask where the guests come from. Peach blossom pool water is thousands of feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun to send me love
Grade Two Volume 2
Caotang Bai Juyi lives in Yang Wanli, xugongdian, Xinshi
From the lush grass on the plains in one year, withers and thrives once each year.
Wildfire burning, spring breeze again, children rush to chase yellow butterfly, fly into cauliflower nowhere to find
Wang Lushan waterfall Tang Libai quatrains Tang Du Fu
Two orioles sing green willows, a row of egrets on the blue sky
Flying down 3000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky way is falling nine days
Grade Three Volume I
Ye Shaoweng of Song Dynasty in the night book
Xiao Xiao Wu leaves send the cold sound, the autumn wind on the river moves the guest sentiment
Know that children pick to promote weaving, deep in the night fence down a lamp
Looking at Tianmen Mountain, Li Baiyin in Tang Dynasty and Su Shi in Song Dynasty
When the gate of heaven breaks off, the Chu River opens, and the clear water flows eastward to this point
The green hills on both sides of the Strait are opposite each other, and a single sail is coming from the sun
Grade 3 Volume 2
Chanting willows in Tang Dynasty, he Zhizhang in spring, Song Dynasty and Zhu Xi
Jade makeup into a tree height, 10000 hanging green silk tapestry. SHENGRI search Fangsi waterfront, boundless scenery is new
I don't know who cut the fine leaves, spring breeze in February is like scissors
Qi Qiao Lin Jie Chang'e Li Shangyin
Tanabata night to see the blue sky, morning glory Weaver across the river bridge. Mica screen candle shadow deep, the river gradually fall, the stars sink
Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, blue sea, blue sky and night heart
Grade four volume I
On Song Sushi's tour of mountain and West Village of Song Dynasty
Horizontal view of the mountain side into a peak, far and near the height of different
Do not know the true face of Lushan, only because of the mountain in this mountain
The Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran to Guangling of Tang Dynasty Li Bai sends to Anxi Tang Wang Wei, the second envoy of Yuan Dynasty
The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March
I advise you to make a glass of wine more, leaving Yangguan in the west without old friends
Grade 4 Volume 2
Sitting alone in Jingting mountain
All the birds are flying high, and the clouds are alone. The lake is bright and the moon is shining, and there is no wind on the surface of the lake
Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate
Reminiscence of the Southern Tang Dynasty
The south of the Yangtze River is good and the scenery is old. At sunrise, the flowers in the river are red, the egrets fly in front of the Xisai mountain, and the mandarin fish are fat
In spring, the river is as green as blue. Can you remember the south of the Yangtze River
The countryside in April Song Dynasty, Weng Juan in the fourth time, the countryside was mixed and flourishing, and Fan Chengda was in Song Dynasty
Green mountains, the original white man Chuan, Zi Gui sound rain like smoke
In April, there were few idle people in the countryside. When they got to sericulture, they planted their fields
Grade 5 Volume 1
Wang Anshi of Song Dynasty
There are only a few mountains between Zhongshan and Guazhou in Jingkou
Spring breeze and green river south bank, when will the moon shine on me
Everlasting longing for each other
Mountain a way, water a way, the body to Yuguan that bank line, deep in the night, a thousand curtain lamp. Wind one more, snow one more, noisy broken Township dream, hometown has no such sound
Grade 5 Volume 2
Lu Yanzhou, a shepherd boy, passes Yang Wanli, an Rensong
Grass Shop Hengye six or seven miles, flute Lane night wind three or four
When I come back home, I don't take off my coir raincoat and lie on the moon
Yu è village house
The eaves is low and the grass is green on the stream. Wu Yin in Zui Li is beautiful. Who has white hair? Da'er hoes beans in the East, and Zhong'er is weaving chicken cages. He likes children's scoundrels best, and the head of the stream lies and peels lotus pods
Sixth grade volume I
Book of songs · Caiwei (excerpt)
I used to go, willow Yiyi. Now I think, rain and snow
Tang Du Fu
Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening
Wild path cloud all black, river boat fire alone. Dawn see red wet place, flower heavy Jinguan city
Xinqiji in Song Dynasty
Don't startle Magpie in the bright moon, cicada in the middle of the night in the breeze
Seven or eight stars away, two or three o'clock before the rain mountain
Tianjingsha, Qiuyuan Baipu
Lonely village sunset, smoke old trees, crows, a little fly under the shadow. Green mountains and green water, white grass, red leaves and yellow flowers
Grade 6 Volume 2
Wang Anshi, Yuan Dynasty and Song Dynasty
Firecrackers in the sound of a year, spring breeze sent warm Tu su
On the night of August 15 in Tianzhu temple, Guizi Tang, PI Rixiu
Jade Shanshan under the moon wheel, found in front of the palace Lu Huaxin
Seven step poem Three Kingdoms. Wei Cao Zhi
Boiled beans hold for soup, percolating Shu for juice. Osmunda burning under the kettle, beans in the kettle crying. This is from the same root, why fried too quickly?
Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty
People leisure osmanthus fall, night quiet spring mountain sky
Wang Changling of Tang and Five Dynasties
Cold rain into the River night into Wu, pingming see off Chu Shan Gu. Luoyang relatives and friends such as asked, a piece of ice in the Yuhu
Looking for flowers by the river
The flowers of Huang Si's family are full of strange flowers, and thousands of them are on the low side
Lime chants wisdom in Yu Qian
Thousands of hammers and thousands of hammers have dug out deep mountains and burned with fire
Zhu Shiqing Zheng Xie
The firm Green Mountain is not relaxed, the original root in the broken rock
It was reported that the officers and soldiers collected Du Fu from Henan and Hebei provinces
Outside the sword, I heard that I had gathered thistle in the north. I heard tears and tears all over my clothes. But I could see where my wife was worried. I was crazy about my poems and books. I had to indulge in wine when I was singing in the daytime. I would go back to my hometown with my youth
Gong Zizhen in Qing Dynasty
Kyushu angry rely on wind and thunder, thousands of horses are silent, research can be sad
Sushi, shasong, Huanxi
At the foot of the mountain, the blue bud is short, and the sand road between the pines is clean and there is no mud. The drizzle at dusk crows. Who knows that there is no less life? The water in front of the door can still go west! Stop singing yellow chicken with white hair
Bu operator. Send Bao Haoran to eastern Zhejiang, Song Dynasty, Wang Guan
The water is the eye wave horizontal, the mountain is the eyebrow peak gathers. Want to ask the pedestrian to go to where? The eyebrow eye Ying Ying place. Only then sends the spring to return, then sends the gentleman to return. If arrives in the south of the Yangtze River to catch up with the spring, ten million and the spring live
People's Education Curriculum Standard Edition
Volume 4:
1. Read the back
Willow green thousands of miles, spring wind warm thousands of homes
The yellow warbler sings the green willow, the purple swallow cuts the spring breeze
Spring wind dare to comb willows, night rain to run flowers
The spring breeze blows a thousand mountains green, and the South swallow returns to ten thousand households in spring
2. Reading and recording
The thunder was thundering and the rain was pouring down. The sun was shining brightly with the wind and fragrant black and white
Surrounded by mountains, the scenery is beautiful, the trees are luxuriant, the lake is green, and the places of interest are dimly lit
Drizzle night falls, the lights are shining, the lights are shining, the silver is shining
Gorgeous and colorful, fall from the sky, do everything possible
3. Read and recite
Flowers need help from leaves, people need help from others
you share rose get fun.
Sincerity can make a stone cry, but a real meaning can make a dead tree sprout
People who help others can get help from others
4. Solar term song
Spring rain startles spring clear Valley day, summer is full of awn, summer and summer are connected, autumn dew, autumn frost, winter snow, winter small cold
5. Read and recite
Knowledge is our wings that fly to the sky. Thinking can form a bridge to new knowledge
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. The future of science can only belong to the diligent and modest young generation
Volume 5:
1. Read back P32
Wisdom lies in learning, and genius lies in accumulation. (Lenin) nothing is difficult in the world, as long as one is willing to climb. (Mao Zedong)
Reading for the rise of China. (Zhou Enlai) books are the ladder of human progress. (Gorky)
Any achievement is the result of hard work. (Song Qingling)
2. Read and recite P49 Liweng Duyun
Sky to earth, rain to wind, land to sky. Mountain flowers to sea trees, red sun to sky
Autumn moon white, sunset red, water around the clouds. Fruit fall in the rain, grass and insects under the lamp
3. Read back p64
In the first month, spinach turns green; in February, the chives grow vigorously; in April, bamboo shoots grow after rain;
In May, cucumbers are sold on the street. In June, the gourd is bent like a bow. In July, eggplant heads face down, and in August, hot peppers are all red;
In September, persimmons are as red as fire; in October, turnips are weighed; in winter, cabbages are at home; in December, garlic seedlings are turning green
4. The Analects of Confucius (excerpt) p69
Review the old and know the new. If three people walk, there will be my teacher
Is it not true to learn and practice it? To know is to know, not to know is to know
5. Read back p98
The moon shines between the pines, and the clear spring and the stone flow upward. (Wang Wei) the river is green, the birds are white, and the mountains are blue and white. (Du Fu)
The warbler crows from thousands of miles, the green reflects the red, and the wine flag of the water village is in the wind. (Du Mu)
There is no way out after the heavy mountains and rivers, and there is another village with hidden willows and bright flowers. (Lu You)
There are many willows in the South and North, and plum blossoms are everywhere in front of and behind the mountains. (Wang Anshi)
6. Read back p114
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A hundred feet is a step further. Hearing is a void, seeing is believing. No one is perfect and gold is not red
7. Read and recite P131 Three Character Classic (excerpt)
At the beginning of man, nature is good. Nature is similar, habit is distant
Children do not learn, not appropriate. Young do not learn, what old
As a jade without chiseling will not become a useful object, a man without learning will not know the Way.
As a son of man, Fang Shaoshi. Relatives and friends, study etiquette
1. Read recitation (verse) P32
The trees are towering in the mountains, and the cuckoo is ringing in the mountains. (Wang Wei)
Jianliang village, Jiming Village
There are butterflies in flowers, dragonflies flying in the water. (Du Fu)
There are three or four spots of green moss on the pond, and one or two Orioles on the bottom of leaves. (Yan Shu)
2. Read back (proverb) P49
The rope breaks in the thin, and the ice breaks in the thin
Personally know the depth of the river, taste pear know sweet and sour
Don't look at the river as flat as a mirror, but look at the depth of the water
There is no pine in the flowerpot and no eagle in the birdcage
If you travel every day, you are not afraid of thousands of miles
3. Read back p55
If you don't work hard, you will feel sad when you are young
A day's plan is in the morning, a year's plan is in spring
Black hair does not know hard to learn early, white head side regret reading late
4. Read back (meteorology)

The accumulation of primary school Chinese and the classification of ancient poetry PEP primary school language each volume (12 volumes) language garden accumulation and ancient poetry classification Format: ancient poems, idioms, four character words, famous sayings, proverbs, allegorical sayings, etc. should be classified separately. After each division, three lines should be left blank If there is no author and Dynasty in the textbook, please add the source of the poem. The quotation in the text should also include the source and the author, and add the whole poem, especially unit 6 of the sixth part of the article. There are many lines in the second part of the article, If you refer to the website, please leave the website It's a little bit of a day? 2L, shrimp? 3l, only for textbooks, do not need to look for so much from extracurricular, and what I want is classification, accumulated over time? There are too few ancient poems 5L, if I rely on myself, why do I still use Baidu! Give the answer, if not, you can withdraw Happy new year to you, too~ 7L, eh I'd like to add: all the ancient poems and words of grade 6

At the beginning of the new year, I wish you good luck and 2 in a row, your mood is like spring in 4 seasons, your life is 5 colors, 6 colors, 7 colors, and occasionally 8:00 is a small fortune. Please accept my blessing of 10 hearts and 10 meanings. I wish you a happy New Year!

PEP primary school Chinese ancient poetry Volume 1-12 complete

[grade one of primary school]
The first volume: Li Bai
In the Quiet Night
Li Bai
The bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground
The second volume: Meng Haoran in spring dawn, Gaoding in village dwelling, Yuan Mei in seeing, Yang Wanli in Xiaochi
Chunxiao (Meng Haoran)
Spring sleep not aware of the dawn, everywhere heard birds. Night to the sound of wind and rain, flowers fall to know how much
Village house Gaoding
The grass grows and the Orioles fly in February, and the willows are blowing along the embankment
See Yuan Mei
Shepherd boy riding cattle, singing vibration Lin Yue. Want to catch cicada, suddenly shut up
Yang Wanli in Xiaochi
Spring silent, cherish the stream, tree shade light water, love Qingrou. Xiaohe only exposed sharp corners, dragonflies standing on
[grade two of primary school]
Volume I: to Liu Jingwen, Su Shi, Du Mu, he Zhizhang, and Li Bai
To Liu Jingwen and Su Shi
The lotus is no longer covered with rain, chrysanthemum is still proud of frost branches
Du Mu in the mountains
Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is slanting, and there is a family in the place of Baiyun
He Zhizhang
Many years have passed since I left my hometown. Recently, I've lost my life
To Wang Lun and Li Bai
Li Bai would like to go on a boat, suddenly heard the sound of singing on the bank
The second volume: Grass by Bai Juyi, Suxin xugongdian by Yang Wanli, wanglushan waterfall by Li Bai, quatrains (two Orioles Singing green willows) Du Fu
Farewell to Bai Juyi
From the original grass, one year old is withered. The wildfire can not burn, and the spring breeze is born again.
Yuanfang invades the ancient road, Qingcui meets the desolate city, and sends Wang and sun to his hometown
Yang Wanli, xugongdian, Suxin City
The hedgerows are sparse and deep, and the flowers on the tree head are not shady. The children run after the yellow butterfly and fly into the cauliflower
Wanglushan waterfall Li Bai
Sunshine censer produces purple smoke, watching the waterfall hanging in front of the river
Du Fu's quatrains
Two orioles sing green willows, a row of egrets on the blue sky
Window with Xiling Qianqiu snow, door Park East Wu Wan Li ship
[grade 3 of primary school]
The first volume: ye Shaoweng, ye Shaoweng, Wang Wei, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Li Bai and Su Shi, respectively
Ye Shaoweng in night book
Xiao Xiao Wu leaves send the cold sound, the autumn wind on the river moves the guest sentiment
Memory of Shandong brother Wang Wei on September 9
Only in a foreign land for foreign visitors, every festival times think of relatives. Remote brothers climb the height, the insertion of Cornus, less than one person
Looking at Tianmen Mountain
The gate of heaven is interrupted by the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward here and back
Su Shi in Northern Song Dynasty
If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to make light and heavy makeup
Volume 2: he Zhizhang chanting willows, Zhu Xi in spring, Lin Jie in Qiqiao, and Li Shangyin in Chang'e
Praising the willow and greeting the governor
Jasper make up a tree height, ten thousand green silk tapestry. I do not know who cut the thin leaves? February spring wind is like scissors
Zhu Xi in spring
SHENGRI to find Fangsi waterfront, boundless scenery is new. So leisure to recognize the east wind, always spring
Qi Qiao Tang · Lin Jie
Tanabata tonight to see Bixiao, morning glory Weaver across the river bridge
Chang'e Li Shangyin
Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir. The sea and the sky are clear and the heart is night and night
[grade 4 of primary school]
The first volume: on the west forest wall by Su Shi, by Lu You, by Huang He Lou, by Meng Haoran's Guangling, by Li Bai, and by Wang Wei
On Su Shi in Xilin wall
Looking at the side of the mountain, the mountain is different in distance and height
You Shan Xi Cun Lu You
A new year in liuzu Village
Xiao and drum follow the spring society near, simple clothes and ancient style. From now on, if you are free to ride on the moon, always knock on the door with a stick
Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran to Guangling Li Bai
The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March
Send to Anxi Wangwei, the second envoy of Yuan Dynasty
Weicheng morning rain light dust, guest house green willow color new. Advise you more into a glass of wine, West out of Yangguan no old friend
The second volume: sitting alone in Jingting mountain by Li Bai, looking at Dongting by Liu Yuxi, recalling Jiangnan by Bai Juyi, rural April by Weng volume, Fan Chengda by four seasons, and Zhang Zhihe by fisherman
Li Bai sitting alone in Jingting mountain
Birds fly high, lonely clouds alone to leisure. Two not tired of looking at each other, only Jingting mountain
Wang Dongting Liu Yuxi
There is no green in Dongting mountain and a green snail in silver plate
Recalling Bai Juyi in Jiangnan
The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery is old. At sunrise, the flowers are red and the water is blue in spring?
Rural April scroll
Green mountains, white Manchuria, Zi Gui sound rain like smoke. Rural April idle few people, only sericulture and insert the field
In spring, Fan Chengda
The soil paste is ready to move, and the rain is frequent. The grass and flowers bloom at a rate
Zhang Zhihe, a fisherman
In front of the Xisai mountain, egrets fly, peach blossom and flowing water, mandarin fish fat, green reed hat, green raincoat, wind and drizzle do not need to return
[grade 5 of primary school]
Volume 1: everlasting longing for each other: Wang Anshi, the autumn thinking, Zhang Xiang, and the "Long Xiang Si" (Shan Cheng).
Wang Anshi in Guazhou
Between the waters of Guazhou in Jingkou, Zhongshan is only separated by several heavy mountains. The spring breeze and the South Bank of the green river, when will the moon shine on me
Miss Zhang Ji in autumn
Luoyang City to see the autumn wind, the writer's Book Meaning million heavy
Everlasting longing for each other
Mountain a way, water a way, the body to Yuguan that bank line, deep night thousand tent lamp
One more wind, one more snow, noisy broken rural dreams, home without this sound
The second volume: shepherd boy, Lu Yan, zhouguo Anren, Yang Wanli, qingpingle village dwelling (Maoyan low) Xin Qiji
Lu Yan, shepherd boy
The grass shop is six or seven miles across the field, and the flute is playing three or four nights in the evening
Boat across Anren (Song Dynasty)
One leaf fishing boat, two children, collect the pole, stop and sit in the boat
Xinqiji, village resident, Pingle, Qing Dynasty
The eaves of the grass is low and the grass is green on the stream?
Big son hoes bean Creek East, middle son is weaving chicken coop
Volume 12:
Divination operator
Chanting plum
Mao Zedong, December 1961
Wind and rain bring spring home, snow to meet the spring. It's a cliff with hundreds of feet of ice, and there are still flowers and branches. Qiao doesn't fight for spring, but only reports the spring. When the mountain flowers are blooming, she smiles in the cluster
Divination operator
Song Lu You
The bridge outside the post, lonely open no owner. It is dusk alone sad, more wind and rain. No intention to struggle for spring, a group of Fang envy. Scattered into mud mill for dust, only incense as before
Mao Zedong, summer of 1933
Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, who holds the color training to dance in the sky? After the rain, the setting sun returns, and the mountains are grey. In those years, the fierce battle was urgent, and the village wall in front of the cave was played. Decorate this Guanshan Mountain, which is more beautiful today
Song Luyou
When you die, you know everything is empty,
Sad but different
Wang Shi set the Central Plains day in the north,
The family sacrifice never forgets to sue naiweng
It is reported that the officers and soldiers take over Henan and Hebei
Tang Du Fu
Outside the sword, I suddenly heard the northern part of the thistle collection
But see the wife worry where, the book full of joy to mania
When you sing in the daytime, you should indulge in wine, and return home with youth
That is, from Baxia to Wuxia, Xiangyang to Luoyang
Long song
Sunflower in green garden, morning dew waiting for Sun Xi
Spring cloth de Ze, all things are brilliant
Often afraid of Autumn Festival, Kun Huang Hua leaves decline
When all rivers reach the sea in the East, when will they return to the west
If you don't work hard, you will feel sad when you are young
Out of the way
Wang Changling of Tang Dynasty
the moon of Qin shines yet over the passes of Han,
No one has returned from the long march
But the dragon city will fly in,
Don't teach Hu Ma Du Yin Mountain
Seven step poem
Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms
Boil beans as a soup, percolate for juice,
Osmunda in the kettle, beans in the kettle crying
This is from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other?

All the ancient poems of Beijing Normal University What volume should I write

There are four or five families in Yancun. There are 67 pavilions and 80-90 flowers. The song of geese is a song of geese, geese, geese. The white hairs float in the green water, and the red palms dial the clear waves. The spring dawn sleeps in spring and hears the birds singing everywhere. The sound of wind and rain at night makes the flowers fall

All ancient poems of Grades 1-6 There are also poems

Chinese volume 1:
Luo Binwang of Tang Dynasty
Geese, geese, geese,
Song to the sky
White hair floats green water,
The red palm stirs the clear wave
Be merciful to agriculture
Li Shen of Tang Dynasty
Hoe standing grain gradually pawning a midday,
Sweat drips under the grass
Who knows about Chinese food,
Hard work is a grain
In the Quiet Night
Tang Li Bai
abed, I see a silver light,
It is the frost on the ground
look at the bright moon,
Bow your head and think of your hometown
Chinese volume 2:
Tang Bai Juyi
From the lush grass on the plains,
In one year, withers and thrives once each year.
The wildfire will not burn out,
Spring breeze blows again
spring morning
Tang Meng Haoran
Sleep in spring,
Birds are heard everywhere
The sound of wind and rain at night,
How many flowers fall
Gu Lang's trip to the moon
Tang Li Bai
I don't know the moon,
It is called white jade plate
I doubt the mirror of Yaotai,
The clouds are flying
Climbing stork tower
The emperor of Tang Dynasty
The sun is near the mountain,
The Yellow River flows into the sea
I want to be poor,
Go one step further
Seeking out Hermit without success
Tangjia Island
beneath the pine I asked the boy,
he said master's out collecting herbs.
just somewhere in this mountain here,
but deep clouds set me wondering where.
Chinese volume 3:
Helping farmers (2)
Li Shen of Tang Dynasty
A millet is planted in spring,
Harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn
There is no leisure field in all directions,
The farmer was still starving to death
Sericulture woman
Song Zhangyu
Entered the city yesterday,
Come back with tears
All over the world,
Not a silkworm breeder
Yesu mountain temple
Tang Li Bai
The dangerous building is a hundred feet high,
Hands can pick stars
I dare not speak aloud,
I fear to frighten the people in the sky
River Snow
Liu Zongyuan of Tang Dynasty
Thousands of birds fly away,
Thousands of paths are gone
A lone boat with a bamboo hat,
Fishing alone in the cold river snow
Plum blossom
Wang Anshi of Song Dynasty
A few plum trees in the corner,
Ling Han drives alone
It's not snow,
Only faint fragrance comes
Language Volume 4:
Small pool
Song Yang Wanli
The spring is silent, and the stream is cherished,
The green shade shines on the water and loves the fine and soft
Small lotus just shows its sharp point,
Dragonflies have been on their heads
Chanting willows
Tang He Zhizhang
A tree is made of Jasper,
Ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down
I don't know who cut the green leaves,
The spring breeze in February is like scissors
Qing Gaoding
The grass grows and the Orioles fly in February,
The willows are blowing in the spring
Children return early from school,
Take advantage of the east wind to set off the kite
Chinese volume 5:
Looking for flowers by the river
Tang Du Fu
Huang Si's family is full of flowers,
Thousands and thousands of low pressure branches
Liulian plays butterflies and dances all the time,
The eagle of freedom crows
Yuan Zhen of Tang Dynasty
Autumn cluster around the house, like the pottery,
All around the edge of the worm gradually inclined
It's not that flowers prefer chrysanthemum,
This flower has no flower at all
Mount Feilai
Wang Anshi of Song Dynasty
Flying to the mountain to search for a thousand pagodas,
I heard the crow of the chickens and saw the sun rise
I don't fear the clouds covering my eyes,
From the body in the highest peak
Tang Wang Wei
There are no people in the empty mountains,
But the sound of voices
Return to the scene and enter the deep forest,
On the moss
Fishermen on the river
Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty
People traveling on the river,
But I love bass
You look at a boat,
In the storm
Host of Furong mountain
Liu Changqing of Tang Dynasty
At dusk, the mountains are far away,
It is cold and the house is poor
Chaimen hears dogs barking,
Return home at night of wind and rain
first day of first lunar month
Wang Anshi
In the sound of firecrackers, one year goes by,
Spring breeze brings warmth into Tu su
Thousands of families are in the pupil day,
Always replace new peaches with old ones
Chinese volume 6:
The countryside flourished in the four seasons
Fan Dacheng
In the daytime and at night,
The children of the village are in charge
The children and grandchildren did not understand the cultivation and weaving,
Also learn to grow melon by mulberry shade
Children's fishing
Tang Huling
The young people of pengtou learn to hang Lun,
Sit on the side of the body with raspberry and Carex
A passer-by beckons at a distance,
Fear of a fish startles no man
In the middle of Sanqu Road
Song Zengji
When the plum is yellow, the sun is shining,
The stream runs out but the mountain runs
Green shade does not reduce the road,
Add four or five Orioles
Sitting alone in Jingting mountain
Tang Li Bai
All the birds are flying high,
Lonely clouds go to leisure alone
I'm not tired of seeing each other,
Only Jingting mountain
Stay in Dejiang
Tang Meng Haoran
Moving boats to moor Yanzhu,
As the sun goes down, the guest worries
The wild sky and low trees,
Jiang Qingyue is close to people
What you see in the boat night book
Check carefully
See the fishing lantern in the dark of the moon,
A little firefly glows alone
Gentle wind and waves,
Scattered as a river star
Send yuan Er to Anxi
Tang Wang Wei
The rain and dust of Weicheng,
The guest house is green and willow is new
I'd like you to have a glass of wine,
There is no old friend out of Yangguan in the West
Chinese volume 7:
Tang Du Fu
Two Orioles are singing green willows,
A line of egrets ascended the sky
The window contains the autumn snow in Xiling,
Menpo Dongwu Wanli ship
Early departure of Baidi City
Tang Li Bai
During the reign of emperor Bai,
A thousand miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day
The sound of apes on both sides of the Strait is endless,
The canoe has passed ten thousand mountains
Chuzhou Xijian
Tang Wei Yingwu
I'm alone in the grass stream,
There are Orioles above, deep trees singing
The spring tide brings rain, and it comes late,
There is no boat crossing the river
Wanglushan waterfall
Tang Li Bai
The incense burner in Rizhao produces purple smoke,
The waterfall hangs in front of the river
Flying down three thousand feet,
It is suspected that the Milky way has set nine days
Tang Du Mu
Far up the mountain, the stone path is oblique,
Bai Yunsheng has a family
Stop and sit in the Maple Grove at night,
Frost leaves are redder than February flowers
Memory of Shandong brothers on September 9
Tang Wang Wei
I'm a stranger in a foreign land,
I miss my family more often on holidays
From afar we know where our brothers are climbing,
There is one less person in every Cornus
Song xinqiji
The thatched eaves are low and small,
The stream is green with grass
The sound of Wu in Zui Li is beautiful,
Who has white hair
Da'er hoes the east of Douxi,
Zhonger is weaving chicken cages
I like children's scoundrels best,
At the head of the stream lies the lotus
Chinese volume 8:
Late view of huichong Spring River
Sushi of Song Dynasty
There are three or two branches of peach blossom,
Spring River warm duck prophet
The buds of Artemisia selengensis are short,
It's time for puffer fish to go up
Jiang nanchun
Tang Du Mu
A thousand miles of orioles sing green and red,
Water village shanguo wine flag wind
The 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties,
How many buildings in the rain
The countryside flourished in the four seasons
Song Fan Chengda
Plum Golden Apricot fertilizer,
Wheat and cauliflower are rare
The day is long and the fence is falling,
Only dragonflies and nymphs fly
Like a dream
Song Li Qingzhao
I often remember the dusk of the brook Pavilion,
Intoxicated, I don't know where to go
Return to the boat at night,
Into the lotus root by mistake
Fight for the ferry,
Fight for the ferry,
A shoal of gull herons was aroused
To Wang Lun
Tang Li Bai
Li Bai wanted to go by boat,
Suddenly I heard the sound of singing on the bank
Taohuatan is a thousand feet deep,
Not as good as Wang Lun!
The Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran to Guangling
Tang Li Bai
The old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the West,
Fireworks go down to Yangzhou in March
The shadow of a solitary sail is far away and the sky is blue,
Only the Yangtze River flows across the sky
Return to hometown
Tang He Zhizhang
When I was young, I left home and I went back to the old,
There is no change in the local accent
We don't know each other,
Smile and ask where the guest comes from
Chinese volume 9:
Looking at Tianmen Mountain
Tang Li Bai
The gate of heaven was cut off and the Chu River was opened,
Green water flows eastward to this point
The green mountains on both sides of the Strait are opposite each other,
A solitary sail comes by the sun
On the wall of Xilin
Sushi of Song Dynasty
Horizontal as a ridge side into a peak.
The distance is different
I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain,
It's only in this mountain
What you see in the night book
Ye Shaoweng of Song Dynasty
Xiao Xiao Wu leaves send the cold sound,
The autumn wind on the river moves the guests
I know that some children pick and promote weaving,
A light fell on the fence at night
To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge
Zhang Ji of Tang Dynasty
At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky,
Jiangfeng fishing fire to worry sleep
Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City,
In the middle of the night the bell struck the passenger ship
Another Dong Da
Tang Gaoshi
Thousands of miles of yellow clouds in the daytime,
The north wind blows wild geese and snow in succession
Don't worry about your future without a confidant,
No one in the world knows no king
Singing in the twilight River
Tang Bai Juyi
A setting sun spreads water,
Half river is rustling and half river is red
On the third night of September,
The dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow
Forget the snow in Zhongnan
Tang zuyong
Zhongnan Yinling show,
Snow floats in the clouds
The forest shows the color of Ji,
The city grows colder at dusk
Chinese volume 10:
Recalling Jiangnan
Tang Bai Juyi
Jiangnan is good,
The scenery was once familiar with
When the sun rises, the flowers are red and the fire is better,
The river is as green as blue in spring
Can you not remember Jiangnan?
Fisherman's song
Zhang Zhihe of Tang Dynasty
Egrets fly in front of Xisai mountain,
Peach blossom water mandarin fish fat
Green bamboo hat,
Green coir raincoat,
There's no need to go back
It's not worth visiting the garden
Ye Shaoweng of Song Dynasty
We should feel pity for the green moss,
A small clasp of firewood leaves will not open for a long time
The garden is full of spring,
A branch of red apricot came out of the wall
Drinking on the lake
Sushi of Song Dynasty
When the water is shining and the sun is shining, it will be fine,
The mountains are misty and the rain is strange
To compare the West Lake to the West Lake,
Light and heavy make-up is always appropriate
Seeing Lin Zifang off at Jingci Temple
Song Yang Wanli
After all, the West Lake in June,
The scenery is not the same as the four seasons
The lotus leaves are boundless,
The lotus in the sun is so red
Everlasting longing for each other
Qing Nalan Xingde
A journey through the mountains,
A journey of water,
Pass to the Bank of elm
A thousand curtain lights are deep in the night
As soon as the wind changes,
As soon as it snows,
It's hard to break the country's dream
There is no such sound in my hometown
Xijiang moon
Yellow sand road at night
Song xinqiji
Don't be surprised by the bright moon,
The breeze calls cicadas in the middle of the night
In the fragrance of Daohua, there is a good year,
Listen to the frog
Seven or eight stars away,
Two or three o'clock before the rain mountain
At the edge of the forest in Maodian village,
The road turns to the stream and the bridge suddenly appears
Chinese volume 11:
Prunus mume
Yuan Wang Mian
My house washes the inkstone pond by the tree,
Flowers bloom with light ink marks
Don't boast about the color,
Only the pure air fills the universe
Bamboo and stone
Zheng Xie in Qing Dynasty
Hold on to the Castle Peak and never relax,
The root is in the broken rock
After thousands of grinding and thousands of strokes, we still have strength,
The wind is East, West, North and south
Lime chant
Ming Yu Qian
Thousands of hammers have dug deep mountains,
Fire burns like leisure
I'm not afraid to be broken,
We should keep innocence in the world
Berthing at Guazhou
Wang Anshi of Song Dynasty
One water room in Guazhou, Jingkou,
Zhongshan is only separated by several mountains
The spring breeze is green on the South Bank of the river,
When will the moon shine on me?
Wandering chant
Tang Mengjiao
The thread in the hands of a loving mother,
A loafer's coat
Close to the line,
Fear of tardy return
Who says the heart of grass,
The sun shines in the spring
Book of Jiangxi stoma wall
Song xinqiji
Yu gutai's Qingjiang River,
How many pedestrians in the middle shed tears
Chang'an in the northwest,
Pity countless mountains
The green hills can't cover them,
After all, it flows eastward
Jiang Wanzheng is worried about his surplus,
The mountain is full of partridges
Chinese volume 12:
Divination operator
Chanting plum
Mao Zedong, December 1961
Wind and rain send spring home,
The snow ushers in spring
It's a cliff full of ice,
There are still flowers
The beauty of beauty does not compete for spring,
Spring is the only report
When the mountain flowers are blooming,
She was laughing in the bush
Divination operator
Chanting plum
Song Luyou
By the bridge outside the post,
There is no owner when he is lonely
It's Dusk alone,
More wind and rain
I have no intention of fighting for spring,
A woman is envious
Scattered into mud and ground into dust,
Only fragrance is as old as before
Mao Zedong, summer of 1933
Red orange yellow green blue purple,
Who is dancing in the sky with colorful exercises?
The sun set after the rain,
The mountains are grey
In those days, the battle was fierce,
The village wall in front of the bullet hole
Decorate this mountain pass,
Today is more beautiful
Song Luyou
When you die, you know everything is empty,
Sad but different
Wang Shi set the Central Plains day in the north,
The family sacrifice never forgets to sue naiweng
It is reported that the officers and soldiers take over Henan and Hebei
Tang Du Fu
Outside the sword, it was suddenly spread that the thistle was gathered to the north,
At first I heard tears in my clothes
But I see where my wife is worried,
Books and poems are full of joy
When you sing in the daytime, you should indulge in wine,
Youth is a good companion to return home
From Baxia to Wuxia,
He went down to Xiangyang to Luoyang
Long song
Sunflower in Qingqing Garden,
The morning dew waits for the sun
Boudeze in Yangchun,
All things shine
Often afraid of Autumn Festival,
The leaves of Kun Huanghua wither
From the east to the sea,
When will you return to the west
Young people don't work hard,
The old man is sad
Out of the way
Wang Changling of Tang Dynasty
the moon of Qin shines yet over the passes of Han,
No one has returned from the long march
But the dragon city will fly in,
Don't teach Hu Ma Du Yin Mountain
Seven step poem
Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms
Boil beans for soup,
It's sauce,
Under the cauldron,
The beans were weeping in the kettle
This is from the same root,
Why stir fry?

Ancient spring Poems

Ancient poems about spring:
Spring dawn
Meng Haoran
Spring sleep not aware of dawn, everywhere heard the birds
When the wind and rain come at night, how many flowers fall
"Chanting willows"
He Zhizhang
Jasper make up a tree height, 10000 hanging green silk ribbon
I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors
Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night
Du Fu
Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening
Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently
Wild path cloud all black, river boat fire alone bright
When it is dawn, the damp soil will be covered with red petals, and there will be countless colorful flowers in the streets and alleys.
Peach blossom in Dalin Temple
Bai Juyi
In April, the peach blossom in mountain temple is in full bloom
I don't know where to turn to
Spring trip to Qiantang Lake
Bai Juyi
JIACHU temple, the foot of the mountain, stands alone in the West
Several early warblers fight for warm trees, whose new swallows peck the spring mud
Flowers gradually want to charm the eye, shallow grass can not horseshoe
Love Lake eastbound lack of green trees in the white sand embankment

Ancient poems describing spring!

"Spring Dawn" [Tang] Meng Haoran sleeps in spring, but he hears birds singing everywhere. The sound of wind and rain at night can tell how many flowers fall. He Zhizhang's Jasper is made up of a tree high, and thousands of green silk tapestries are hanging down. I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze is like scissors in February

The whole ancient poem about spring

Spring day
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Zhu Xi] genre: [seven Jue] category: [timing]
SHENGRI to find Fangsi waterfront, boundless scenery is new
When you know the east wind, you will always be in spring
Good spring
Age: [Tang] author: [heting] genre: [CI] category: []
Frequency leaves soft, apricot flowers bright, light painting boat
Double bath mandarin duck out of green Ting, singing
Spring water without wind and waves, spring half rain and half clear
Red and pink accompanied Nanpu evening, a few affectionate
Singing in spring
Time: Song Dynasty Author: Shao Yong genre: Category: [
A piece of spring is in front of you. You must recognize it before your eyes
Spring and autumn, winter and summer can not be tired, snow, moon, wind and flowers
If you can use real wealth for your career, you can't prevent other things from harming Xuan Yan
I was born lucky how many also, Ann has leisure worry to ear
Spring morning
Age: [Tang Dynasty] author: [Huangfu ran] genre: [
Grass all over Yingyang mountain, flowers bloom in Wuling water. Both spring and people are similar
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Yang Jian] genre: [
Day and day to see the mountains, mountains, white clouds huff and puff green micro
There is infinite joy in the light of Jingming, but it is hard to say
Song Dynasty Author: Shi Yannian genre: Category: [
One breath back to Yuan Yun, grace contains all things deep
The number of yin and Yang makes the heart
Letters come and go, unselfish from ancient to present
And wind left Chang, South into the smoked Qin
Spring chanting in wangziwen Garden
Song Dynasty Author: Dai Fugu genre: Category: [
State and county futile like close to the people, what does not matter to the people
Who knows that the guest of Fengyue platform is a man of silk Pavilion
Ten thousand wisps of green willow rain, a red broken Begonia spring
The garden is the master of scenery for the time being
Spring wine
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Chen Zhu] genre: [] category:]
It's a new day, so we'll meet each other
Garden trees look at the ancient, fish also chant spring
The mountain forest is so wine, the universe geometry person
Can laugh at the dust world, Xing Huai stone Jilun
Ding Chou's singing of spring
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Yang Jian] genre: [
Leaves and branches are goddaughters, red and white as a person
How to know less since ancient times, only to get a new sentence now
Both send birds to call frequency, and make the crane dance out of spirit
Will be a piece of paper, difficult to draw Cihu February spring
Ode to spring and Yu Xue in response to imperial edict
Time: Southern and Northern Dynasties Author: Yu Xin genre: Type: [
Send cold to open a small garden
Spring into the forest
The sliver turned willow
The fragrance moves the heart
Wait for flowers to make wine
Liu Xue intends to play the piano
Travel together with shame
Empty see deep favor
Chanting spring banner
Age: [Tang] author: [Wen Tingyun] genre: [five temperament] category: []
When you see the early plum blossom in the idle court, who planted the shadow of the flower
Dai Jun Si Jin Le, Buddhist voice sad mirror stage. Jade hairpin wind is uncertain, fragrant step alone wandering
Liu Chui Jin
Song Dynasty author Zhong Shu genre CI category
In the middle of spring, there is no smoking and warm weather. The remaining seven leaves are not covered by danpeng. Haiyue Linghui stores Qingyuan. He falls to Feixiong, Yunfu Hengdan. Baowu Xiangning is not recommended by Jinyan. Yongsuan Jinzun is full of wine for thousands of years. Zhu Yan and the mayor meet each other
Five pieces of spring idyllic
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Chen Xisheng] genre: [
Pastoral and in the half spring, spring care about the night sleepless
To protect the seedling bed must hold water, plant vegetable garden more dike
Qingnanzi grain township wind old, cuiruo Lingya society rain
Independent setting sun infinite meaning, a sound hair Valley Wild bridge side
Fisherman's song
Age: [Tang] author: [Li Zhen] genre: [CI] category: []
The mountains of Chu are green, the water of Hunan is lush, and the spring breeze is Dandang. The grass is Qianqian and the flowers are in clusters,
Fishing boats sing songs together
The letter is up and down, and there is no control over it. The moon returns to the bay. The wine is full of respect, and the clouds are all over the house,
There is no human honor or disgrace
In autumn, in Xiaoxiang night, the scenery of Orange Island is like a screen painting,
Let's start with the boat
Water is the home, the tent is the house, fish soup, rice and rice are often eaten,
Fame and wealth do not concern the mind
Willow weeping silk, flowers full of trees, warblers singing Chu bank, spring evening. Boat, out of the deep pool,
Sing slowly and go home
Far away, far away from the village,
A line of sand herons was aroused
Jiuyi mountain, Sanxiang River, autumn wind in the season of reed blossom,
Moon wear cloud game
You can play a clear piano, pour out other ants, and you can enjoy yourself in a boat,
It's not about waking up and getting drunk
Spring day happens
Age: [Song Dynasty] author: [Cheng Hao] genre: [seven Jue] category: [timing]
Light clouds and light wind pass through the afternoon, and the flowers and willows cross QianChuan
When people do not know Yu Xinyue, it will be called idle learning youth
Climbing the city in spring
Song Dynasty author Zheng Sixiao genre: Qijue category
Birds crow at the head of the city, and the people outside the city walk by the water
Remote recognition of where to sail, Liu Tang smoke weight is not clear
Feel the wind and rain in spring
Age: [Ming] author: [Chen Zilong] genre: [CI] category: []
Full of youth, the east wind is used to blowing red
Several times of smoke, only flowers difficult to protect
In my dream, I Miss Wang sun Lu of my hometown,
Spring has no owner! Cuckoo crows, tears dye Rouge rain

Sentences describing the scenery of the park ji!11

Spring sunshine is particularly beautiful, spring girl opened a smile, the sun's red beam came, gently stroked you, like a young mother's hand. With the spring girl's brisk pace, the green grass, secretly out of the soil, tender, green. In the park, everywhere you can see these tenacious Grass

Poems about spring, poems about homesickness Poems about spring, poems about homesickness, poems about farewell, poems about autumn Title: Author: You want something unusual I'm not only interested in one aspect of poetry, please see the above supplement

1. When you return to the sun, it is my concubine who is heartbroken. Why should we enter the curtain when the spring breeze doesn't know each other? 2