What is the meaning of this classical Chinese sentence Male rabbit feet flutter Shuo, female rabbit eyes blurred, double rabbit side to walk, can an distinguish me male and female?

What is the meaning of this classical Chinese sentence Male rabbit feet flutter Shuo, female rabbit eyes blurred, double rabbit side to walk, can an distinguish me male and female?

The male rabbit scratched on the ground, and the female rabbit's eyes often narrowed. Who can tell the male from the female of the pair of rabbits jumping and running on the ground?
[appreciation] this is the last four sentences of the famous narrative poem Mulan poem. The author uses rabbit as a metaphor to praise Mulan's wisdom and talent. It means that male rabbit and female rabbit are usually easy to distinguish, but they can be identified when they run. Metaphor: in the tense years ahead of us, who can recognize me as male or female? This metaphor is not only profound, but also vivid, lively and interesting, It can stand people's repeated chewing and appreciation. The idiom "puzzling" originates from this
[the original work] see "the cold light shines on the iron clothes."

What is the meaning of ancient Chinese? What's the meaning of the dissipation of family planning? Please tell me more about it

Consumption means consumption. Dispersion can be understood as dispersion. Levy is of course levied. Family planning is generally considered to be the living materials of the family, which is equivalent to that. Together, it can be said that the household living materials are gradually consumed and dispersed due to the (government) levy

Classical understanding sentences in ancient Chinese

The time of a year is in the spring, and the day is in the morning. - - Xiao Yi's yearning for easy learning is hard to achieve. An inch of time can't be taken lightly. - - Zhu Xi's time gives honor to the diligent and Disgraces to the lazy man. - - Gao Shiqi's time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always some

The meaning of "I" in classical Chinese If you get the right answer, you have to make another plan

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Cao, Xiaosheng, villain, Xiaoke, Xiaoer, Yu, Yu, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I

Beautiful sentences about love Simple like a person always has to take a strange road, see strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you have tried hard to forget are really forgotten More sentences

1. I am singing a monologue on the stage of Nuo da. I want to translate our love with my heart, but I am wrong Love needs two people
2. Many people yearn for the crystal like love, which is crystal clear without any defect. What more people have is glass like love, which is also transparent but easy to break
3. The subtle pain in the sunshine, the fleeting time touched the sadness, cut the beautiful face of that year. Time halo dyed loneliness, took away the once pure smile
4. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. The tiles in the ruins are engraved with vivid memories. Now they are pasted on the ground quietly. Even though I have been careful to keep walking quiet, I will eventually find that I am just a person exiled by memory
When I cry, you are crying. I think you are not lonely. When I smile, you are still in tears. You are lonelier than me
6. When the flower of Solomon blooms till the morning light fades away. When Eve's skirt is stained with the fragrance of poppy. When the harp string cuts the throat of the blue whale, I believe that all these things are finally settled

Aesthetic ancient poems about love Similar to the green reeds, White Dew for frost, the so-called Iraqi people, in the water side like this,

If I don't go, I'd rather not come. If I don't go, I'd rather not come. I'd like to meet you in the city gate. If I don't go, I'd better not come. If I don't go, I'd better not come. If I don't see you in March, I'd like to be in the corner of the city

Seeking aesthetic sentences in ancient poetry

1: If life is just like the first sight, what is the west wind sad painting fan. 2: straight way Acacia has no intention, does not harm melancholy is pure crazy. 3: knew so to trip people's hearts, how is it like the original did not know. 4: always deep love, how shallow fate. 5: the day is not old, love is hard to break, the heart is like double screen, there are thousands of knots. 6: there is love in the world, this hate is not related to the wind and the moon

Seeking some sentences describing jade in Ancient Poems Ask for some sentences describing or praising jade in ancient poems thank you

Grape wine luminous cup this is the jade cup
If you want to drink pipa
The body of green bamboo is bibotan, and the dripping dew is exquisite and transparent. It is unique in jade quality. When you meet with noble and clean fate, you can find it
A good jade is carved in a false way, but a good poem is worth reciting
Poems are like jade, and there are not enough thanks
Jade sound noble and pure, jade love pure
The same is true of poetry, which should be done in time
Distinguishing jade from stone, poetry from case
The style of the poet is solid, and the article has a positive vein
A close look at jade Xuan Yin, a good life of painstaking
Carved and carved, pieces of jade million gold
Chinese literature is the reflection of Chinese ancient and modern social life, and also an important part of Chinese ancient and modern culture. As jade culture is the cornerstone of Chinese civilization, and jade culture must be reflected in Chinese culture and Chinese literature, which is a logical fact, The birth of literary works is much later than that of jade culture
The book of songs, the first collection of poetry in China, contains 305 poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the spring and Autumn period. Among them, there are many famous poems related to jade, such as "know the son's coming, wear miscellaneous ornaments (Fig. 1) as a gift." (Zheng Feng's daughter says Jiming) its meaning is: I know you come to comfort me and give you the jade made of several kinds of jade, Sweetheart, "Qin Feng Xiao Rong" means: to think of my sweetheart, courtly and gentle is like beautiful jade. Qu Yuan's nine chapter "river crossing": "climbing Kunlun to eat jade Ying, sharing the same life with the heaven and earth, and the same with the sun and the moon." this sentence is: "climb the Kunlun Mountains to taste the jade essence, and it can live as long as the heaven and earth, like the sun and moon. In Han Fu, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu and Ming and Qing Dynasty Novels, there are many sentences or titles with the word "jade", and there are also themes and plots related to jade. The Song Dynasty version of "grinding jade Guanyin", which describes the jade workers' grinding and their unfortunate love experiences, has a more direct relationship with jade, A dream of Red Mansions, a famous novel of the Qing Dynasty, is closely related to jade and jade culture. From the story of the stone to the dream of the red chamber, to Nuwa's stone mending stone, Tongling Baoyu, the root of life, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu Until the tragic ending of the book, all kinds of ideas of jade culture run through
In a word, just as the old saying goes, "there is beauty in books like jade", jade and jade culture have a profound impact on Chinese literature, which is also a major feature of Chinese literature

Ancient poems describing autumn Find more

"Autumn dusk in the mountains" [Tang] Wang Wei
After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late in autumn
Bamboo noise to huannu, lotus move under the fishing boat. Spring fragrance at will rest, Wang sun can stay
2. A view of the temple on Wu Gongtai in autumn
After the fall of the ancient platform, autumn into the heart of home
Setting sun still base, cold chime full of empty forest. Melancholy Southern Dynasties, Yangtze River alone today
3. Autumn night song [Tang Dynasty] Wang Wei
GUI soul was born in autumn dew, light Luo has not changed
Silver Zheng night long, eager to make, heart afraid, empty room can not bear to return
4. Autumn song at midnight
Chang'an a month, million households pounding sound
Autumn wind blowing, always Yuguan feeling
He riping, Hu Lu, good man, quit the expedition
5. Climbing Xuancheng in autumn and overlooking the North Tower
Jiangcheng picturesque, mountain dawn, clear sky. Rain clip mirror, double bridge falling rainbow
The Wutong cold tangerine pomelo, the old phoenix tree in autumn.
6. Staying in jiandejiang [Tang Dynasty] Meng Haoran
Moving the boat to moor the smoke Zhu, the evening guests worry about the new
7. Mount LAN in autumn to Zhang Wu [Tang Dynasty] Meng Haoran
In the white clouds of the north mountain, the hermit is happy from the beginning
Worry because of the dusk, Xing is the Qing autumn hair. See the village people, sand line ferry stop
The trees on the horizon are like shepherd's purse, and the riverside island is like the moon
8. Autumn evening [Tang Dynasty] Du Mu
Silver candle autumn light cold painting screen, light Luo fan fluttering fireflies
The sky step night is as cool as water. Sit and watch the morning glory and Vega
9. Climbing the heights [Tang Dynasty] Du Fu
When the wind blows, the ape howls and mourns, and the white sand birds fly back
Boundless falling trees, endless Yangtze River rolling
Thousands of miles sad autumn often visit, a hundred years of illness alone
Hard bitter hate frost temples, down the new stop turbid wine cup
10. Mid Autumn Moon [Song Dynasty] Su Shi
When the clouds are over the cold, the silver man turns the jade plate soundlessly
This life this night does not grow good, the moon next year where to see
11. Mid Autumn Moon [Tang Dynasty] Bai Juyi
Thousands of miles of pure light can not think, add sorrow benefit hate around the end of the world
Who did you leave for a long time?
Fall out of favor, so Ji home night, no fan old general upstairs
According to his several people's intestines broken, the Jade Rabbit Silver toad is far from knowing
12. Autumn view of Chang'an [Tang Dynasty] Du Mu
The building is leaning against the frost tree, and there is no mirror in the sky
Southern sky and autumn, momentum two high
13. In the Tang Dynasty, Liu Yuxi was quoted
Where is the autumn wind coming? Xiao Xiao sends the geese
In the morning, the solitary guest hears it first
14. Autumn CI [Tang Dynasty] Liu Yuxi
Since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely. I say autumn is better than spring
Clear sky a crane platoon cloud, then lead poem sentiment to bi Xiao
15. Autumn day Geng Wei
Back to the Lu Lane, who cares to speak?
Few people walk on the ancient road, and the autumn wind moves the corn
16. Autumn Thoughts [Tang Dynasty] Zhang Ji
Luoyang City to see the autumn wind, the author of the book idea million heavy
Fear again in a hurry to say, pedestrians and Kaifeng
17. Song of autumn night, a letter to Zhang Wu on Mount LAN in autumn [Tang Dynasty] Meng Haoran
In the white clouds of the north mountain, the hermit is happy. When we try to climb high, the heart flies and the birds die
Worry because of the dusk, Xing is the Qing autumn hair. See the village people, sand line ferry stop
If the tree on the horizon is shepherd's purse, the boat by the river is like the moon
18. Su Mu Zha [Song Dynasty] Fan Zhongyan
Blue sky, yellow leaves, autumn wave, wave on the cold smoke green
The mountain reflects the setting sun, the sky meets the water, and the fragrant grass is merciless
Dark country soul, pursue travel thought, night unless, good dream stay sleep
Moon tower high rest alone, wine into sorrow, into Acacia tears
19. "Fisherman's pride" [Song Dynasty] Fan Zhongyan
The scenery is different in autumn, and the geese in Hengyang have no attention
All around the corner the sound of the edge
Thousands of mountains, long smoke sunset, city closed
Turbid wine a cup of home thousands of miles, Yan Ran not back to no plan
The Qiang canal is long and frosty
The general's white hair makes his husband cry
20. Lu You in Song Dynasty
On the evening of July 16, climbing the happy pavilion and looking at the south mountain of Chang'an
When autumn comes to the corner of the border town, the sound of mourning, the beacon light on the high tower. The sad song and the building, with the high sprinkling of wine, this Xing leisurely!
Sentimental who is like the moon of Nanshan Mountain, specially open at dusk

Poems describing mountains and water in Ancient Poems

(Liu Zongyuan: snow in the river) 2. The Yellow River flows into the sea in the daytime. 3. When the mountain is at the top, the mountains are small. (Du Fu: looking at the mountains) 4. The mountains are broken and the trees are deep in spring. (Du Fu: looking at the spring) 5. The empty mountains are not seen, but people are heard. (Wang