Scenery poems, farewell poems, homesickness poems, chanting poems, poems about spring, poems about summer, autumn and winter, as long as the poem title, author, famous sentences It's better to have studied in the textbooks of grades one to six, two of each kind,

Scenery poems, farewell poems, homesickness poems, chanting poems, poems about spring, poems about summer, autumn and winter, as long as the poem title, author, famous sentences It's better to have studied in the textbooks of grades one to six, two of each kind,

Li Bai [wanglushan waterfall] sunshine censer gives birth to purple smoke, and looks at the waterfall hanging in front of the river from a distance. The flying stream goes down 3000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky way has fallen nine days

There are some poems about homesickness with "autumn"

-----Bu Xie
Lu North pedestrian must, Yunnan letter has not returned
If you don't sweep the flowers before the court, who will climb the willow outside
Sit for a long time to sell silver candle, worry more reduce jade face
Hanging heart autumn night moon, thousands of miles shine on the mountains
Song of Wu and autumn at midnight (Li Bai)
Chang'an a month, million households pounding sound
Autumn wind blowing, always Yuguan feeling
He riping, Hu Lu, good man, quit the expedition
Autumn wind
Author: Liu Yuxi
Where the autumn wind, Xiao Xiao send geese group
In the morning, the solitary guest hears it first

Give me a few verses describing the feeling of homesickness in autumn or homesickness

Memory of Shandong brothers on September 9
Wang Wei
I am a stranger in a foreign land, and I miss my relatives every holiday
Distant know brother ascends the high place, insert dogwood all over, less one person
lonesome and desolate mood
Lu You
Lust drives away thousands of fire oxen, a sand gull
As long as the day goes by, leisure is the only way to feel it
The anvil and pestle beat the moon in the deep lane, and the well Wu shakes down the hometown in autumn
If you want to relax your old eyes, you can get a hundred feet tower

Why are all poems describing autumn homesickness Who can tell me why the poems about homesickness are all about autumn?

There are many leaves in autumn
Falling leaves and returning to roots

Sentences describing spring

Spring comes, the snow and ice on the mountain melt, the flowers wake up, the grass sneaks out of the soil, the wild flowers all over the mountain smile, and the spring girl comes from the spring kingdom
Spring sister has quietly come to my side. The sun came out, the roadside grass is more vibrant. They are no longer dry yellow, but gradually become a faint green. The road is no longer cold, but gradually began to warm
Small flowers open, this is the eyes of spring. Willow sprouts, this is the note of spring. The water in the stream is rushing, this is the song of spring
Spring comes like this. Ha ha, ha ha! The winter jasmine opens its goose yellow mouth. Ah, spring comes with a little tune! Brush, brush! The spring rain pulls the silk and silver thread. Ah, spring is spun by spinning girls! Quack, quack! Frogs are singing in the field. Ah, spring comes with a concert! Hum, hum! Bees shuttle among the flowers. Ah, spring is dancing
How charming the spring morning is! Get up and open the window, the whole world is thick fog, ring by ring around the building, bit by bit up to the faint waning moon, looks so gentle, like a mother's face, the air exudes the smell of soil, the fragrance of grass. The fog, all scattered, the dew rolling on the flowers, such as crystal pearls, shining gold in the sun, Rose to the sky, the breeze gently blowing on my cheek, like a mother's hand touching you, grass dancing in the wind gently, to show people their beautiful posture
Spring is coming. Spring girl comes to the world. At this time, little swallows fly from the south. Birds chirp, as if singing beautiful spring. Spring girl's pace is so light, it quietly comes to the field. The grass is green, the peach blossom is red, the rape flower is also open, golden. From a distance, the field is golden. Spring girl comes to the river, the water is clearer and warmer, The little fish swam happily
In March, spring girl, the painter, came again. She used her sleeves to brush off the cold air, and changed the earth into green clothes, which made the world look new again. Look! The whispering swallow flies back from the south, and the grass grows vigorously. It comes out of the ground, willows are green and the wheat seedlings are spreading. Ah! The arrival of spring makes all these changes. Everything is alive and the birds are happy, Their voices echoed in the valley of their hometown, and the stream also sang a clear song. All of this, all thanks to the spring girl. She dedicated to the people, but did not want to return, worthy of our study. I love spring
"Thousands of mountains of flowers and plants green, thousands of trees and apricot flowers fly", so spring girl came to the world. The moment she came, the earth was revived. The grass protruded from the land, the earth was like a "green blanket"; the flowers had flower bone buds, adding a lot of color to the "green blanket". Peach, apricot and pear trees also grew tender green branches, which were very beautiful

What are the poems about spring

Li Shangyin: the geese in Luzhou herald the spring. Liu minxu returns to his dream like spring water and wanders around his hometown. Sikong Tu keeps his evening makeup to pay homage to the moon, which makes spring more fragrant. Liu Yuan reports the plum and willows in spring, and the southern branches appear overnight

A poem about spring

Jinzhong window reminds you:
Moonlit night on Spring River_
Author: Zhang Ruoxu
Spring River tide even sea level, sea moon tide together

Five poems about hurting spring

When I feel the flowers splashing tears, I hate the birds. Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)
Sitting in a small window reading the book of changes, I don't know how long spring will go. Ye CAI
Under the sad bridge, the spring wave is green, and once upon a time it was startled to see the shadow. Two poems of Shen Yuan by Lu You (Song Dynasty)
It is expected that this spring will be full of joy, but it will still be in vain. Yang Wanli (Song Dynasty)
People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze

Poems about spring

The spring breeze in February is like scissors. The numerous branches are easy to fall, and the tender core opens carefully. The light rain in the sky is as soft as crisp, and the grass color is far away, but there is no one. The best advantage of a year's spring is that the tobacco willows are full of the imperial capital of Tang Hanyu

What are the famous poems about spring?

Liu Yuxi's new make-up should be under the Zhu Lou, deep lock Chunguang a courtyard sorrow. Line to the atrium to count flowers, dragonflies fly on the jade scratch head. Spring rain Li Shangyin lie in the spring, white clothes, white door, meaning more against. Red Mansions across the rain, cold, pearl leaf floating Deng alone. Spring Miss Li Bai do not know each other, why enter the Luo curtain? Spring resentment Liu Fangping lonely empty court, spring is late