Observe the number of each column below. Fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to certain rules, and explain your reasons. Two eighths, three sixteenth, thirty Observe the number of each column below, fill in the appropriate number on the line according to certain rules, and explain your reasons Two eighties, three sixteenth, four thirty-two, five sixties

Observe the number of each column below. Fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to certain rules, and explain your reasons. Two eighths, three sixteenth, thirty Observe the number of each column below, fill in the appropriate number on the line according to certain rules, and explain your reasons Two eighties, three sixteenth, four thirty-two, five sixties


Observe the number in the following column and fill in the appropriate number 3 / 1, - 15 / 2, 35 / 3, - 63 / 4 on the horizontal line according to the law

Denominator 1 - 2 3 - 4
Then 99 / 5 - 143 / 6

Observe the number in the following column and fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to a certain rule: one third, minus two fifths, three thirty-five, and minus sixty-three Observe the number in the following column and fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to certain rules One third, negative two fifths, three-quarters, and four-quarters Just write two more

Five out of 99, six out of 143

According to the law of the following numbers, fill in the appropriate numbers on the horizontal line: 1 / 3, - 2 / 15,3 / 35, - 4 / 63, 5 / 99

Then there's - 6 / 143, 7 / 195, - 8 / 255, 9 / 323 By analogy, the nth is the n ± 1 power of (- 1) times the square of N / 4 × n (n is greater than or equal to 1)

Observe the following group of numbers and fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to the rule: 1 / 3, - 2 / 35 / 3, - 4 / 63 What's the rule? Find a bit and add two numbers to it

The last two numbers are: 5 / 99, - 6 / 243
Rule: 1,3,5,. Are positive numbers. 2,4,6. Are negative numbers
The denominator is 2 times less than 1 times the number 2 times plus 1, that is: (2n-1) times (2n + 1)

Observe the following set of numbers. According to a certain rule, the proper number in the sky on the horizontal line is 1 / 3, - 2 / 15,3 / 35, - 6 / 63, - -------, 1 / 3, - 2 / 15,3 / 35, - 6 / 63, -- -, - -, - -, (and explain the law,) fast!

The sign is positive and negative, which is [(- 1) ^ (n + 1)]
The molecule is 1 + 2 + +(n-1)=n(n-1)/2.(n≥3)
The denominator is (2n-1) (2n + 1)

Observe the following data and fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to a certain rule: 1, - 3 4,5 9,-7 16, ___ , ___ .

According to the law of data analysis, it can be found that if 1 is equal to 11, the sequence number starts from 1 to N, and the numerator is 3-1 = 2, 5-3 = 2, 7-5 = 2, that is, the numerator of the last two terms is: 7 + 2 = 9, 9 + 2 = 11; for denominator: 12 = 1, 22 = 4, 32 = 9, 42 = 16, that is, the denominator is the square of each serial number

Observe the following data, according to a certain law, the appropriate number in the sky on the horizontal line: 1, - 3 / 4,5 / 9, - 7 / 16 Write the last two

[(- 1) to the (n-1) power] * (2n-1) / (nsquare)

Observe the following group of data and fill in the appropriate number on the horizontal line according to the rule: - 5, - 2,1,4____ 10 Why do you ask?

-5,-2,1,4____ Ten
The rule is that the last number is three times larger than the previous one
So the answer is 7

Observe the following data and fill in the appropriate number 1 minus 3 / 4 / 5 / 16 / 7 according to the rules
